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Questions tagged [yeshiva-school]

A Jewish school for the study of the various branches of Torah.

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What are the maamorim of the Frierdiker Rebbe that are learned regularly in Chabad yeshivot?

I know the classic Rashab maamorim like Ranat and Samech Vav, but what about of the Frierdiker? I’m wondering specifically from ת״ש-תש״ג
MarMani's user avatar
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The Brisk curriculum or the more Classic Lithuanian Yeshiva curriculum?

For a Bocher after Beis Medrash in the USA, what Yeshivas (maybe 3) in Yerushalayim follow the "Brisk" method/curriculum and focus on the tractates that deal with Kodshim, etc. and what ...
LXB's user avatar
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Is there a Coursera for learning Halacha and Gemara?

I am a Baal Tshuva and I never had a proper Jewish education. I have come a long way but I am still unable to learn independently (directly from early text). I've been considering some online courses ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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What should I do with these manuscripts?

My great grandfather learned in many big European yeshivos. I recently obtained from his nephew 7 notebooks he wrote of shiurim he heard from R' Baruch Ber, R' Ahron Kotler, R' Shimon Shkopp, and R' ...
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Yaakov Avinu wanted to learn in yeshiva instead of with an angel?

Rashi (Bereishis 25:22) quotes the Midrash: ��יתרוצצו. עַ"כָּ הַמִּקְרָא הַזֶּה אוֹמֵר דָּרְשֵׁנִי, שֶׁסָּתַם מַה הִיא רְצִיצָה זוֹ וְכָתַב אִם כֵּן לָמָּה זֶּה אָנֹכִי? רַבּוֹתֵינוּ דְּרָשׁוּהוּ ...
NJM's user avatar
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Difference between a Menahel and Rosh Yeshivah

Is there a difference between a Menahel and a Rosh Yeshivah, or are they synonymous?
The Targum's user avatar
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Why was Manhattan Day School (MDS) Founded with the name Yeshivas Ohr Torah in 1943?

Would someone know the background of how/why the school got the name ישיבת אור תורה? Was it just a nice name? Did any of the founders have some affinity to Yeshivas Ohr Torah of Teveria which was ...
EraserX's user avatar
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Does Changing "Beitza" to "Beiah" Really Acoomplish Anything?

There are legitimate sources that talk about calling masechet "Beitza" by the name "Beiah" because the Hebrew word "beitza" can also refer to a testicle. See answers here ...
Avraham's user avatar
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On what halachic premise can Yeshivot claim talmidim's belonging's hefker for bein hazmanim?

I went to Yeshiva in Israel, and the Yeshiva told us that whatever was left behind (even things with simanim) during bein hazmanim would be hefker? On what basis can the yeshiva do this?
Shteigg101's user avatar
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Experience Learning in the Mir Yeshiva

Is anyone on this platform a Talmid or Alumnus of the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem (and learns/learned under R'Asher Arieli)? If so, I have a few questions: It seems very much like there is no structure ...
Mevakeish's user avatar
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Where to learn Issur V'heter in Brooklyn

I'm looking for a kollel/group/yeshiva in Brooklyn that is learning Basar Vechalav/Taaruvos. Preferably according to the Ashkenazic Traditions. It doesn't need to be a semicha program, although that ...
Middlestream's user avatar
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Part-time yeshiva in london

Does anyone know if there is a yeshiva in London allowing you to go to university at the same time?
L770's user avatar
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baalei teshuva yeshivas in NYC or Miami area?

I'm a recent baalei teshuva in Israel but have to leave to find work as my savings are running low. Can anyone name any yeshivot geared towards baalei teshuva in the Miami or NYC area? So far I know ...
theboogeyman1618's user avatar
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Why does the yeshiva system focus mainly on the study of the talmud? [duplicate]

It seems, almost across the board, that most yeshivas spent the majority of their time studying the talmud while allocating very little (if any) time towards the study of other critical judaic texts ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Tefilla b’Tzibur during Bayis HaRishon?

During the תקופתו של בית הראשון and even before, did forms of Tefilla and Limud b’Tzibur/ Basei Knessios exist among people? During my years in Yeshiva, this topic was gently discussed. I remember ...
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