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Questions tagged [shafii]

The Shafi'i (Arabic: شافعي‎ Šāfiʿī ) madhhab is one of the schools of fiqh, or religious law, within the Sunni branch of Islam. Named after Imām ash-Shafi'i, it is followed by Muslims worldwide in Southeast Asia, Horn of Africa, Yemen, and parts of the Egypt and Indian subcontinent.

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Owning a Cat and Polishing Shoes in Shafi Madhab

According to the Shafi school of thought, the bones and hair of unslaughtered animals are considered filth [The Accessible Conspectus by Musa Furber, page 15]. In this regard, the following two ...
rainman's user avatar
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What is the hierarchy of sins?

Imam Al-Nawawi, in his Minhaj at-Talibin, writes: A person suffering from hunger who finds a corpse, and at the same time eatables not forbidden but belonging to another, should, according to our ...
BarackBarackBarack's user avatar
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Is cannibalism halal under certain circumstances as per Imam Shafi'i(RA) and Imam Hanbal(RA)? [duplicate]

On a website name Jihadica, various fatwas containing Daesh insignia were collected by certain academicians and researchers in 2014. Fatwa No. 68 is translated by UC Berkeley medical anthropology ...
Teerth Aloke's user avatar
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Who is exempt from Jizyah in the Shafi'i school of thought?

I came across this claim: Our school (Shafi'i) insists upon the payment of the poll-tax by sickly persons, old men, even if decrepit, blind men, monks, workmen, and poor persons incapable of ...
Allah lover's user avatar
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Who wrote the book "al umm al Shafi'i"

"al umm al Shafi'i" is a book attributed to imam al Shafi'i. But everything in the book is "al shafi'i said: ...." so clearly he himself did not write the book. Some articles say ...
Hisham's user avatar
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Ijtehad by a layman to choose a madhab?

When I was 10/11 I used to pray in both hanafee mosque and shafaee mosque as both were around 200 meters from house in opposite directions. Since as a layman I dont know which madhab to choose. Are ...
Ibn Kaleemullah's user avatar
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Where does this quote from Al-Shafi'i originate from?

Where does this quote from Al-Shafi'i originate from? And could I please get a source for the Arabic? Al-Shafii (d. 820) said: “He may marry off his female slave without her permission whether she is ...
Bob's user avatar
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Is it true that the Shafi'i Madhab permit men to marry their daughters who are concieved from zina? If so, why?

Can someone verify if this is true: Ibn Al-Arabi said, “Lineage is an expression referring to the mixture of fluids between a male and a female from a religious legal point of view. However, if this ...
Sami's user avatar
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Why does the Shafi'i Madhab permit killing all non Muslim adult males during Jihad?

Why does the Shafi'i Madhab permit killing all non Muslim adult males during Jihad? Is it just because of their disbelief? Isn't that too cruel? Bidayat al-Mujtahid Ibn Rushd writes: They disagreed ...
Sami's user avatar
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Can you do Taymmum with stones or other earthly materials?

Can you do Taymmum with stones or other earthly materials in Shafi’i fiqh? If not, what does one do if both soil and water are not available?
Curious's user avatar
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Can I proudly say "the way of my beloved prophet Muhammad SAW will not lead me to hell fire"

Assalamualaikum waramatullahi wabarakatuhu I have come across may people that sometimes when am trying to do some daawah for them, they used to ask that do you think this is the way, and sometimes I ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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What's the position of the four major Sunni schools regarding female witnesses

What's the position of the four schools regarding Muslim women testifying in cases other than those being traditionally the domain of women (suckling, menstruation, idda, etc)? I want to know if they ...
Daud's user avatar
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Could someone elaborate the Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali position on dogs as pets?

So I understand culturally, dogs are not exactly popular in certain areas of the Muslim world and there are certain narrations that appear to be against dogs as pets, but are there not narrations ...
user16667's user avatar
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What did Imam Nawawi mean by "demanding her in marriage" in relation to a marriage proposal?

This question is in relation to Uma's answer to When proposing / before agreeing to marry a woman, how much can a man look at her (body)?. Specifically this snippet: From Imam Nawawi's Minhaj Al ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Is a marriage with witnesses who weren't present valid in the Shafi'i madhhab, and what to do if it's not?

I was a divorced lady before I got married the second time. An imam was my wali for my second marriage and my nikah was done in me and my husband's presence. Though the imam brought two witnesses, ...
Fathima's user avatar
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