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Questions tagged [prophet-isa]

One of the great Prophets and Servants of God.

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Was Jesus a Jew at all?

First of all: what I mean here by “Jew” is nationality/race and not religion. The question of whether Jesus was a Jew therefore means whether Jesus was an Israeli, i.e. a descendant of Jacob/Israel. ...
Jlem's user avatar
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Does the Quran say that the Christians believe that Jesus is the literal offspring of god?

This has been on my mind for quite a while now I’ve seen some people claim that the Quran says that Christians believe that Jesus is the literal son of god, those people then claim that they don’t ...
iln n's user avatar
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Why didn't Allah have the Prophet Isa establish the religion of Islam while He was living on the Earth?

I have often wondered why Allah did not instruct the Prophet Isa (Jesus) to establish the religion of Islam while He was living on the Earth, which took place during the years 0 A.D - 33 A.D.. The Qur'...
user57467's user avatar
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Regarding the use of the term messiah

I would like to know if I can use the term messiah in regards to a savior or a heroic person. An example is me writing a book about this savior who comes and saves this nation and their football club ...
Ameen Moolla's user avatar
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How is this ayah in the Qur'an, Surah 5 Ayah 116, actually rectified, other than 'Allahu a'alam' as it seems that at least two mistakes are made

As this question has been asked previously, or rather, it has been asked in a different, more simple way; There is no clear or sufficient answer that I can find. Let me premise this by saying, I have ...
FalsificationEqualsHonesty's user avatar
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Are the companions of prophet eesa in second coming better than tabaeen?

The report of musnad Ahmed 3600 tells, companions are the best people after prophets. He looked at the hearts of His servants after Muhammad, and He found that the hearts of his companions were the ...
Shafi's user avatar
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Which were the teachings of Jesus? [closed]

I would like to know which were the teaching of Jesus. Which books are used as reference?
lifeisaquestion's user avatar
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Are Christians who question the authenticity of modern day bible(s) or the notion of Trinity considered "Ahlul Kitab"?

I know someone who was raised Christian and continues to believe in God, but questions the modern day bible and believes it to have been altered, he also questions the notion of the Trinity, and ...
Bog's user avatar
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Did prophet isa a.s get the injil at 33 year or when he returns

I'm confused did jesus a.s get the injil when was 33 year old before his he get sent to heaven or when he returns? And if he get it when returns then why allah swt say he sent the injil even tho not ...
moh moh's user avatar
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What are the clear proofs from the Islamic corpus that the crucifixion or the death of Jesus never took place?

In the Quran there seems to be only one verse i.e.4:157, that denies the crucifixion of Jesus. Even in that verse the denial is about what some Jews had claimed. Even though there are hundreds of ...
TeluguBeliever's user avatar
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Is it in line with Islam to call themselves "Army of Jesus" and carry icons of Jesus Christ?

In this video Apti Alautdiniv, the Akhmat batallion commander from Chechnya calls his unit "army of Jesus" and the soldiers are seen to carry flags with icon of Jesus Christ. I wonder ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Clarification on "Tawaffa"

To the best of my knowledge, whenever Allah or His angels perform tawaffa on someone it only means sleep or death. 25+ times only death: وتوفنا مع الأبرار 3:193 الذين يتوفون منكم 2:234 & 2:240 ...
No Worries's user avatar
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Why does 5:117 not show that Jesus (as) passed away?

From this answer: "I said nothing to them except that which Thou didst command me — ‘Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.’ And I was a witness over ...
Zulfiqar's user avatar
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How do Ahmadis justify their belief that Jesus (as) is dead?

What are some of the sources Ahmadis use from Quran and Hadith to argue that Jesus (as) is dead?
No Worries's user avatar
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Does 5:75 show Jesus (as) passed away?

This is one of the proofs Ahmadis use to show Jesus (as) is dead, taken from: How do Ahmadis justify their belief that Jesus (as) is dead? "The Messiah, son of Mary, was only a Messenger; surely,...
Munassar Alam's user avatar

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