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Questions tagged [love]

Love between Hashem and the Jewish nation. Love between Jews. Love between husband and wife.

4 votes
3 answers

Source for "Beahava" in Birkat Kohanim? What if the Kohen dislikes someone in the congregation?

The Bracha the Kohanim recite for Birkat Kohanim is (Sotah 39a): אשר קדשנו בקדושתו של אהרן וצונו לברך את עמו ישראל באהבה who has sanctified us with the sanctity of Aaron and commanded us to bless ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Are my enemies included in the concept of neighbour? [closed]

It is unclear for me if my enemies are or not included in the concept of neighbor regarding the following mitzva: Leviticus 19:18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of ...
lifeisaquestion's user avatar
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Veahavta lereiecha kamocha before davening

Heard that there’s a custom of the arizal that Magen Abraham cites that says to say “I accept upon myself the mitzvah of veahavta lereicha kamocha” before davening. Anyone know where this is and have ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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How does Hashem decide when someone will meet their soulmate?

What is Hashems criteria for determining when someone will meet their soulmate? Is it due to their deeds or issues related to their past lives that need to be resolved in this life?
Miguel's user avatar
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כֻּלָּם אֲהוּבִים - further reading please

Every day in the berachot of Shema, we describe the angels who praise Hashem as כֻּלָּם אֲהוּבִים, all beloved. I would like further reading on this description of them. Anything: who they are, why ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Love Hashem more than fellow Jew?

Question This is a general question looking to exhaust the topic. Should we love Hashem (ואהבת את ה' אלקיך) more than anyone else? Including our spouse (ואוהבה כגופו - Rambam Ishut 15:19), our ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Passion or affinity in search of a spouse?

What is the Jewish position regarding the status of the beginning of a marital relationship? Should you look for the person with the greatest possible affinity with you or should the component of ...
Thales's user avatar
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RE: Chida prayer for love and unity

From what source is the Chida's prayer for the unity and love of Israel? It's on p 212-213 of the RCA's Siddur Avodat Halev, but it's unsourced besides saying the Chida wrote it. Halp?
SarcasticAquarius's user avatar
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Do angels serve God out of love?

There are plenty of sources that angels serve Hashem out of fear. However, are there any early sources that angels serve Hashem out of love? Is that something that humans are unique in doing? It seems ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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5 answers

Does HaShem ever say I Love you?

Is there anywhere in the scripture where HaShem says "I love you." or "I love"? Directly and not indirectly.
Tim's user avatar
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Does God love every Jew unconditionally?

If a Jew spent his entire life doing terrible sins, would God still love him? For example, does God love Jesus or Jews who have caused similarly terrible damage? Please provide sources.
Yehuda's user avatar
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What Biblical couple is the standard for happy and healthy marital relationships?

On Shabbos, we bless our kids with Brochos to grow like our forefathers/mothers. When my kid announced that he's getting married I exclaimed "may God put your marriage like..." and got stuck ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why Yakov never learned to love Leah?

IIRC, the general approach to Yaakov marrying Rachel and Leah is that he intended to marry them both from the beginning, just in a different order. Even if only Rachel was his soulmate, marrying ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Sources that Parah Adumah shows love between Bnei Yisrael and Hashem

I'm looking for sources that Parah Adumah shows love between Bnei Yisrael and Hashem. (I know that there are recent sources that say this. I'm looking for earlier sources, preferably Rishonim or ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Would marriage really not solve this man's problem?

Another question on pikuach nefesh. The Talmud [Sanhedrin 75a] recounts this story: There was an incident involving a certain man who set his eyes upon a certain woman and passion rose in his heart [...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar

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