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Questions tagged [war]

Questions about wars in Islam's history or present.

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Is there a difference between a prisoner of war and a Slave in the sharia [duplicate]

I was talking to someone and he said “Prisoner of war automatically fall into slavery“ I said “no there is a difference between a slave and a prisoner of war in the sharia.” can anyone prove that ...
venom_snake's user avatar
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Establishment of Ownership of Spoils of war & captives

السلام عليكم When is ownership of spoils of war and captives established for soldiers? Do spoils of war and captives have to be transferred from Dar al Harb to Dar Al Islam before establishing ...
Mohammad Alam's user avatar
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Is this position of Egyptian dean of Islamic Studies really correct?

This comes from this question in Sceptics but that another question itself only asks if the concrete person in question has said these words. Does Quran really gives such a permission? I was, to say ...
h22's user avatar
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Can I pray for the Israeli Army?

Now that war is going on in the middle east, whole over the world people across religion, caste and creed are praying for the children killed in the war. But no one seems to pray for the killers, that ...
Shafeek's user avatar
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Using missles and rockets in war

السلام عليكم Is it permissible to use missles and rockets to attack a city where there will be women and children, doesn’t missles and rockets also come under the prohibition from the hadith “No one ...
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Spreading of Islam through war and violence

Why does Islam promote the spreading of the faith through war? This verse in the Quran also states the same. Why doesn't Islam promote the spreading of faith peacefully like Buddhism and Jainism?
Ganit's user avatar
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Does islam allow killing or enslaving civilians in war?

Lets say there are villages in settlements outside of dar al islam. Are muslim armies allowed to kill and enslave them by surprise if they are in dar al harb? Is asking them to convert or pay jizya a ...
z shawn's user avatar
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Permissibility to kill all adult males

Is it permissible to kill all men from the kuffar when a city or a land have been conquered by muslims, there will be men who actually fought against the muslims and there will be some men who never ...
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Can Jihad at-Talab be initiated only against those who don't let Muslims preach Islam in their lands?

السلام عليكم For the initiation of jihad at talab does the leader of the kuffars need to be sent an invitation to islam and if he rejects it do we fight them or do we fight them only when the kuffars ...
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What is the reason behind Gazwa-E-Hind?

As per my understanding, Gazwa-E-Hind is the prophecy that one day war will be brought upon the Indian subcontinent to invade these lands. Two groups will lead this war on the Indian subcontinent. But ...
Ganit's user avatar
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Could Muslims purchase slaves which were kidnapped by non-Muslims?

The title is only really one half of the question, as what I'm really unsure about is the fact that the majority of slaves throughout the Islamic slave trade were bought and not acquired through war. ...
Almond's user avatar
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What are different viewpoints on supporting immoral wars through paying taxes?

What are some viewpoints on whether it is considered a sin, or not allowed under Islamic law, to pay taxes which go towards the support of wars of aggression, or wars considered immoral by yourself or ...
user1689987's user avatar
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Why did Abu Bakr send armies into Syria? [duplicate]

In this Hadith it is mentioned that Abu bakr RA sent armies into ash-Shaam: Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Said that Abu Bakr as-Siddiq was sending armies to ash-Sham. He went for a ...
Hisham's user avatar
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Is Khalid ibn al-Walid a celebrated figure in Islam?

Khalid Apparently there was an Islamic general called Khalid ibn al-Walid. Britannica encyclopedia Khālid ibn al-Walīd, byname Sīf, or Sayf, Allāh (Arabic: “Sword of God”), (died 642) Hero ...
John Strachan's user avatar
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Are we by default at war with all of the Disbelieving Peoples?

suppose theres no formally agreed pact between the Ummah and any Disbelieving nations, and the disbelieving Nations have not attacked us and expressed a desire for Peace. Are we still at war (...
Hisham's user avatar
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