
I've noticed that there are lots of similar-looking (at least to my untrained eye) questions on Math Stackexchange involving polylogarithms, all equally delicious, in which the OP asks about how to calculate some integral involving a complicated product of logs/polylogs/algebraic functions, like this one, this one, or this one, or an infinite series involving harmonic numbers, like this one or this one. There are a lot of similarities between their answers as well: they usually end up being a linear combination of rational multiples of powers of pi, logarithms of algebraic numbers, integer zeta-function values, and polylogarithm evaluations.

Although I have very little experience/knowledge regarding logarithms, these similarities suggest that there might be a more general algebraic approach to calculating these types of sums/integrals/polylog identities. The extremely general nature of the top-voted answer here is even more suggestive of this possibility - however, although it demonstrates the existence of a general expression in terms of multiple polylogarithm values, it doesn't discuss ways of simplifying these values (which, ideally, would also be part of an algebraic theory of polylogs).

  • What kind of research exists about the algebraic properties of special functions consisting of, say, products of polylogs and algebraic functions, or polylogs and rational functions, and their derivatives/antiderivatives? Does differential field theory have anything interesting to say about this, for instance?

  • Is there a canonical reference book or paper which discusses this topic in depth, from an algebraic perspective?

  • At the bottom of Wolfram's page on polylogs, they refer to an "amazing identity" involving a special value of $\text{Li}_{17}(\alpha_1^{-17})$, where $\alpha_1$ is defined as the root of a polynomial. Are there any general references exploring the general problem of finding linear dependences between polylog values at algebraic arguments? Again, does differential field theory shed any light here?



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