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Estimate the order of restricted number partitions

There are $k$ integers $m_l,1\leq l\leq k $(maybe negetive), satisfiying $|m_l|\leq M$ and $\sum_l m_l=s$. I want to get an order estimate of the number of solutions for $k, M$ when fixing $s$. I came ...
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Exercise I.0.9 from Tenenbaum's "Introduction to analytic and probabilistic number theory"

I'm trying to solve all the exercises from Tenenbaum's book but am unfortunately stuck on problem 9 of the very first ("tools") chapter. The problem is supposed to be an application of the ...
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Show that series converges by estimating number of partitions into distinct parts

I need some help with solving the following problem: Let $Q(n)$ be the number of partitions of $n$ into distinct parts. Show that $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{Q(n)}{2^n}$$ is convergent by estimating $Q(n)...
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Power series of the form $r \bmod q$

I am trying exercises of Apostol Introduction to analytic number theory and I am struck on this problem of chapter partitions on page 14. I am struck in part (b) as I have no idea on how to deal with ...
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Question 14.12 Tom Apostol Introduction to Analytic number theory

I am studying Ch -14 from Apostol's book and could not solve this particular problem. It's image: I am unable to Solve 12(a) (I have done (b) ). As q is prime, so (n, q) =1 or q| n and 11 (b) will be ...
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Deriving a partition identity from some given identities

I am trying questions from Apostol Introduction to ANT of Chapter partitions and need help in deducing this identity. Problem is question 6(a) which will use some information from 2 and 5(b). ...
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2 identities of Shanks from Apostol's Book

I am trying exercises of Ch-14 partitions from Tom Apostol Introduction to ANT and unable to Solve (a) part of Question 5. 5. If $x\ne 1$ let $Q_0(x)=1$ and for $n\ge 1$ define $$ Q_n(x) = \prod_{r=1}^...
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How analytic continuation allows for proof of these 2 theorems in theory of Partitions

Consider these 2 theorems in textbook apsotol introduction to analytic number theory. 1st is generating functions for partitions I have self studied text and need help in verifying the argument of ...
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2 questions related to generating function of partition function in number theory

I am self studying chapter partitions (chapter number-14) from Apostol Introduction to analytic number theory. I had studied that chapter earlier also and had questions but as I don't have anyone to ...
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Number of unordered factorizations of a non-square-free positive integer

I recently discovered that the number of multiplicative partitions of some integer $n$ with $i$ prime factors is given by the Bell number $B_i$, provided that $n$ is a square-free integer. So, is ...
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In how many ways can I express a positive integer as a sum of elements in a subset of $\mathbb Z^+$?

Let $S\subseteq \mathbb Z^+$ be set of positive integers. Given $n\in\mathbb Z^+$, how can I find the number of ways in which we can express $n$ as a sum of elements in $S$? ($S$ can be infinite.) $$ ...
Ma Joad's user avatar
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Doubt in partition function generated by reciprocal of generating function of p(n).

While studying chapter partitions from Apostol introduction to analytic number theory I have a doubt on page number 311 . Apostol defines inverse of partition function $\prod_{m=1}^{\infty} 1 - x^m $ ...
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Waring problem generalizations and theta-function

My question is twofold: Can the Waring problem be expressed with the Jacobi theta function or some analog (as is the case for $k=2$) for general $k$? Say for $k=4$ or $k=6$, are these able to be ...
alex sharma's user avatar
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Recurrence relation for partition function for pentagonal numbers.

I know the following theorems. Theorem 1 $:$ For $|x|<1$ we have $$\prod\limits_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac {1} {1-x^k} = 1 + \sum\limits_{k=1}^{\infty} p(k)x^k.$$ Theorem 2 $:$ For $|x|<1$ we have $...
math maniac.'s user avatar
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Clarification of the proof of Euler's identity regarding the generating function for partitions.

In reference to this question which I asked here couple of days back but didn't get any answer I am posting this question to clarify whether we can able to extend Euler's identity regarding the ...
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