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A diagrammatic proof of antipode being antihomomorphism in a Hopf algebra

Let $(H, \mu, \eta, \Delta, \epsilon, S)$ be a Hopf algebra with $S: H \to H$ denoting the antipode. By definition, $S$ is the convolution inverse of $1: H \to H$ in $\operatorname{End}(H)$, with the ...
Ray's user avatar
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The 'union of factors' comultiplication in a monoid ring?

let $\mathbb{Z}[M]$ be 'the' monoid ring of $M$ over $\mathbb{Z}$; that is to say (if my understanding is right) the set of finite linear combinations of elements of $M$, with product given by $\sum_n ...
Steven Stadnicki's user avatar
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Understanding a proof of a lemma for rigid categories [closed]

I'm reading the proof of the lemma 3.4 in the Bruguieres' paper on Hopf monads which claims the following: Lemma Let $F,G: \mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{D}$ be two strong monoidal functors and $\...
Andres Felipe Vargas Mican's user avatar
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Where does the unitarity structure of $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ come from?

It is known that when $q$ is the root of unity, the representation of the quantum group $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ is a unitary modular tensor category. However, if we want it to have the dagger structure,...
Chenqi Meng's user avatar
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Cocommutative bimonads: Why does this diagram commute?

1. Definitions Let $(C, \otimes,I, a, l,r,c)$ be a monoidal category with braiding $c:\otimes \rightarrow\otimes ^{op}$. Let $(S,\mu,\eta,\tau,\theta)$ be a bimonad on $C$. Following Turaev and ...
Max Demirdilek's user avatar
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Proof of Tannaka recognition theorem

I am trying to prove the theorem 5.12.7 in the book “Tensor categories” by Etingof, Gelaki, Nikshych and Ostrik. The statement is as follows: The assignments $(\mathcal{C},F) \mapsto H = \mathrm{End}(...
yohei ohta's user avatar
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Yoneda's lemma: group morphisms give Hopf-algebra morphisms

Let $k$ be a commutative ring. Let $\text{Alg}$ be the category of commutative $k$-algebras and $\text{CHopf}$ the category of commutative Hopf-algebras. Let us also write $[\text{Alg}, \text{Grp}]$ ...
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Comultiplication arising as pullback for group representations

Let $V$ and $W$ be $k[G]$-modules for an algebraically closed field, $k$ and $G$ a group. Now I know that $V\otimes W$ has a $k[G]\otimes k[G]$-module structure, and because $k[G]$ is in fact a Hopf ...
JPhy's user avatar
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What are other examples of pivotal non-spherical categories?

Apparently, an example of a pivotal non-spherical category can be found in the world of Hopf algebras/representation theory: Let $(H, \omega)$ be a pivotal non-spherical Hopf algebra with pivot $\...
Max Demirdilek's user avatar
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Epimorphisms and monomorphisms in the categories of Hopf algebras

From this paper I learned that in the category $\operatorname{HopfAlg}$ of Hopf algebras over a field $k$ epimorphisms are not necessary surjective and monomorphisms are not necessary injective. Can ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
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Categorization of Group Scheme of rank 2

I got stuck on this Exercise 2.11 in the book Introduction to Affine Group Scheme of Waterhouse. I really appreciate if anyone can give me a hint. Let $A$ be a Hopf algebra over $k$ (a base ring) ...
le duc quang's user avatar
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Prove that $\Delta(x) = x \otimes1 + 1 \otimes x$ mod $I \otimes I $ for all $x \in I$.

I got stuck on this problem, so if anyone can give me a hint on this, I really appreciate. Let $I$ be the augmentation ideal in Hopf algebra $A$. Prove that $\Delta(x) = x \otimes1 + 1 \otimes x$ mod $...
le duc quang's user avatar
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End of a category

I am trying to prove Proposition 7.2 from this paper: $\textbf{Proposition 7.2:}$ Let $A$ be a finite-dimensional quasi-Hopf algebra over a field $\mathbb{K}$. The end object $\Gamma$ in $\textbf{Rep ...
Lullaby's user avatar
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Is there a consistent way to get all possible coproducts?

Let's illustrate the problem with an example. Consider an algebra of polynomials in one variable $1,x,x^2,\ldots$ with the product $\nabla (x^i,x^j) = x^{i+j}$. Then, reversing arrows in the diagram $\...
user108687's user avatar
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String diagram of left $H$-action on $\mathrm{Hom}(U,V)$

1. Context Let $\mathbb k$ be a field. Let $H$ be a $\mathbb{k}$-Hopf algebra. Let $U, V$ be objects in the category $H\text{-}\mathrm{mod}$ of left $H$-modules. (In particular they are $\mathbb{k}$-...
Max Demirdilek's user avatar

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