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Questions tagged [state-of-israel]

Questions related to the modern geopolitical entity, the State of Israel / *Medinat Yisrael*, and life within it.

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Drafting the ultra-Orthodox in Israel

There is more and more talk from ultra-Orthodox leaders in Israel to resist the recent decision to draft yeshiva students in the army, such as this one: "Haredi leader to yeshiva students: Don’t ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Private conversions [closed]

Chalom Are private orthodox conversions are kosher according halacha ? For exemple, I converted sincerely throught a private Beit Din headed by Rav Chaim Amsellem . The Chief Rabbinate did not ...
חיים's user avatar
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Torah study vs armed defense

The Midrash tells us that only Torah study protects the Jews: Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi sent Rabbi Assi and Rabbi Ammi on a mission to organize religious education in the cities of the Land of Israel. ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Is it muttar to buy an Israel bond?

Israel sells bonds. Put simply: Is buying such a bond - and receiving interest on it - an issur of ribbis, or lifnei iver for ribbis?
Yehuda's user avatar
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Does mesirah apply to the secular state of Israel

The Halacha of mesirah prohibits Jews turning fellow Jews over to non Jewish governments and law enforcement. However, does it prohibit turning fellow Jews to the secular state of israel, which is ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Vizhnitzer Rebbe's Prayer for Israeli Soldiers

On the first Shabboth following the Simhhat Torah Massacre, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, R. Yisrael Hager recited a special prayer for the soldiers in the IDF. It was not the commonly recited Mi Sheberakh ...
Deuteronomy's user avatar
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Legalities of launching a preemptive strike on shabbat

Should the IDF be allowed to launch an offensive on Shabbat if it seems as if there will be no threat from any opposing forces until Shabbat is over?
Sarah's user avatar
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Paradox of a corrupt court

With current events in mind (South Africa v. Israel Genocide Convention), I have a question. How does Torah help us solve the paradox of applying justice to an injust justice system? If the court ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Does Eilat belong to Bney Israel?

1 Kings 9:26 "King Solomon made a ship in Etzion Geber, which is beside Eloth on the shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Edom." Does Eilat (which spelling is also spelled Eloth) belong to &...
ninamag's user avatar
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A food's Rabbanut kashrus claim is in plain text. There's no kosher symbol, logo, or emblem. Can you trust the kashrus claim? [closed]

Background You're considering buying a package of kasha, or roasted buckwheat. It was made in China. (I once asked a rabbi at COR, the Kashruth Council of Canada. He told me that, if you buy roasted ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Is there an halachic basis for allowing attacks that may or even will result in civilian casualties? [duplicate]

I’d learned at some point that you cannot kill someone who isn’t directly threatening a life even under threat of death from someone else (along with abandoning God and adultery) and that you should ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Halakha and practicality of a halachic state

Is there a practical issue with trying to govern a state in a theocracy by Halakha without divine revelation? Even believing it’s okay to have a Jewish state exist before moshiach, would it still be ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Rabbi Grossman's tzedakkah segula for soldiers

In Israeli Dati social media circles there's been a little bit of a buzz recently1 over a segula apparently first introduced by Rabbi Grossman during the Second Lebanon War (see here from 0:52). The ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Does the Rashi on Sanhedrin 98a really mean that the state of Israel is going to be conquered?

On Sefaria the translation of Sanhedrin 98a:6 introduces a zionist interpretation which is not in the original language of the text. אמר רבי חמא בר חנינא אין בן דוד בא עד שתכלה מלכות הזלה מישראל ...
James Read's user avatar
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What is "the Halachic State"?

There is a term called מְדִינַת הֲלָכָה - Halachic State. On Wikipedia (not a reliable source, but could not find anything else), it says: A Halachic State is a Jewish state that endorses Judaism in ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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