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Questions tagged [vilna-gaon]

The "Gra" aka Rabbi Eliyahu Kramer (1720-1797) a legendary Torah scholar who was one of of the most influential & impactful leaders in modern Jewish history.

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Vilna Gaon - Torah can bring you up or bring you down

Does anyone know the source of the Vilna Gaon talking about Torah and saying that it can either be used for the good or for the bad, it depends on one’s midot. He said that Torah is like rain. If you ...
Shtika K'hodaah's user avatar
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Affixing Mezuzah without case or cover

In Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 289/1 the Mechaber writes: בא לקבעה יניחנה בשפופרת של קנה או של כל דבר ויקבענה במקומה ויברך אקב"ו לקבוע מזוזה ולא יברך בשעת כתיבתה. (והקובע ב' או ג' מזוזות מברך ברכה ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Why did the Gra not say an after-blessing after karpas?

Ma'aseh Rav 191 records the practice of the Gra at his seder: ומטבל בחומץ ומברך בפה"א ואוכל כזית ואינו מברך ברכה אחרונה ... ואומר אשר גאלנו ומברך בפה"ג ושותה הכוס He dips [the karpas] in ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Does the Igros Moshe hold like the Gra on use of Chomesh Money?

Here they quote the Igros Moshe That while Maaser money is only for the poor Chomesh money on the other hand can also go to Mitzvas other than ...
zunior's user avatar
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Parshiot Devarim referring to mashiach

Where does the vilna gaon say that the parshiot of devarim are a remez to the last generations of before mashiach?
Shababnik's user avatar
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Taking care of the body

I heard that the Gaon of Vilna wrote the following: normally, suffering comes to atone for past sins. But, when a person puts himself in a dangerous situation and suffers an accident due to this, this ...
Renan Suchmacher's user avatar
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Where is the Vilna Gaon's story of revealing his tefillin shel rosh in court?

Many people quote a story of the Vilna Gaon revealing his tefillin shel rosh when facing ridiculous charges in court. Where is the oldest known source for this story?
NJM's user avatar
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What ksav were the tefillin of the GR"A (AKA Vilna Gaon)?

I had always thought the GR''A wore ksav Beis Yosef but I recently read on
DWeinstein's user avatar
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Z'man of Rabbeinu Tam - when does science determine a psak?

I recently read a very well-researched sefer about the machlokes Rabbeinu Tam and the Gaonim about when is tzeis hakochavim: When does halachic night begin, 72 minutes after sunset or when the sun ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Can anyone recommend a peirush on the peirush haGra on Sefer Mishlei?

I sat in a weekly shiur on the peirush haGra on Mishlei for years and I took out a tremendous amount - my Rosh Yeshiva gave over many deep yesodos of life but I found it was very hard to pick up a ...
Shaul's user avatar
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How many 6 hour learning session did the Vilna Gaon have every day?

I came up with my own schedule for myself. The best I could do was two options: Wake up at 5am or 5:30am. Daven Shacharis. Learn from 7:00am to 1:00am. Daven Mincha. Exercise for an hour. Rest up a ...
user3316598's user avatar
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What did the Vilna Gaon's study schedule look like?

I heard he learned for 6 hours at a time. How many of these sessions did he have a day? Did he get up and stretch in the middle? What did he do during his breaks in between study sessions?
user3316598's user avatar
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Gra’s opinion on tehillim?

I heard that the Gra was against Tehillim being stated in public to the point where he would even say that Kabbalat Shabbat should be performed at home? I have two questions on this, number one is ...
Jacob Tsatskis's user avatar
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I've heard that there's a GR"A that says there is no need for hishtadlus for shidduchim. Has anyone come across this?

I heard that it was in his sefer Hadras Kodesh, on the pasuk in Tehillim אם ה׳ לא יבנה בית I can't find the sefer. Does anyone have a copy or an online source where I can see this?
DavidM's user avatar
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לפ"ד ש"פ Acronym deciphering

In Beur Hagra EH 7.14, SK 54, there is an Acronym I don't understand "ל"ד ש"פ". Can someone help me?
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