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Minimum $k$ for which every positive integer of the interval $(kn, (k+1)n)$ is divisible by at least one prime number less than $n$

As a continuation of this question relating the Minimum $k$ for which every positive integer of the interval $(kn, (k+1)n)$ is composite and this other one on the divisibility of numbers in intervals ...
Juan Moreno's user avatar
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Divisibility of numbers in intervals of the form $[kn,(k+1)n]$ [duplicate]

I have checked that the following conjecture seems to be true: There exists no interval of the form $[kn, (k+1)n]$ where each of the integers of the interval is divisible by at least one of the ...
Juan Moreno's user avatar
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Conjecture: $\prod\limits_{k=0}^{n}\binom{2n}{k}$ is divisible by $\prod\limits_{k=0}^n\binom{2k}{k}$ only if $n=1,2,5$.

The diagram shows Pascal's triangle down to row $10$. I noticed that the product of the blue numbers is divisible by the product of the orange numbers. That is (including the bottom centre number $...
Dan's user avatar
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Is there any algorithm better than trial division to factor huge numbers?

Suppose , we want to find prime factors of a huge number $N$ , say $N=3^{3^{3^3}}+2$. We can assume that we can find easily $N\mod p$ for some positive integer $p$ (as it is the case in the example) , ...
Peter's user avatar
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How to get the smallest $n$ that $n^n$ is divisible by $m$.

I have to calculate an integer $n$ when an integer $m$ is given, that $n^n$ is divisible by $m$. And the thing is, $n$ is the smallest number that satisfies this condition. Please help me how can I ...
Coding Ninja's user avatar
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Given a partial prime factorization of $N$ consisting of all primes $p \leq \sqrt{N}$ that divide $N$, how do I find the rest of the factorization?

Given an integer $N$, let $P$ be the set of all primes less than or equal to $\sqrt{N}$ that divide $N$. Define $P_{prod}$ as $\prod_{p \in P} f_N(p)$ where $f_N(p) \gt 1$ is the largest power of $p$ ...
joseville's user avatar
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Non-squarefree numbers of the form $10^n + 1$

Consider numbers of the form $10^k + 1$. We can look at the prime factorisation of these numbers and note that the smallest such number that has a repeated prime factor is $10^{11} + 1 = 11^2\cdot{}23\...
David G's user avatar
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Subset of natural numbers with largest amount of divisors

Let $n, k \in \mathbb{N}$, with $k \le n$. Which $k$ natural numbers not greater than $n$ have the largest amount of divisors altogether? Formally, let $D(x)$ be the set of positive divisors of some $...
James Threshold's user avatar
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If $p$ can divide $a^n+b^n+c^n$ , can $p^k$ divide it as well?

Related to this Is there a method to decide whether a given function of the form $f(n)=a^n+b^n+c^n$ ($a,b,c$ fixed positive integers , $n$ running over the positive integers) satisfies the following ...
Peter's user avatar
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How do we get the number of prime divisors?

We have a natural square-free number $n$ such that $2^5\cdot 3^6\cdot 5^4\equiv 0 \pmod {\tau(n)}$. Which is the maximum number of different primes that can divide $n$ ? $$$$ We have that $\tau(n)$ is ...
Mary Star's user avatar
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Are there infinite many primes $\ p\ $ that cannot divide $\ 3^n+5^n+7^n\ $?

Let $\ M\ $ be the set of the prime numbers $\ p\ $ such that $\ p\nmid 3^n+5^n+7^n\ $ for every positive integer $\ n\ $ , in short the set of the prime numbers that cannot divide $\ 3^n+5^n+7^n\ $. ...
Peter's user avatar
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Is $\frac{3^n+5^n+7^n}{15}$ only prime if $n$ is prime?

