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Questions tagged [passover]

The holiday of Pesach, or Passover, occurs for 7 days in Israel or 8 days in diaspora in the Spring, and celebrates the Exodus from Egypt in ancient times.

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Baking matzah erev Pesach after chatzos

The Shulchan Aruch OH 458 says that the minhag is to make the matzos mitzvah for the Seder Night on Erev Pesach after noon (chatzos). נוהגים שלא ללוש מצת מצוה בערב פסח עד אחר שש שעות שהוא זמן הקרבת ...
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Order of the haggadah

Is there a logical order to the Haggadah, or is it just a collection of ideas/teachings relating to the exodus?
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Are there exceptions to pass exams during Passover?

Context: in France, access to some elite schools is done through an extremely competitive exam that takes place nationally for everyone at the same time. To take part, students go through two years of ...
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On Pesach, to which side does someone with situs inversus lean?

Situs inversus is a condition where the body’s internal organs are reversed, apparently including the esophagus and the trachea. Therefore, on Pesach, would a Jew with this condition lean on his ...
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Matzah baking in a frying pan - flipping the matzah

Do regular matzah bakeries flip the matzah in the middle of baking? I heard from a rabbi not to do that, but I see videos where they flip it. What are the issues here? Update: I want to make the ...
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May Jews own gift cards redeemable for Chametz on Passover [duplicate]

In Halacha, is it prohibited for Jews to own gift cards which can be redeemed for chametz over passover or no? Obviously they are prohibited from using it for chametz, but if there is a gift card for ...
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Baking matzah on tin foil

The poskim bring down (in OH 461) that there are people who bake matzah on a piece of paper. They all seem to say that you should not do it, but if you did the paper won't stop the heat from getting ...
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Rav Menashe Klein on 4 cups for Seder Night

This website quotes Rabbi Menasheh Klein author of Mishne Halachos. "Why did they establish 4 cups for Seder and not 5?...The Zohar in Parshat Shemini explains the Kohen may not enter the Holy ...
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If Using *Chamar Medinah* for Dalet Kosos, is an Alcoholic One Preferred?

As discussed previously, the Maharil ("father of Ashkenazic customs") says it's okay to use mead at the Seder if someone has no wine (or presumably is deathly allergic to it), and the Ramah ...
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Can non wine liquor be used for the four cups at Pesach [duplicate]

According to Halacha, can one use liquor/non wine alcohol for the four cups on Passover? Or no, is wine a requirement? Is it a Machloket amongst the poskim?
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Dayenu as a Question?

Someone mentioned there exists a haggadah where the dayenu's end with a question mark and each are understood to mean "would it have been enough?" as opposed to the traditional understanding ...
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Cleaning clothes before Passover?

Does one have to clean all their dirty clothes before Pesach (on the principle of being careful to washout all the chametz from their house)? What is the general Halakha for your clothing collections (...
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Birkat hamazon for chametz on Passover

On Passover, if a Jew consumes Chametz because they have to for Pikuach Nefesh, do they recite Birkat Hamazon afterwards? Of course this would be more than the minimum amount to be liable on Pesach, (...
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Making matzah at home

This is a follow-up question to 18 minute matzah cutoff (and see also Where does the notion that the *entire* matza process must be done in under 18 minutes come from?) I know this isn't the standard ...
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Passover obligations Brings down women are obligated in matzah eating by Torah law due to the fact they are prohibited in chametz eating, are minors under bar/bat mitzvah age by ...
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