Marketing During a Recession: 6 Strategies to Maximize Your Marketing Budget

We are entering another period of economic uncertainty. Inflation has hit a decades-long high, tech stocks are tumbling, supply chains remain snarled, and workers have not returned to the office in the same numbers since the start of the pandemic. 

Businesses are scrambling to prepare for this volatility. In general, leaders like to hold onto cash as a buffer during recessionary times. This often entails limiting spend on a variety of non-core activities or putting a freeze on hiring.

Budget cuts happen. But by being strategic about where you spend your marketing dollars, you can maximize the spend you do have to generate the highest returns and position your business for a strong rebound. Smart leaders use moments of uncertainty to invest thoughtfully in the future, not just short-term survival. Forward-thinking strategies focused on your highest-performing channels will help you thrive during both booms and busts.

In this guide, Conductor highlights the top marketing strategies during a recession and how to implement them. Download it today.

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