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Questions tagged [electromagnetism]

For questions on Classical Electromagnetism from a mathematical standpoint. This tag should not be the sole tag on a question.

169 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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The magnetic field of a spinning charged sphere

Evaluate $\displaystyle \int_{0}^{2\pi}\int_{0}^{\pi}\frac{(z_0-R\cos\theta)\sin^2\theta\cos\phi}{[(x_0-R\cos\phi\sin\theta)^2+(y_0-R\sin\phi\sin\theta)^2+(z_0-R\cos\theta)^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}}d\theta d\...
grj040803's user avatar
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How to solve $\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty\frac{y^2}{[(x-n\pi)^2+y^2]^{3/2}}$?

I need to solve this sum: $$\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty\frac{y^2}{[(x-n\pi)^2+y^2]^{3/2}}.$$ Do you have any ideas for how I could do this? I know that this sum: $$\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty\frac{y}{(x-n\pi)^...
Peanutlex's user avatar
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Deriving boundary conditions at a surface of discontinuity: $\int \mathbf{B} \cdot \mathbf{n} \ dS = 0$

I am currently studying Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light, 7th edition, by Max Born and Emil Wolf. Chapter 1.1.3 Boundary conditions at ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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First chern class of magnetic monopole

Example 3.5.5 in the Mirror Symmetry textbook (Hori-Katz-Klemm-et. al) states: Let us compute the first Chern class of the line bundle defined by the $U(1)$ gauge field surrounding a magnetic monopole,...
locally trivial's user avatar
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An improper integral from Jackson's book involving the modified Bessel function

When deriving the angular distribution of energy for synchrotron radiation one has to evaluate two tricky improper integrals (see [1] below): $$ I_1 \equiv \int_{0}^{\infty} x^2 [K_{2/3}(x)]^2 \, \...
Gabriel Macedo's user avatar
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Are there theorems in fiber bundle land and differential geometry land that make calculations in electromagnetism easier?

Some time ago while thinking about life and such, I thought to myself does recasting electromagnetism in bundle theory make certain calculations easier? To be precise are there theorems in ...
cows's user avatar
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Solving cylindrically symmetric non-homogeneous wave equation $\nabla^2\mathbf{A}(s,t)-\frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2}\mathbf A(s,t)=\mathbf J(s,t)$

I'm trying to solve a non-homogeneous wave equation in cylindrical coordinates \begin{align} \nabla^2\mathrm A-\frac{\partial^2\mathrm A}{\partial t^2}=\mathrm J, \end{align} where A and J are ...
Eli Bartlett's user avatar
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Gauge condition in Maxwell's equation

Maxwell's equations (differential forms formulation) read $$ dF = 0 \\ \partial^a F_{ab} = -j_b $$ where $j_b$ is the current-density 1-form. The first equation tells us there is some 1-form $A$ so ...
Chris's user avatar
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Why is electric potential function in free space infinitely differentiable?

Electric potential function in free space of a continuous charge distribution $\rho'$ distributed over volume $V' \subset \mathbb{R}^3$ is denoted by: $\psi (x,y,z): \mathbb{R}^3 \setminus{V'} \to \...
Joe's user avatar
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Restricting a distribution to a non-open subset

If I have an open subset $U \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ and a distribution $\rho \in \mathscr{D}'(U; \mathbb{R})$, i.e. a continuous linear functional $\rho: \mathsf{C}_{\mathsf{c}}^\infty(U;\mathbb{R}) \...
Alec's user avatar
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Do Maxwell's equations (generalized) apply to _every_ $k$-form on a pseudo-Riemannian manifold?

Given a pseudo-Riemannian $n$-manifold and a $k$-form $F$ on the manifold, I will call its exterior derivative $J=dF$ the source of $F$ and the differential $K=dG$ the dual source of $F$, where $G=​{\...
qman's user avatar
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Charge density of charged conductor with flat side

Given a charged conducting body with a flat side, can the charge density (and hence the normal electric field) be constant on the flat part? According to physics lore, the charge density is greater ...
Keith McClary's user avatar
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Radial fourier transform of gaussians

In this paper is calculated the square modulus of the radial fourier transform of the function $\rho(r)$ $$\left|F(q)\right|^2=\left| \int_{\mathbb{R}^3} e^{i\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}}\rho(\mathbf{r})...
DrManhattan's user avatar
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Does this family of curves appearing in the magnetic field of a coil have a name?

While attempting to express the magnetic field induced by a single coil of current (at any point in space, not just on the coil's axis), I tried visualising the set of the infinitesimal contributions $...
Sileo's user avatar
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Evaluation of Fourier series $\sum_{n=1,3,5...} \left[\frac{1}{n}\text{e}^{-\frac{n \pi x}{a}} \text{sin}(\frac{n \pi y}{a}) \right]$

I was studying electromagnetism and followed 'Introduction to Electromagnetism' by David Griffiths. During his derivation of the solution to Laplace's equation in ch. 3.3, he derives the equation $$V(...
Rasmus Andersen's user avatar

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