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Are there exotic group laws on affine space in characteristic zero?

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero, and let $X = \mathbb{A}^n_k$ be affine $n$-space. Up to $k$-rational translation, we may assume that a map $e : \operatorname{Spec} k \to X$ is the inclusion ...
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When is an image of a Hopf algebra a Hopf algebra?

Suppose $R\subseteq S$ is a flat extension of rings and $A/R$, $B/S$ are flat Hopf algebras. Let $\varphi:A\otimes_R S\to B$ be a surjective $S$-Hopf algebra homomorphism. When is it the case that $\...
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Lie operator is left exact

In page 190, part (c) of the book "Algebraic groups, the theory of group schemes of finite type over a field" of Milne, there's a part stating that: An exact sequence of algebraic groups $e ...
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Automorphism of tensor product of Hopf algebras

Let $A$ be a commutative Hopf algebra over the commutative ring $R$, that is we have comultiplication $\Delta:A\to A\otimes_{R}A$, counit $\epsilon: A\to R$ and coinverse (or antipode) $S: A\to A$. I ...
Avenavolo's user avatar
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Exercise 2.11 of Waterhouse about Hopf algebra

I asked part (c) of this exercise already in this link Categorization of Group Scheme of rank 2. But I still have some difficulty solving next parts of this exercise. So I hope anyone can help me to ...
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Categorization of Group Scheme of rank 2

I got stuck on this Exercise 2.11 in the book Introduction to Affine Group Scheme of Waterhouse. I really appreciate if anyone can give me a hint. Let $A$ be a Hopf algebra over $k$ (a base ring) ...
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Commutativity up to scalar implies commutativity in an algebra

Let $A$ be a (not necessarily commutative) algebra over a field $k$. Suppose that for all $a,b\in A$, we have $kab=kba$, i.e. commutativity up to scalar. Show that then $A$ is commutative. In the ...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
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Example of commutative Hopf algebra over the integers

I'm looking for an example of a commutative Hopf algebra $H$ such that $H$ is a torsion free $\mathbb{Z}$ module of finite rank $H$ is not isomorphic to the dual of a group algebra $\mathbb{Z}G$ $H ...
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Prove that reduced symmetric algebra is graded

I've tried to prove that the reduced symmetric algebra is graded as an algebra and a coalgebra. $V$ is a vector space on a field of characteristic $p$. $T(V)$ is the tensor algebra. $s(V):=\frac{T(V)}...
Zephira's user avatar
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Kernel of an algebra map and module of Kahler Differentials

Let $A$ be a $k$-algebra, $f:A\rightarrow k$ an algebra map with kernel $I$. I'd like to prove that $\Omega_A\otimes_f k $ is canonically isomorphic to $I/I^2$. This is from W.C.Waterhouse Intro to ...
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Kahler differentials of a Hopf Algebra

Let $A$ be a $k$-Hopf Algebra over some ring $k$, with augmentation ideal $J_A=$ ker $(\epsilon:A\rightarrow k)$ I would like to prove that the module of Khaler Differentials $\Omega_A$ of $A$ over $...
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Why is the ideal in the definition of the derived subgroup of a linear algebraic group a Hopf ideal?

Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group over a field $k$, i. e. a functor from the category of $k$-algebras to the category of groups. Let $A = k[G]$ be the coordinate ring of $G$. The definition of the ...
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What are the natural surjections in the proof of Hopf's classification theorem?

I am currently reading Hatcher's book, trying to understand the proof of Hopf's classification Theorem on Hopf algebras that says the following: Every Hopf algebra $A$ that is commutative and ...
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$\mathbb{G}_m$ action on $\operatorname{Spec}A$ is equivalent to grading... what does coassociativity do?

I can interpret the other axioms for a grading via the definition of a group scheme action appropriately (I think): Let $H = k[x,x^{-1}]$. We are given a coaction $ \rho : A \to A \otimes H$, which is ...
Elle Najt's user avatar
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The completion of the ring of Laurent polynomials with respect to the augmentation ideal.

Let $A = \langle a\rangle$ be an infinite cyclic group on one generator. I'm trying to understand the completion $\widehat{\mathbb{Q}}A$ of the group algebra $\mathbb{Q}A$ with respect to the ...
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