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A strange confusion over a problem of continuity in Multivariate Calculus.

For $\beta\in\Bbb R,$ define $$f(x,y)= \begin{cases}\cfrac{x^2|x|^{\beta}y}{x^4+y^2},&x\neq 0 \\ 0, &x=0 \end{cases}$$ Prove that at $(0,0)$ the function is discontinuous if $\beta=0.$ My ...
Thomas Finley's user avatar
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Another request for feedback on correctness and style (Velleman. How to Prove it. Exercise 5.4.2.d)

Level: first-year undergraduate learning proof writing. Questions: Is my proof of the amended claim correct? How is the style of my proof? Have I provided enough scaffolding for the assumed level? Or ...
NikWantsToLearnMaths's user avatar
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Asking for feedback on correctness and style (Velleman. How to Prove it. Exercise 5.4.1.b)

Level: first-year undergraduate learning proof writing. Questions: Is my proof of the amended claim correct? How is the style? Have I provided enough scaffolding for the assumed level? Or is it too ...
NikWantsToLearnMaths's user avatar
7 votes
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Disproving surjectivity of $f : \Bbb Z \times \Bbb Z \rightarrow \Bbb Z$, $f(u,v) = 3u + 6v$

A function $f : \Bbb Z \times \Bbb Z \rightarrow \Bbb Z$ is defined as $f(u,v) = 3u + 6v.$ Is the function surjective? Prove it. I had the following proof. Proof Pick $x = 2$, then $3u + 6v = 2 \...
Rrasco88's user avatar
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Velleman 5.1.18. Set theory exercise - is my proof correct?

[edit: reformatting for ease of reading in the hopes of getting a response on whether my latest revision is correct] Context: I'm a first-year undergraduate working my way through How to Prove It? by ...
NikWantsToLearnMaths's user avatar
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unsure of my solution to Tao Analysis I 4th ed 3.5.2 (axiomatic set construction, cartesian products, power sets)

I am a self-teaching beginner and unfamiliar with proofs - in particular I find proposals that are intuitively true harder to prove as my brain assumes too much or skips steps. I'd like help with my ...
Penelope's user avatar
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Demonstrate that A is a countable set.

Question: Let $A = \{x \in \Bbb N \mid \exists y(x = 2y \lor x = y^2)\}$. Construct a surjective mapping $ f: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow A $. By doing this, you demonstrate that A is a countable set. ...
peterparker321's user avatar
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Show that the interval ⟨2, 5⟩ ⊆ ℝ⁺ is an uncountable set.

Question: Show that the interval $⟨2, 5⟩ ⊆ ℝ⁺$ is an uncountable set.\ To show that the interval $ \langle 2, 5 \rangle \subseteq \mathbb{R}^+ $ is an uncountable set, we can use Cantor's diagonal ...
peterparker321's user avatar
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$f(x)=\lim_{n\to\infty}\left(\frac{n^n}{n!}\prod_{r=1}^n\frac{x^2+\frac{n^2}{r^2}}{x^3+\frac{n^3}{r^3}}\right)^{\frac xn}$

$$f(x)=\lim_{n\to\infty}\left(\frac{n^n}{n!}\prod_{r=1}^n\frac{x^2+\frac{n^2}{r^2}}{x^3+\frac{n^3}{r^3}}\right)^{\frac xn}$$What is the monotonicity of $f(x),x\gt0$ I tried in the following way [...
Yash Shrivastava's user avatar
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A clarification regarding the definition of uniform continuity of a function defined in a subset of $\mathbb R.$

Let $f:A\to \Bbb R$ where $A\subseteq \Bbb R$. We say that, $f$ is uniformly continuous on $A$ if for any $\epsilon\gt 0$ there exists $\delta(\epsilon)=\delta\gt 0$ such that for any $x_1,x_2\in A$ ...
Thomas Finley's user avatar
-2 votes
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Prove using $\epsilon$-$\delta$ definition that if $g$ continous in $a$ and that if $f$ continuous in $g(a)$ then $f\circ g$ is continuous in $a$ [duplicate]

Question: Prove using $\epsilon$-$\delta$ definition that if $g$ continous in $a$ and that if $f$ continuous in $g(a)$ then $f\circ g$ is continuous in $a$ Rem: I know that there is a similar question ...
OffHakhol's user avatar
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Computing $h(h(x))$ where $h (x) = \lfloor 5x - 2 \rfloor$

In Velleman's "Calculus: a Rigorous Course," Example 9 from Section 1.3 tasks us with computing $ h(h(x)) $, where $ h(x) = \lfloor 5x - 2 \rfloor $. My initial solution: \begin{align*} h(\...
F. Zer's user avatar
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Let f be a function f: A → B, and let A1, A2 ⊆ A. Then f(A1 ∩ A2) = f(A1) ∩ f(A2).

Question: Let f be a function f: A → B, and let A1, A2 ⊆ A. Then f(A1 ∩ A2) = f(A1) ∩ f(A2). Answer: $$ f(A_1 \cap A_2) \subseteq f(A_1) \cap f(A_2) :$$ Let $ y $ be an arbitrary element in $ f(A_1 \...
peterparker321's user avatar
-3 votes
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Prove that the sum of a convex function and a concave function is convex.

I was trying to prove, for the sake of curiosity, if the sum of a convex and a concave functions is convex, so i tried to do the following: Let f: R -> R and g: R -> R. f is convex and g is ...
Francesco's user avatar
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An attempt for approximating the logarithm function $\ln(x)$: Could be extended for big numbers?

An attempt for approximating the logarithm function $\ln(x)$: Could be extended for big numbers? PS: Thanks everyone for your comments and interesting answers showing how currently the logarithm ...
Joako's user avatar
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