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Questions tagged [phone]

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What is TAG and how did it become the expected standard for frum people [closed]

Clearly Moses didn’t bring it down from Sinai, and yet it seems that that is the standard to the extent that from what I hear certain schools would even consider it scandalous if students parents didn’...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Texting/phone calls greetings and business

Is one allowed to text/call someone else before shacharit to greet them or do business? Would it be different from regular speech or no? And this is in a case without financial loss to be clear. ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Anonymous Shaila Lines [duplicate]

As in, a method of asking a halachic question to a qualified halachic expert Rabbi, anonymously. Is there a collection of verified, reputable "anonymous shaila lines", by country or city? If ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Zimun over the phone [duplicate]

If one had a group call (perhaps with video) and during that call many participants had bread, could they make a zimun together? I know that you only need to be within earshot to answer for a zimun, ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Is it considered 'bikur cholim' to call someone who's sick?

When someone calls a friend who is sick to see how he's doing and to wish him a refuah shleima, is that technically a fulfillment of mitzvahs bikur cholim?
Gavriel's user avatar
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Is one allowed to audio/ video record someone without their knowledge or consent?

In American law, when it comes to recording a telephone call, 38 states allow "one party consent" - namely, as long as one person is ok with recording the call (i.e., you) the other party doesn't ...
alicht's user avatar
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Divorce by phone?

If a man calls his rabbi with instructions to give his wife a get, is the get valid? Does the husband have to appear in person before a bet din? On 9/11, I remember reading about a man who did ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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seeking iOS sidur

I am considering upgrading my iPhone from iOS version 10 to version 11. If I do so, I will lose the use of my current sidur (prayer book) app, which doesn't work on iOS 11. So I'm seeking ...
msh210's user avatar
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Shul Donations Kiosk

Where can I find information for a digital wall kiosk to hang up in a Shul to get donations or to pay Shul balances? I saw that in Israel they have it in almost every shul but in the US I don't see ...
user13902's user avatar
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Can I use my phone on chol hamoed?

I would like to use my phone for leisure on chol hamoed. I know tying is permitted-but what about, say, browsing the Internet or watching videos? Thanks.
Gershon Engel's user avatar
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Are there any contemporary "Gedolim" that prohibit the use of davening from a smart phone?

It took me a long time to upgrade my technology, but I admit that lately, I have been using my smart phone during davening. My rav doesn't object, but some of my friends told me that it's prohibited ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is there an Android Tikkun App that has sound?

During the "pre smart phone days" (Yes, that DID exist), I used Trope trainer to practice some of my laining and to train my kids and some Bar Mitzvah boys. I recently downloaded the "Tikkun Korim" ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is it permitted to listen to Prank phone calls

Prank phone calls very often transgress the prohibiton of "gneivat daat" misrepresenting and Onaat Devarim causing anguish (Mishpatei Hashalom page 89). Is it permitted as a listener to derive benefit ...
user avatar
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Can a smartphone count as a sefer for stacking purposes?

Considering that, these days, you can have quite a bit of Torah on cellphones (indeed, on my iPhone I have all of Tanach, Siddur, Halachic works, Jastrow dictionary, etc.), is it possible to make an ...
WhoKnows's user avatar
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Is it ok to Text After Kriyat Shema al Hamita?

Is it okay to text after saying kriyat shema al hamita? You're not supposed to talk afterward, as it says: Tremble and sin not. Reflect in your hearts while on your beds, and be utterly silent. -...
user3554664's user avatar

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