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Questions tagged [hopf-algebras]

For questions about Hopf algebras and related concepts, such as quantum groups. The study of Hopf algebras spans many fields in mathematics including topology, algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory, Galois module theory, cohomology of groups, and formal groups and has wide-ranging connections to fields from theoretical physics to computer science.

192 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
21 votes
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Why is the Quasitriangular Hopf algebra called "Quasitriangular"?

The precise definition of a Quasitriangular Hopf algebra can be found on wikipedia. What is the reason behind the word "Quasitriangular"? Is it because the R-matrix is a triangular matrix, ...
yoyostein's user avatar
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19 votes
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Hopf-like monoid in $(\Bbb{Set}, \times)$

I am looking for a nontrivial example of the following: Let a monoid $A$ be given with unit $e$, and two of its distinguished disjoint submonoids $B_1$ and $B_2$ (s.t. $B_1\cap B_2=\{e\}$), endowed ...
Berci's user avatar
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14 votes
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Different notions of q-numbers

It seems that most of the literature dealing with q-analogs defines q-numbers according to $$[n]_q\equiv \frac{q^n-1}{q-1}.$$ Even Mathematica uses this definition: with the built-in function QGamma ...
André's user avatar
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9 votes
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Monodromy element: Why that name?

Let $(H,R)$ be a quasitriangular Hopf algebra, i.e. $R$ is a choice of an universal $R$-matrix for the Hopf algebra H. (You can find a definition of the term quasitriangular Hopf algebra on wikipedia.)...
Max Demirdilek's user avatar
7 votes
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What natural monoidal structure and braiding exists on the category of modules of the convolution algebra of an action groupoid?

Let $S$ be a set with an action $\triangleright$ of a finite group $G$. The action groupoid $S // G$ has as objects the set $S$, and the morphisms from $s_1$ to $s_2$ are just the $g \in G$ that ...
Turion's user avatar
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Is this a valid q-deformation of $SU(2)$ via the $SU(3)$ Lie algebra?

In my physics research, I stumbled upon a rather simple deformation of the $SU(2)$ algebra, and I was wondering whether it qualifies as a `$q$-deformed Lie algebra' (a notion which is unfamiliar to me)...
Ruben Verresen's user avatar
6 votes
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What are $q$-deformations?

This question has already appeared in a lot of different ways and here is another one. First of all, many people know the typical quantum group $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ by generators and relations. ...
Mathematician 42's user avatar
6 votes
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Do complete Hopf algebras have an antipode?

I am reading Quillen's paper on rational homotopy theory. In appendix A of this paper Quillen defines a notion he calls complete Hopf algebras. These are certain cocommutative bialgebra structures (...
user50948's user avatar
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Epimorphisms and monomorphisms in the categories of Hopf algebras

From this paper I learned that in the category $\operatorname{HopfAlg}$ of Hopf algebras over a field $k$ epimorphisms are not necessary surjective and monomorphisms are not necessary injective. Can ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
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Coideals in the grouplike colagebra are spanned by differences

Let $k$ be a field, and let $S$ be a nonempty set. Let $k[S]$ be the grouplike coalgebra of $S$ over $k$, i.e. the free vector space with basis $S$ equipped with the coproduct $\Delta(s)=s\otimes s$ ...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
5 votes
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On group graded algebras and Brauer groups

I was reading the paper "Algebras graded by groups" by Knus. I want to test and further my understanding of the paper by asking several questions. Since the paper is not readily available I ...
Mathematician 42's user avatar
5 votes
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An interpretation of this construction giving an operad from a bialgebra?

Let $A$ be a cocommutative bialgebra object (or even a Hopf algebra) in a symmetric monoidal category. Define an operad $\mathtt{P}_A$ by $\mathtt{P}_A(r) = A^{\otimes r}$ (so that $\mathtt{P}_A(0) = ...
Najib Idrissi's user avatar
5 votes
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Do we have $\delta(ab)=\delta(a)\delta(b)$ implies $\Delta(cd)=\Delta(c)\Delta(d)$?

Assume that $B$ is an algebra which is also a coalgebras (we do not assume that $B$ is a bialgebra: we do not assume $\Delta(cd)=\Delta(c)\Delta(d)$). Assume that $A$ is $B$-comodule algebra. Then we ...
LJR's user avatar
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5 votes
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Integral Homology of $BU$

We know that the integral cohomology of $BU$, $H^*(BU) = Z[c_1,c_2,...]$ where $|c_i| = 2i$ is the $i$th Chern class, with coproduct $\Delta c_i = \Sigma c_j\otimes c_{i-j}$. And at almost ...
Mingcong Zeng's user avatar
4 votes
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A diagrammatic proof of antipode being antihomomorphism in a Hopf algebra

Let $(H, \mu, \eta, \Delta, \epsilon, S)$ be a Hopf algebra with $S: H \to H$ denoting the antipode. By definition, $S$ is the convolution inverse of $1: H \to H$ in $\operatorname{End}(H)$, with the ...
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