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Questions tagged [jizya]

جزية tribute that is received from the non-muslim subjects of the Islamic state - in return for cessation of war, protection of their lives and properties, and for staying in the Dar al-Islam.

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Nisab for Collecting Jizyah From Ahlul Dhimmah

Is there any Nisab for Jizyah on Dhimmis just like there is Nisab for Zakat on Muslim as per Fuqaha? Note: Prefer To Know Hanbali Fiqh Rulings
Mohammad Alam's user avatar
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Who is exempt from Jizyah in the Shafi'i school of thought?

I came across this claim: Our school (Shafi'i) insists upon the payment of the poll-tax by sickly persons, old men, even if decrepit, blind men, monks, workmen, and poor persons incapable of ...
Allah lover's user avatar
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Why did Umar ibn Abdul Aziz take Jizya from Apostates?

Ma’mar reported: Some residents of the peninsula told me that some people had embraced Islam, but it was not long until they became apostates. Maymun ibn Mihran wrote to Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz, may Allah ...
IbnAqil's user avatar
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Does Shafi school of thought only make people of the book Dhimmi and pay jizya is there a different of option in this issue in the Shafi school [duplicate]

I was wondering if Shafi school only allow people of the book to be Dhimmi and pay jizya is their a different opinion in the school that says all non Muslims can be Dhimmi. Also if this is true how ...
Allah lover's user avatar
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What are the sources of slavery in Islam?

I’m confused as to who qualifies to be enslaved. People often say captives of war, but what exactly does that mean? The opposite forces? Civilians in the town raided? How would you differentiate ...
Anonymmous X's user avatar
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Status of Dhimmi on post-Islamic religions

As I understand, the status of Dhimmi can be enjoyed by any non-Muslim religion as far it has a pact or treaty with the Islamic government were it lives and recognizes the authority (submits if you ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Does islam allow killing or enslaving civilians in war?

Lets say there are villages in settlements outside of dar al islam. Are muslim armies allowed to kill and enslave them by surprise if they are in dar al harb? Is asking them to convert or pay jizya a ...
z shawn's user avatar
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Can polytheists pay jizya?

In this Hadith prophet is allowing the polytheists the option of Jizyah: ...When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action... Invite them to (accept) Islam.... ...
Hisham's user avatar
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Is it obligatory for a non-Muslim woman to pay jizya?

Scholars say that jizya is not obligatory for non Muslim women. Is their any sahih evidence for this.
Unknown's user avatar
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Are jizya and zakat/sadqa the only sources for state finances in Islam?

As far as I know the Islamic state has mostly developed in the time of the caliphs and the later dynasties. But surely there must be some sources that might have guided and inspired what we now may ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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What was the justification for attacking or fighting the Persians in 'Iraq by the Caliphs Abu bakr and 'Omar?

I mean fighting for the ridda wars at least seems obvious. People have refused to pay Zakat and became against the Muslim rulers by for example following the false prophets like Musailimah and Sajjah....
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the implications of Jesus abolishing Jizya?

Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 656: Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the ...
Alp Sankhya's user avatar
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Are there any scriptural justifications in Islam that justify the extermination of the Jews?

I'm not trolling and I sincerely apologise if this question offends anyone. I also want to get it out of the way that I don't believe that all Muslims are violent and genocidal. I also don't believe ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
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What are the consequences for refusal of non-Muslims to pay Jizya?

What are the consequences for non-Muslims living in a Muslim state if they refuse to pay the Jizya? According to Sahih Muslim: If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they ...
CobaltBabyBear's user avatar
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Why is Jizya necessary if there is no compulsion of religion?

It is mentioned in the Qur'an (9:29) that, Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the ...
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