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Virtual Pessah seder?

Today (25 March 2020) a group of 14 Sephardic rabbis in Israel approved the holding of virtual seders, provided the video conference is operating before the start of Pessah and left running after the ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Etymologic origins of "Maimouna"

Maimouna, the day after Pesach, is probably the most well-known of the isru chag traditions. It originated with the Jews of North Africa, and these days Israelis honour it by making barbecues. ...
SAH's user avatar
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Details of Matzah Oven [closed]

i've been looking for a valid oven to use to bake a soft laffa style Matzah. This is not easy as you can't make those things in a typical western oven, and to buy an oven for that purpose is quite ...
Aaron's user avatar
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"Chometz" Cookies on Pesaḥ

According to the Sephardic tradition that egg matzah can be permissible on Passover (see e.g., is there any reason why they would not ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Are there still communities that eat roasted meat Seder night?

Okay, so we no longer eat a whole roasted lamb Seder night(s). The mishna says in some places the custom is to specifically eat roasted meat, and in others the custom is not to. That's basically what ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Can an non-North African Jew participate in post-Pesach Mimouna celebrations?

Mimouna is a customary post-Pesach celebration originally observed by Moroccan and Algerian Jews. When large numbers of those groups made aliyah, the custom was adopted by many Israelis as well. The ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Do sefardim have to check rice for Hametz nowadays?

Rav Y. Abadi holds that nowadays, there is no need to check our rice for pieces of Hametz due to the way rice is manufactured. Are ...
Yishaq's user avatar
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Do Sefardim Eat Chametz-Like Food made from Fruit Juice?

The Rambam rules that if flour is mixed with fruit juice but no water, it cannot become chametz (הלכות חמץ ומצה פרק ה) : ב חמשת מיני דגן אלו--אם לשן במי פירות בלבד, בלא שם מים בעולם--אינם באין ...
Ariel K's user avatar
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Can sefardim eat lafa before Pesach?

There is a custom(?) to abstain from eating matza 30 days before Passover so that the taste will be new. There are some sects of sefardic or teimani Jews who eat a type of matzah that is more akin to ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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Which sephardic groups forbid eating rice during Pesach and why?

I was recently at a shiur where this came up briefly and somewhat tangentially. Does anyone know which groups forbid rice but allow other kitniyot (e.g., beans) during Pesach? Any references/pointers ...
minhag's user avatar
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Why can Sephardic Jews Eat Rice on Passover? [duplicate]

Why can Sephardic Jews eat rice on Passover? Is this specified in the Torah somewhere?
kirby's user avatar
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Ashkenazim and Kitniyot on Erev Pesach

The following hypothetical case was raised in class today: An American (ashkenazic) Jew is visiting Israel. On Erev Pesach, he has a hankering for sushi (the word hankering was not used in class -- ...
rosends's user avatar
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Sephardi Matza - Is it available commercially?

Is there anywhere to purchase Sephardi Matzos commercially in the USA?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Are there any brands of mustard powder (flour) that are kosher for Passover for Sephardim?

Prepared mustard (containing vinegar and the like) is certainly not kosher for Passover. According to Ashkenazic practice, the mustard plant itself is included in "kitniot" and prohibited on Passover....
Shalom's user avatar
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Kitnios on Pesach

Why and when did the minhag start that allows Sephardim to eat Kitnios (Legumes)but not Ashkenazim?
Ken's user avatar
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