
Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia 291.974 Follower:innen


RWE ist Gestalter und Schrittmacher der grünen Energiewelt. Mit ihrer Investitions- und Wachstumsoffensive Growing Green trägt RWE maßgeblich zum Gelingen der Energiewende und zur Dekarbonisierung des Energiesystems bei. Für das Unternehmen arbeiten weltweit rund 20.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in fast 30 Ländern. Im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien ist RWE bereits heute eines der führenden Unternehmen. In den Jahren 2024 bis 2030 wird RWE weltweit 55 Milliarden Euro in Offshore- und Onshore-Wind, Solarenergie, Speichertechnologien, flexible Erzeugung und Wasserstoffprojekte investieren. Bis zum Ende der Dekade wächst das grüne Portfolio des Unternehmens auf mehr als 65 Gigawatt an Erzeugungskapazität. Es wird perfekt ergänzt um den globalen Energiehandel. RWE dekarbonisiert ihr Geschäft im Einklang mit dem 1,5-Grad-Reduktionspfad und steigt 2030 aus der Kohle aus. Bis 2040 wird RWE klimaneutral sein. Ganz im Sinne des Purpose – Our energy for a sustainable life.

10.001+ Beschäftigte
Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Power Generation, Renewable Energies, Gas Fleet, Energy Trading und Hydrogen


Beschäftigte von RWE


  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    291.974 Follower:innen

    Since 2022, the former cooling pond at our Amercentrale power plant in the Netherlands has been home to our first floating solar project worldwide. Its 13,400 panels, covering 3.8 hectares, can power the equivalent of more than 1,500 Dutch homes annually with green electricity. A testament to our ambition to drive forward the energy transition in an innovative way!

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  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    291.974 Follower:innen

    For over a decade now, our Swedish offshore wind farm, Karehamn, has been supplying electricity to the equivalent of 34,000 households annually. ⚡️ From the top of its 80-meter-high turbines, you can see the vast expanse of the Baltic Sea. Quite impressive, right? Tag along with us to see the view from the harbour. 👀

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    Profil von Markus Krebber anzeigen, Grafik
    Markus Krebber Markus Krebber ist Influencer:in

    CEO bei RWE

    Dear US colleagues: Today is a special day, I’m wishing all of you a happy 4th of July. Just a few weeks ago, I had the chance to visit the US, our colleagues, and sites. Seeing and hearing about all our projects and ambitions first-hand really highlighted the brilliant progress we are making. We are one of the leading renewables companies in the US, and you are the ones further driving and growing that business. As you take the time today to celebrate and enjoy a lovely time with friends, family and loved ones, I would like to thank you for all your incredible passion and commitment. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday!

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  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    291.974 Follower:innen

    Pushing the boundaries of solar power, taking it offshore! ⚡ RWE and SolarDuck have successfully installed Merganser, an offshore floating solar pilot project. Located in the Dutch North Sea, Merganser will test the structural and electrical design to deepen our knowledge about the operation of offshore solar technology in harsh offshore conditions. This innovative technology could open up further offshore renewable energy opportunities. 

  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    291.974 Follower:innen

    June was Pride Month! 🏳️🌈    At RWE we believe that all employees have the right to express their identity in the workplace.    "In our network people from the LGBT*IQ community and their allies support each other, raise awareness beyond the network about the importance of treating each other fairly and respectfully and thus help make RWE an LGBT*IQ-inclusive employer." Michaela, co-founder and co-chair person Germany of the LGBT*IQ & Friends network at RWE.   Swipe right to see how we celebrated our employees throughout the month across the globe. 🌏 👉    Your energy has impact. Use it for good. Join #TeamRWE today    #OurEnergyHasImpact #Hiring 

  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    291.974 Follower:innen

    We have a "soft spot" for new technology! The 40.8-MW Rea Unificado onshore wind project is our largest and most powerful in Spain to date. And what's more, by using ‘Soft-Spot®' foundations for the first time, we were able to set new standards. Here, so-called reinforced concrete spread foundations distribute the wind turbine's load over a donut-shaped surface. This increases the stability of the turbine, while significantly reducing CO2 emissions during the construction phase. Dive in to learn more 👇

  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    291.974 Follower:innen

    RWE takes third place! 🥉    The annual Dragon Boat Festival took place on the regatta course at Baldeneysee in Essen. Led by team captain Florian de Wal, Commodity Flow Desk, the team performed outstandingly over three preliminary races followed by the final.    And their winning spirit wasn't just on the water - they donated €1,000 to the "Be Strong For Kids Goes School" project. Congratulations to our Dragon Boat team and a big thank you for their generous contribution! 👏    Your energy has impact. Use it for good. Join #TeamRWE today    #OurEnergyHasImpact #Hiring 

  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    291.974 Follower:innen

    It's always sunny at Intersolar Europe. ☀️ Our colleague Kyle David Ryan was among those who made their way to Munich for the solar industry's leading exhibition. The days were packed with catching up with colleagues and industry peers, and Kyle also took to the stage to share some insights. 🚀 He graciously let us tag along. Let's look back at this year's event! 🎥

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