Let $f(n)=3^n+5^n+7^n$ It is easy to show that $\ 15\mid f(n)\ $ if and only if $\ n\ $ is odd. I searched for prime numbers of the form $g(n):=\frac{3^n+5^n+7^n}{15}$ with odd $n$ and found the ...
Peter's user avatar
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How to understand special prime factorization method

Normally when we want to find the Prime Factorization of a number, we will keep dividing that number by the smallest prime number (2), until it can't be divided then we move on to the next prime ...
Hoang Minh Quang FX15045's user avatar
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Divisibility property involving binomial coefficients and largest prime power divisor [duplicate]

Let $p$ be a prime, let $x$ be an integer not divisible by $p$, and let $j\geq 1$. Denote, as usual, by $\nu=\nu_p(j+1)$ the largest exponent such that $p^{\nu}$ divides $j+1$. My question : is it ...
Ewan Delanoy's user avatar
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How many positive divisors of 7560 are coprime to 15?

I'm trying to find the amount of positive divisors of $7560$ that are coprime to $15$. I do know how to find the total number of positive divisors a number has but I am not sure how finding those who ...
Bilal Sheikh's user avatar
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Why for every range of N numbers, there are always approximately 0.392*N numbers which contains perfect squares as factors? [duplicate]

As to my current understanding, when simplifying radicands of roots what we are really doing is checking if this said number contains a perfect square number as a factor. Studying the distribution of ...
thecuriousironman's user avatar
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How many numbers are there such that its number of decimal digits equals to the number of its distinct prime factors?

Problem A positive integer is said to be balanced if the number of its decimal digits equals the number of its distinct prime factors. For instance, $15$ is balanced, while $49$ is not. How many ...
Oshawott's user avatar
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Let $n$ be a positive integer relatively prime with $10$. Prove that the digits of hundreds of $n^{20}$ is even. [closed]

Let $n$ be a positive integer relatively prime with $10$. Prove that the hundreds digit of $n^{20}$ is even. I know this has something to do with $\bmod 1000$, I'm just not sure how to write a proof ...
youalreadyknow's user avatar
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How to find the number of compound divisors of the smallest product from two unknown numbers?

The problem is as follows: The number of panadol pills at a pharmacy is a positive whole number that it has two prime divisors and 45 positive divisors. The number of tylenol pills at the same ...
Chris Steinbeck Bell's user avatar
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When is the number of Divisors of a Number equivalent to one of its Factors?

My math teacher asked me this problem for homework and I am unsure how to solve it. Which numbers contain a number of factors equivalent to the value of one of their divisors? I found that 8 works, ...
Danyu Bosa's user avatar
-1 votes
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Prove that $a|p+1$ if and only if ${\frac{a}{p} = \frac{1}{n} + \frac{1}{m} }$ such that $n,m \in N$ and $p$ is prime [duplicate]

Let $p$ be a prime and let $n$ be a natural number such that $n \gt a$ . Prove that $a|p+1$ if and only if exists integers $n,m$ Such that ${\frac{a}{p} = \frac{1}{n} + \frac{1}{m}}$
FcMegira's user avatar
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How to proof $a = \left\lfloor\frac{Log(N)}{Log(P)}\right\rfloor$ is the maximum exponent of prime P such that $P^a \le N$

I'm trying to solve Project Euler's Problem #5 which is: What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to N? I came across a solution here using prime ...
Hưng Trần Xuân's user avatar
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Divisibility proof through prime-factorization.

I have to show that the following expression: $$ \frac {1}{2} (3^{2^{n}}-1) $$ can be divided by $n-1$ different and odd prime numbers for every positive $n$ (I assume that $n \in \mathbb{N^*}$ ) So ...
Ozk's user avatar
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Is it possible to "massage" (via shear transformations) a parallelogram with integer-coordinate vertices into an axis-aligned rectangle?

(The problem is my original, unless there's prior art I'm unaware of.) Given a parallelogram whose vertices have all integer coordinates, you can give it a "massage". Each "move" ...
Szczepan Hołyszewski's user avatar
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Find the greatest number that will divide 43, 91 and 183 so as to leave the same remainder in each case.

