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Questions tagged [meraglim-spies]

Details about the saga of the 12 representatives of the Jews sent to spy out the land of Israel

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Spie(s) sent out to scout Yazer

In Parshat Chukat (21:32), we are told that Moshe Rabbenu sent out spie(s) to scout the land of Yazer. Are there any sources that identify who went to scout out the land of Yazer?
Eli83's user avatar
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How did Rashi reach the number of eight people carrying the grapes?

The פסוק states: וַיָּבֹ֜אוּ עַד־נַ֣חַל אֶשְׁכֹּ֗ל וַיִּכְרְת֨וּ מִשָּׁ֤ם זְמוֹרָה֙ וְאֶשְׁכּ֤וֹל עֲנָבִים֙ אֶחָ֔ד וַיִּשָּׂאֻ֥הוּ בַמּ֖וֹט בִּשְׁנָ֑יִם וּמִן־הָרִמֹּנִ֖ים וּמִן־הַתְּאֵנִֽים׃ (במדבר ...
fartgeek's user avatar
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Listing of the Meraglim

I’m curious as to why in Bamidbar 13 the Meraglim are listed in the order that they are, as opposed to in age descending order like the shevatim are usually referred to (or at least age descending of ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Would the Exodus generation not have entered Canaan/spent years in the desert irrespective of sin?

R Avraham ibn Ezra and Rambam both posit that the Israelite slaves that left Egypt were not upto the task of war and needed to die out and be replaced with more courageous progeny (ibn Ezra) and/or ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Shelach: sending the spies to feel the Torah in the environment of Eretz Yisrael

Rabbi Sam Shor, in the Torah Tid Bits of Parashas Shelach 5783 (Simchas Shmuel) quotes the Chiddushei HaRim and says that the Chiddushei HaRim says that the original goal of sending out the meraglim - ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Comparisons between life in Eden and life in the wilderness

I'm looking for sources comparing the Israelites' life in the wilderness to life in Eden. The Chassidic understanding of the sin of the m'raglim is that they wanted to continue their wholly spiritual ...
Zarka's user avatar
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Were the *meraglim* also the *nesi'im*?

The meraglim were each chosen to represent each tribe. Why wouldn't the nasi of each tribe be the representative, as they were during the consecration of the Mishqan?
Nach Roth's user avatar
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What Torah issur did the meraglim transgress?

Since the meraglim sinned after the Torah has already been given, it'd seem that to be punished with death they would have had to transgress a Torah issur which carries the capital punishment (or misa ...
user9806's user avatar
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Why were the spies commanded to assess if the Land is good?

God promised that the Land he would bring us into was good. Exodus 3:8: and I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and ...
Yisrael's user avatar
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Source that the spies had prophecy

The Zohar (III parshas Shelach p. 158a) says that the spies spoke badly about the land of Israel because they felt they wouldn't remain in a position of leadership once the Jews entered the land. To ...
robev's user avatar
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Did the ten spies have a hidden agenda?

About this week's portion, Shlach Lecha, I remember reading that the Lubavitcher Rebbe said that the ten spies intentionally gave an alarming report because they wanted Israel to remain in the desert ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Was the sin of the Spies more severe than the Golden Calf? [duplicate]

IIRC, in the story of the Golden Calf, people not only actually MADE the idol but worshipped it, while in the story of Meraglim people only BELIEVED in what the Spies said. Nevertheless, after the G"...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Yehoshua & Caleb vs other 10 Meraglim. Why wasn't this "עדי הכחשה" (conflicting witnesses)?

There's a concept in halacha when there are two sets of witnesses who contradict each other, we "throw out" the testimony of both witnesses as they cancel each other out (see Rambam, Hilchos Eidus 18:...
alicht's user avatar
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Why list Yehoshua before Kalev?

When the 12 spies are listed in Bamidbar 13:4 their order, according to Ramban is based on the personal qualities of the individuals. Kaleiv is listed third and Yehoshua is listed fifth. After the 10 ...
rosends's user avatar
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Did all the spies stay together throughout the entire mission?

In viewing Rash"i on Bemidbar 13:21-22, it seems that the Torah lists things out of order unless it is describing "general" first and then "specifics". In other words - in reading Rash"i on verse 21, ...
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