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Questions tagged [random-graphs]

A random graph is a graph - a set of vertices and edges - that is chosen according to some probability distribution. In the most common model, $G_{n, p}$, a graph has $n$ vertices, and edges are present independently with probability $p$. Use (graphing-functions) instead if your question is about graphing or plotting functions.

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Bounding $ne^{-d}\left(\frac{ed}{K \log n}\right)^{K \log n}$

Apologies in advance for the nasty expression in the title. 😬 I'm working on Exercise 2.4.2 (p. 22) in Roman Vershinyn's High Dimensional Probability (not for a class; this is independent study). The ...
zen_of_python's user avatar
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Large deviations for automorphisms of Erdős–Rényi

Let $p\ggg \frac{\log(n)}n$ and $1-p\ggg \frac{\log(n)}n$ and $G(n,p)$ be the Erdős–Rényi random graph. The parameter is chosen such that $G(n,p)$ and its complement don't have isolated vertices, and ...
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Find a graph which is strictly balanced but not strongly balanced.

A graph G is called strictly balanced if all proper subgraphs H of G satisfies $$\frac{|E(H)|}{|V(H)|}\ < \frac{|E(G)|}{|V(G)|}$$ A graph G is called strongly balanced if every subgraph H of G ...
SHAIBAL kARMAKAR's user avatar
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Clarification about probability of critical threshold for cliques in random graphs.

I am reading these notes about finding cliques in $\mathcal{G}(n, 1/2)$ random graphs. The key result is that with high probability has size $2(1\pm o(1)) \log_2(n)$ with high probability. In order to ...
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Probabilistic method, dependencies of triangles based at $x$

In the following notes the author states, at page $64$, $4$th line of Theorem $8.10$, that $$ \Delta=\sum_{\left(i,j\right):\ i \sim j}\mathbb{P}\left(B_{i} \wedge B_{j}\right) = 6{n-1 \choose 4}p^{9} ...
xyz's user avatar
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Proportion of vertices in components of size $k$ in Erdos Renyi

Consider $G(n,c/n)$ the Erdos-Renyi graph on $n$ vertices with the probability of having an edge between any two vertices is $c/n$. Let $X_{n,k}$ be the proportion of vertices in size-$k$ components. ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Help understanding branching process result

Currently I am trying to understand the paper "Random Plane Networks" by E.N. Gilbert. In section 2 of this paper, he is deriving a lower bound for the expected number of points in the ...
Rowan Potato's user avatar
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How sensitive are maximum-size matchings to edge deletion in random graphs?

My question concerns the sensitivity of maximum-size matchings (and more generally maximum-size $k$-cycle collections) to deletion of an edge in the graph. Given a graph $G$, let a $k$-cycle be a ...
user1326274's user avatar
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Law of large numbers result for largest component in Erdos-Renyi

Let $G(n,\frac{p}{n})$ be the Erdos-Renyi random graph with $n$ vertices. Let $C(n,p)$ be the size of the largest component. It’s is known that when $p<1$ then $C(n,p)$ is of order $log(n)$ with ...
Tiramisu's user avatar
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$G(n,1/2)$ has a bipartite subgraph with at least $n^2/8+Cn^{3/2}$ edges

I want to show that with probability converging to $1$, $G(n,1/2)$ has a bipartite subgraph with at least $n^2/8+Cn^{3/2}$ edges for some positive constant $C$. The hint for this is to use a greedy ...
Anon's user avatar
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Bounding probabilities of Indicator Variables in a Graph.

We have a graph G = (V, E). We look at a circle Ci with k edges. Each edge has a independent probability of 1/2 being marked. I defined a indicator variable Xe which is 1 if marked and 0 else. So Xi ...
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Probability number of vertices in large component of Erdös-Renyi graph is close to survival probability

I am currently take a course on Erdös-Renyi graphs where we have the probability that two vertices are connected is given by $p = \lambda/n$ where n is the number of vertices of the graph G. Then one ...
GG314's user avatar
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General degree distribution of Soft Random geometric Graphs

I am interested in the degree distributions of Soft Random Geometric Graphs, and was wondering if anyone could give me some input. Soft RGG's are random graphs, which are constructed by first ...
Rowan Potato's user avatar
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Setting sampling probability when sparsifying a non-negative weighted graph

Given a set of $mn$ non-negative edges, with what probability should one keep every edge $w_{ij}$ if we want $\sim pmn$ non-zero weights in our sparsified and every edge is sampled with a probability ...
meowcaroons's user avatar
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Can we do any better bijective mapping of a permutation series which is only bijective for a probabilistic subset of its input domain?

So we want to bijectively map one path to another. But depending on start and target node we can only choose from a subset of all transitions. It would look like this: We also do not know where one ...
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