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Parshas Achrei and Pesach

This year, on Erev Pesach (Monday, April 22, 2024) the Torah reading is parshas Achrei Mot. The Chabad-website notifies that the daily reading of Erev Pesach is the 2nd Portion (Vayikra (Leviticus) 16:...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Mekor for Dayenu 'warfare' seder tradition

I recall seeing a minhag in which the participants enjoy hitting each other with scallions during Dayenu at the seder night. I don't know much about this but I was very curious on learning what is the ...
Renato S. Grun's user avatar
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Ma Nishtana Candles

So I was introduced to something new this year when someone sent me an Erev Pesach checklist which included the preparation of Ma Nishtana candles? I had never heard of this practise and looked online ...
Dov's user avatar
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Source for laying tefillin each workday

It's obvious that there's a long tradition of putting on tefillin each morning that isn't Shabbos or YomTov but what's the source for this? Why each day? Before pekudei d'zmrah, after putting on ...
Stephen Games's user avatar
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Nes Niglah vs Nes Nister

Where is the Netziv source explaining that Yetziyat Mitzrayim was a nes niglah? And what source describes purim as a nes nister? (Is there any source that talks about Moshe missing from the haggadah ...
Dina's user avatar
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Paying a Rov as part of mechiras chametz

I remember hearing not so long ago, that there is a minhag to give the Rov who is doing the mechiras chametz for you some money, partially as a way of being makir tov (showing your gratitude) for all ...
Dov's user avatar
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We dip karpas because of aristocracy

Chazal say that the reason we dip the karpas at the seder is so the children will ask (Pesachim 114b). Meaning, it will spark their curiosity and they will then end up asking other questions about the ...
robev's user avatar
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Haftarat Shabbat HaGadol

Current Ashkenazi (and I believe Sephardi) practice is to read a special haftarah (Malachi 3:4-24) on the shabbat before pesach. What are the origins of this practice? Where do we first see it ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Eliyahu Hanavi drinking from cup

Is there a source to the fact that Eliyahu Hanavi drinks from the Kos Shel Eliyahu when he comes on the Seder night?
sfeksfeika's user avatar
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Is the Afikoman meant to be a substitute for Korban Pesach?

I don't recall, offhand, what the purpose of the Afikoman is. Is it supposed to "represent" the Pesach sacrifice? If so - I'm curious about a common instruction I see in many Hagaddot. It says that ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why is corn kitnius? [duplicate]

The reason why potatoes isn't kitnius is because it wasn't out there when they made the kitniyut rule, but did they have corn on that time so it should be kitnius?
Avrohom Monheit's user avatar
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Is eliyahu hanuvy real?

Is eliyahu hanuvy real? is he really coming by shfoch chamoschu or it's just the Jewish version of Santa Claus?
Avrohom Monheit's user avatar
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Source for Hiding or Locking Away All Non Passover Vessels

Bit of a debate with someone. I never saw my Sephardic family make a special room to lock away all chameitz dishes. Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 451:1 Ceramic dishes that have been used for hametz ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Measuring the time of eating (c'dei achilas pras)

I once saw written in a "alon" (given out in shuls before Shabbos) that in regards to eating matzah that it has to be done in the amount of time that is "c'dei achilas pras" -- that this time begins ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Is one allowed to drink from the wine spilled out of the cup at the Makkos?

It is a widespread minhag that during the mention of the makkos at the Seder one should either spill out wine or dip a finger into the cup and put it to the side. I have heard that one should not ...
DonielF's user avatar
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