I KNOW THIS IS SOLUTION BUT I DON'T KNOW WHY? We first find the difference of the numbers and then find the HCF of the got numbers. 183−91=92 183−43=140 91−43=48 Now find HCF of 92, 140 and 48, we get ...
Dead Man's Cave's user avatar
-2 votes
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Condition in Type of Prime Factors of Consecutive Integers

We define a odd-prime $p$ as $i$-type prime if $p \equiv - i \pmod q$ where $ 1 \leq i \leq q-1$ (see similar definition on page 24, CHAPTER 2, of the book "Summing It Up" by Avner Ash ...
Consider Non-Trivial Cases's user avatar
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The product of the ages of someone's children

Maria's children are all in school - and their ages are all whole numbers. If the school only takes children from $5$ up to $18$ years and the product of the children's ages is $60,060$ - how many ...
Rathal's user avatar
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On the diophantine equation $x^{m-1}(x+1)=y^{n-1}(y+1)$ with $x>y$, over integers greater or equal than two

I don't know if the following diophantine equation (problem) is in the literature. We consider the diophantine equation $$x^{m-1}(x+1)=y^{n-1}(y+1)\tag{1}$$ over integers $x\geq 2$ and $y\geq 2$ with $...
user759001's user avatar
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How many numbers between 1 and 1,000 (both inclusive) are divisible by at least one of the prime between 1 to 50? How can I find this? [closed]

I was trying to solve a compettive programming problem in which constraints are so high so I want to deduce a formula for it so that i could do it for other ranges as well.
Arun Jain's user avatar
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Proving that $k|(n^k-n)$ for prime $k$ [closed]

Prove that for any integer $n$,we have $(n^k)- n$ is divisible by $k$ for $k=3,5,7,11,13$ I tried using prime factorization but that does not work here
Siva Sp's user avatar
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Equations involving particular values of the Dedekind psi function and powers of the kernel function

In this post we denote the Dedekind psi function as $\psi(m)$ for integers $m\geq 1$. As reference I add the Wikipedia Dedekind psi function, and [1]. One has the definition $\psi(1)=1$, and that the ...
user759001's user avatar
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If a prime and its square both divide a number n, prove that $n=a^2 b^3$

Lets call a number $n$ a fortified number if $n>0$ and for every prime number $p$, if $p|n$ then $p^2|n$. Given a fortified number, prove that there exists $a,b$ such that $n=a^2b^3$. I know that ...
lemons25's user avatar
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$n \in \mathbb{N}$ has at least 73 two-digit divisors. Prove that one of the divisors is 60.

$n \in \mathbb{N}$ has at least 73 two-digit divisors. I have these questions: a) How can I prove that one of the two-digit divisors must be number 60? b) How can I find a natural number that has $\...
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Implications of representative of $p$-adic factor $g$ of $f$ dividing $f$ in $\mathbb{Z}[X]$

The problem is from this paper (click for pdf) by Mark van Hoeij. Let $f \in \mathbb{Z}[X]$ be monic and squarefree. Let $B$ be a Landau-Mignotte bound for $f$, i.e. for any rational factor $\phi$ ...
polynomial_donut's user avatar
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How many integers are there that are not divisible by any prime larger than 20 and not divisible by the square of any prime?

I tackled the problem in the following way but i'm not sure if i'm correct. I need the count of the numbers that have in their prime factorization only primes p such that $p \lt 20$ and those ...
Andrés Felipe Vargas Fontecha's user avatar
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Is brute force trial the only approach to find smallest k such that (840k + 3) is a multiple of 9?

The following is the answer approach given for the below problem in my old book. I am skeptical about the brute trial approach suggested (though k is found after 2 trials in this case). Is there a ...
Thokchom's user avatar
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Question about Zeta-distribution regarding divisibility by primes

For $s>1$ the Riemann Zeta-function is $$\zeta(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}n^{-s}$$ For a random variable $X$ with values in $\Bbb{N}$, its distribution is given by $$\Bbb{P}[X=n]=\frac{n^{-s}}{\zeta(s)...
B.Swan's user avatar
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Calculate all prime numbers $x$, where $x^{18} - 1$ is divisible by $28728$

