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Questions tagged [electromagnetism]

For questions on Classical Electromagnetism from a mathematical standpoint. This tag should not be the sole tag on a question.

19 votes
1 answer

Electrodynamics in general spacetime

Let $M\cong\mathbb{R}^4_1$ be the usual Minkowski spacetime. Then we can formulate electrodynamics in a Lorentz invariant way by giving the EM-field $2$-form $\mathcal{F}\in\Omega^2(M)$ and ...
Daniel Robert-Nicoud's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

What is the sum of an infinite resistor ladder with geometric progression?

I am trying to solve for the equivalent resistance $R_{\infty}$ of an infinite resistor ladder network with geometric progression as in the image below, with the size of the resistors in each section ...
KDP's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Finding smooth behaviour of infinite sum

Define $$E(z) = \sum_{n,m=-\infty}^\infty \frac{z^2}{((n^2 + m^2)z^2 + 1)^{3/2}} = \sum_{k = 0}^\infty \frac{r_2(k) z^2}{(kz^2 + 1)^{3/2}} \text{ for } z \neq 0$$ $$E(0) = \lim_{z \to 0} E(z) = 2 \pi$$...
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10 votes
2 answers

Are there Soliton Solutions for Maxwell's Equations?

Some non-linear differential equations (such as Korteweg–de Vries and Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equations) have "solitary waves" solutions (solitons). Does the set of partial differential ...
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10 votes
2 answers

Applying the Fourier transform to Maxwell's equations

I have the following Maxwell's equations: $$\nabla \times \mathbf{h} = \mathbf{j} + \epsilon_0 \dfrac{\partial{\mathbf{e}}}{\partial{t}} + \dfrac{\partial{\mathbf{p}}}{\partial{t}},$$ $$\nabla \...
The Pointer's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Adding small correction term to ODE solution

Let $\mathbf{r}(t) = [x(t), y(t), z(t)]$ and $\mathbf{v}(t) = \frac{d}{dt}\mathbf{r}(t)$. I'm trying to solve $$ \frac{d}{dt}\mathbf{v}=\frac{q}{m}(\mathbf{v}\times\mathbf{B}) \tag{1} $$ where $q$ and ...
Mr. G's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Biot-Savart law on a torus?

Background: In classical electrodynamics, given the shape of a wire carrying electric current, it is possible to obtain the magnetic field $\mathbf{B}$ via the Biot-savart law. If the wire is a curve $...
Quillo's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

A calculus problem from electrostatics

Since this problem consists of multiple parts and one needs to see all of them to understand the problem i'm going to list out all of them: Consider a uniformly charged spherical shell of radius $R$ ...
Tomy's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

A rigorous proof that $\nabla \cdot E = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0}$

Suppose that $\rho: \mathbb R^3 \to \mathbb R$ is a function that tells us the electric charge density at each point in space. According to Coulomb's law, the electric field at a point $x \in \mathbb ...
littleO's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Apparent paradox when we use the Kelvin–Stokes theorem and there is a time dependency

I am having trouble to understand what is going on with the Maxwell–Faraday equation: $$\nabla \times E = - \frac{\partial B}{\partial t},$$ where $E$ is the electric firld and $B$ the magnetic field. ...
Wolphram jonny's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Helmholtz decomposition of a vector field on surface

Does it make sense to do Helmholtz decomposition of a vector field defined on a surface or on a manifold? I am mostly interested in the surface case. I was trying to find a reference for this and ...
AnandJ's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Representation of the magnetic field in 2D magnetostatics

Consider a magnetostatics problem in $\mathbb{R}^3$. The problem is governed by the following equations $$\begin{aligned}\text{Maxwell's equations}\quad &\begin{cases}\nabla\times H(x)=J(x)\\\...
Felix Crazzolara's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Geometric Algebra or Differential Forms for Electromagnetism? [closed]

Electromagnetism (Maxwell's equations) are most often taught using vector calculus. I have read that both geometric algebra and differential forms are ways to simplify the material. What are some ...
NicNic8's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Understanding if the integral expression obtained is correct and if its (incorrect ) mistake in the approach to get that result

The integral was: $$\int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{2}} \frac{\cos^2x}{(a^2+b^2\sin^2x)^{3/2}}\;dx= \frac{\pi}{2ab^2} (1-\frac{a}{\sqrt{a^2+b^2}}).$$ I encountered this integral while trying to show amperes ...
ProblemDestroyer's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Fubini's theorem for differential forms? Why does $\int_{t_0}^{t_1}(\oint_{\partial\Omega}j)dt=\int\limits_{[t_0,t_1]\times\partial\Omega}dt\wedge j$?

In an electrodynamics book I came across the following claim for the electric current density (twisted) 2-form $j$ along the boundary of some 3-dimensional volume $\Omega$: $$\int_{t_{0}}^{t_{1}}\left(...
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