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Questions tagged [construction]

Questions regarding the history of constructing any type of installations or infrastructure.

3 votes
3 answers

Why was 6 WTC not included in the plans to rebuild the World Trade Center?

In reading the Wikipedia article about the new World Trade Center, 6 WTC is conspicuously absent. It doesn't show up in the navigation sidebar: And there's no mention of it in the list of planned or ...
5 votes
1 answer

How did medieval architects determine sizes and numbers of pillars, buttresses etc?

While looking at some magnificent gothic cathedrals, I began to wonder how these buildings were designed. (I hope that this site it the right place to ask, rather than the engineering one?) For ...
15 votes
7 answers

Has the U.S. Navy ever commissioned the building of a warship overseas?

Many foreign navies have commissioned foreign shipyards to build warships and submarines for them. Most recently, Russia purchased to amphibious dock landing ships from France (that sale is currently ...
7 votes
1 answer

Is there evidence of a pagan temple on the site of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem that predated the Jewish Temple?

Is there any evidence of a pagan temple having preceded Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem on that same site? I have seen this argument made, but I wanted to know more about the reasons behind this ...
1 vote
0 answers

When did swamp/wetland conversion first begin, and what were the early methods for doing so?

I have been trying to do some research into the early history of humans using wetlands, but haven't had much luck. As I understand it so far, there are a number of methods of "wetland conversion&...
5 votes
3 answers

When a wattle-and-daub construction was demolished, how did they recycle or dispose of the materials?

In the medieval age, when a wattle-and-daub building had to be demolished, did they recycle the materials? Especially the logs of the frames, these seem to be prime targets for reuse. This article ...
-1 votes
3 answers

What are some examples that show medieval stone construction on top of older foundations?

Are there any more blatant examples that show new construction or repairs on older construction? Buildings like castles or walls With visible differences between the two construction eras? For example ...
17 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of the iron structures seen on the sides of many WW2 flak towers?

I was researching World War 2 flak towers, and was unable to find the purpose of these iron(?) structures seen underneath the main walkway of many flak towers. My first thought was that it would ...
18 votes
7 answers

Why are most of the world's oldest buildings in Europe and not in the Fertile Crescent?

Looking at the list of the world's ten oldest surviving human constructed buildings, many are in Europe while the oldest building in what (with a generous interpretation of the concept) could be ...
8 votes
2 answers

What kind of wood was the standard decking for aircraft carriers in World War 2?

I know that both Japan and the United States used wooden decks on their WWII Aircraft Carriers. Was there a specific, "ideal" standard type of wood that was utilized by either country? If so, what ...
3 votes
0 answers

Along side Roman roads, where did the drainage ditches lead? [closed]

Reading about how Roman roads were built, it seems they built drainage ditches on both sides. I've found various sites talking about this, such as this one. This leads to a question that will sound ...
41 votes
10 answers

What is the oldest building in the world still in use?

What's the oldest building in the world that is still in use (i.e. used for something other than a tourist spot).
12 votes
3 answers

When during their construction did Bible-era Jewish temples become "holy"?

As is well documented in the Bible and elsewhere, in Bible times, the innermost area of a temple (often referred to as the Holy of Holies) was only permitted to be occupied by the head priest, and ...
2 votes
0 answers

Do we know how much the Aurelian Wall would have cost to build?

I've been reading about the Aurelian Wall and it's very fascinating, though I wonder how much, in denarii, sestercii, or other, it would have cost the Romans. Is there any way we could possibly ...
18 votes
2 answers

How long would it take to build 30 miles of Roman road?

Say there's a route of 30 miles length in need of a road. Assume ready availability of stone and lime and possibly other materials. Some gentle slopes, no particularly adverse terrain or flora/fauna. ...

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