Question: Calculate all prime numbers $x$, where $x^{18} - 1$ is divisible by $28728$ Apparently, the answer is all prime numbers except $2, 3, 7,$ and $19.$ I did some prime factorisation and found ...
Alexander B's user avatar
5 votes
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Find all $n$ such that $n/d(n) = p$, a prime, where $d(n)$ is the number of positive divisors of $n$

Let $d(n)$ denote the number of positive divisors of $n$. Find all $n$ such that $n/d(n) = p$, a prime. I tried this, but only I could get two solutions. I proceeded like this - Suppose $$n = p^r \...
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Find numbers with n-divisors in a given range

I'm trying to answer this question. Are there positive integers $\le200$ which have exactly 13 positive divisors? What about 14 divisors? If yes, write them. If no, explain why not. Because I'm ...
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Probability for composite $n$ to have prime factor $\geq \sqrt n$

Let $\operatorname{GPF}(n)$ denote the largest prime factor of $n\in\mathbb N_{>1}$. My computer tests for intervalls $[m,n]$, where $n<10,000,000$, suggests that the probability $\operatorname{...
Lehs's user avatar
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Determine the number of positive integers $a$ such that $a\mid 9!$ and gcd $(a, 3600)=180$.

Determine the number of positive integers $a$ such that $a\mid 9!$ and gcd $(a, 3600)=180$. What I know as of now is that $180\mid 9!$ and that $180\le a\le9!$. The prime factorization of 180 is $(...
hunnybuns's user avatar
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Checking if the Product of n Integers is Divisible by Prime N

Given $n$ integers, $x_1, ... , x_n$, is there some well-known procedure or algorithm that checks if the product $x_1 * ... * x_n$ is divisible by some arbitrary prime $N$ using minimal space? Since ...
user537534's user avatar
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Divisors of $\left(p^2+1\right)^2$ congruent to $1 \bmod p$, where $p$ is prime

Let $p>3$ be a prime number. How to prove that $\left(p^2+1\right)^2$ has no divisors congruent to $1 \bmod p$, except the trivial ones $1$, $p^2+1$, and $\left(p^2+1\right)^2$? When $p=3$, you ...
Ragnar23's user avatar
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Factorising a divisor of a product

In the ring of integers (or the monoid of natural numbers under multiplication), I believe that the following theorem holds: Lemma Set $m$, $a$, $b$. If $m | ab$ then there exist $u$, $v$ such that $...
Rupert Swarbrick's user avatar
9 votes
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Determining Whether the Number $11111$ is Prime. Used Divisibility Tests.

I am asked to determine whether the number $11111$ is prime. Upon using the divisibility tests for the numbers 1 to 11, I couldn't find anything that divides it, so I assumed that it is prime. However,...
The Pointer's user avatar
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fundamental theorem of arithmetic word problem [duplicate]

Hi here is the question I have in hand: There are $1000$ empty baskets lined up in a row. A monkey walks by, and puts a banana in each basket, because this is a word problem, and that is what a ...
1011011010010100011's user avatar
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Working with divisor function

So by Fundamental Arithmetic Theorem, any integer has a unique prime factorization into primes, written as: $$n=p_1^{k_1}p_2^{k_2}p_3^{k_3}...p_r^{k_r}$$ From exponents $k_1,...k_r$ it is possible to ...
1011011010010100011's user avatar
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Finishing the task to find the solutions of $\frac{1}{x}-\frac{1}{y}=\frac{1}{\varphi(xy)},$ where $\varphi(n)$ denotes the Euler's totient function

In this post I evoke a variant of the equations showed in section D28 A reciprocal diophantine equation from [1], using particular values of the Euler's totient function $\varphi(n)$. I ask it from a ...
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How to get all the factors of a number using its prime factorization?

For example, I have the number $420$. This can be broken down into its prime factorization of $$2^2 \times3^1\times5^1\times7^1 = 420 $$ Using $$\prod_{i=1}^r (a_r + 1)$$ where $a$ is the magnitude ...
Alex's user avatar
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