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Questions tagged [reference-request]

For questions requesting a supporting document or citation for a specific query. Do not use for questions on general resources such as dictionaries – use [resource] instead.

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Hat "hau" als Begrüßung einen bestimmten Hintergrund?

Ich hab grad keine Quelle, aber glaube es ist allgemein bekannt, dass "Hau!" im Kinderspiel als Indianergruß gilt. Im Duden steht es nicht. Wo kommt das her? Grimm kennt immerhin eine ...
vectory's user avatar
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Is there any complete grammatical description of German in a modern theory of syntax?

The Duden offers the most complete grammar of German currently. However, has anyone tried to use a modern framework like Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar or the Minimalist Program to as ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Is "Mass" a Germanic word for "great gross" (1,728 or 12³)?

The Wikipedia page for the number 1,728 (twelve cubed, or twelve times a gross) says it is called "one great gross (or grand gross, or, in Germanic, Mass[citation needed])". I want to find a ...
Lawton's user avatar
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What are some online practice exams to assess one’s level?

I’d like to do a full practice exam in preparation for a TELC exam, B2 level. I’d prefer an online format I could do on my phone. Is there any website with a decent digital format German exam? (I.e., ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Carl von Clausewitz in original German

Though I'm sure this is simpler than I'm making it I've been unable to find the German original of the Carl von Clausewitz quote Next to victory, the act of pursuit is most important in war. I don't ...
orome's user avatar
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"In Folge kommt es zu …" – oder "infolge", oder ausschließlich "infolgedessen"?

Folgende Passage schien mir nicht falsch: […] wird eine solche Politik gewählt; in Folge kommt es zu einer Umverteilung von Steuergeldern […] Eine andere mir zugetragene muttersprachliche Meinung ...
amadeusamadeus's user avatar
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Pop quiz activities for German

Is there a place like google word couch or any quiz place for German? I have recently started learning German from Youtube (Lingoni german) and a mobile app Duolingo. Now, while going through a few ...
Momobear's user avatar
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What does *her* add to the meaning of this sentence?

(NB: If this question starts out looking very familiar to you, this is because it is in fact my second question about the same snippet of text. The first one is this one: "andern" vs "...
kjo's user avatar
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"andern" vs "anderen"

The citation below is the Duden's definition of vorausfahren (my emphasis): schon vorher, früher als ein anderer oder vor [einem] andern her irgendwohin fahren When I search online for the usage of ...
kjo's user avatar
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Searching for a specific poem

I'm looking for the author (and proper wording) of a modern poem which could perhaps be considered a "Spaßgedicht"; it must be from the late 1960s or from the 1970s because it contains a ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Reference Request: Dummbatz

Can anybody confirm that Dummbatz is Saxon dialect (or perhaps low Saxon)? I heard it from a friend repeatedly, whose father was from around Dresden, said Pfenge, ei verbibbsch and so on. I parsed ...
vectory's user avatar
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Verbreitung des Selbst-Reflexiven Pronomens

Stimmt es, dass in südlichen Dialekten die Verwendung des Pronomens sich nach einigen Verben, die im Hochdeutsch bzw. in meinem Idiolekt nicht selbst-reflexiv sind, zumindest in festen Wendungen ...
vectory's user avatar
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What is the original German version of Bismarck's phrase about intentions and capabilities?

UPDATE: It turns out that even Russia's president Vladimir Putin himself quoted Bismarck as saying that phrase! (Source1, Source2). It thus seems unlikely to be a made-up quotation, because it is ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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Brief, To the point, no-nonsense German grammar book written in English [duplicate]

EDIT NEWBIE ALERT: PLEASE SUGGEST ONLY ENGLISH WRITTEN BOOKS I think the title said it all, but for the sake of completeness, i rephrase it again. I want a non-repetitive(have you seen those books ...
pouya's user avatar
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Linux English German Dictionary

Is there any offline dictionary with the following qualities out there? Required Features: pronunciation of the words multiple examples of the word usage with pronunciation as well thesaurus word ...
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