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Questions tagged [computer-assisted-proofs]

Proofs that are partially or entirely checked by computer, including those formalised in interactive theorem provers.

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If proofs can be checked by computers, will we ever mistakenly believe a false proof? [closed]

As I understand, math proofs can be formalized and checked by a computer. Does this mean the math community will never have to deal with believing incorrect proofs? If not, is the issue with adoption ...
FirstTryBogoSort's user avatar
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Computational Complexity of Equational Logic

Equational logic uses a surprisingly small set of axioms to prove all algebraic identities (algebraic in the sense of universal algebra, so things like field theory fall beyond this scope). This makes ...
Thomas Anton's user avatar
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Linear logic proof of $P⊸(Q⊸R)≡(P⊗Q)⊸R$?

I’ve been trying to use for a while, and have been thinking about exportation/importation for Linear Logic. Intuitively, I thought P⊸(Q⊸R)≡(P⊗Q)⊸R was valid ...
PW_246's user avatar
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Help with Categories in Lean

I'm looking to start a project on categories in Lean. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with finding a few of the basic constructions... maybe you know where to look. I'd like to be able to: ...
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Lean and inaccessible cardinals

Here it is claimed that Lean's type theory is equiconsistent with ZFC + existence of $n$ inaccessible cardinals for every natural $n$. This is a bit worrying if you just want to work with pure ZFC: ...
ZFCarla's user avatar
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Why isn't math proofs just a computer trial and error?

I already asked a similar question, but I recently began a course of Logic and it gave me not an answeat but a refination of my question, which I redefine here. My thinking is the following: Suppose ...
Alexandre Tourinho's user avatar
14 votes
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Mathematical logic book that uses a proof assistant?

I'm looking for an introductory book on mathematical logic that also discusses an implementation of its logic in a proof assistant. It seems to me this would be a great way to learn mathematical logic,...
WillG's user avatar
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Are there integers $a,b,c,d,e,n$ such that $a^3-nb^3=c^3-nd^3=e^3$?

Can anyone help me find (with a computer search) nonzero integers $a,b,c,d,e,n$ such that $$a^3-nb^3=c^3-nd^3=e^3$$ where $(a,b,e)$ and $(c,d,e)$ are pairwise coprime and $n^2\ne 1$ One solution set ...
NumThcurious's user avatar
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Proof Solver Geometry [closed]

Are there any programs that can solve Geometry Problems? An example of such a problem would be: The centroid of a triangle always divides its medians into two sections with a 1:2 ratio. While that ...
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General Idea of HoTT from the use of HoTT Library

I don't have a deep understanding of homotopy type theory, but I'm curious about the difference between coq and HoTT library. When proving with coq, instead of trying tactics brute force, we roughly ...
Lageneriq's user avatar
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Prove or disprove the following statement using the definition of big-Θ:

NOTE: I am not provign big O here I am proving big-Θ Prove or disprove the following statement using the definition of big-Θ: $$n^2−4n = Θ(2^n)$$ so, by definition, $$T(N)=O(h(N))$$ and $$T(N)=Ω(h(N))$...
bfff's user avatar
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Computational Type Theory For Topos Logic

My question is basically, what approaches have been made to make computer proof assistants which can handle the internal logic of a topos ? To explain: while learning topos theory I was struck by the ...
Richard Southwell's user avatar
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What is the best computational software(free/cheap)? [closed]

I have already tried Wolfram Alpha (not pro) and I don't know whether I can access MATLAB for free, any software than downloaded for free and is easy to use will work. I need it for computing complex ...
Tim Crosby's user avatar
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Homotopy Type Theory: How long is the computer-assisted proof that concatenation of paths is associative?

My question refers to Lemma $2.1.4\ (\text{iv})$ of the HoTT book. I chose this lemma because it is simple to understand yet tedious to prove by hand. I have never used a proof assistant before, so I'...
simple jack's user avatar
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Are theorems in a mathematical theory effectively checkable?

I wonder whether it is possible to effectively check whether some theorem of a mathematical theory (for example group theory) is provable from axioms of that theory. I know that in propositional logic ...
TKN's user avatar
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