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Questions tagged [memory]

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What objects do get loaded into GDDR?

I currently have a 4K monitor and want to buy a new graphics card. My choice would either be the RTX 2080 or the RTX 2080 Ti. Now I need to know which one I really need. The Ti variant has 12 GB of ...
Amon Bune's user avatar
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What is the typical use case for rendering to an image through imageStore?

The typical scenario for using a texture would simply be: ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Handling GPU resource management

I recently finished the base implementation of a DX12 rederer and I started to think in ways of improving the performance. I think that one problem that my implementation has, is memory fragmentation, ...
Nacho's user avatar
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3 answers

Dealing with wasted space when using SIMD on CPU for vector maths

I've been getting interested in SIMD programming on CPU using SSE recently, but I'm a complete noob on the subject. I found this article describing how to make an efficient float3 type using the ...
russ's user avatar
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How can an OpenGL visualization run for weeks?

For an art project, I need to make an OpenGL visualization run for at least 4 weeks. Is this possible? I can pretty much choose the rest of the hardware and software.
Holger Ludvigsen's user avatar
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Do I need to use glMemoryBarrier with atomic counters?

The OpenGL SuperBible 7th Edition points out that the glMemoryBarrier() function supports a bit specifically for synchronizing access to atomic counters with other parts of the OpenGL pipeline ...
Startec's user avatar
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Why do I need memory barrier when doing atomic operations?

I am reading the OpenGL SuperBible 7th edition which covers atomic operations on memory specifically within shader storage blocks. It says (about atomic operations): If two invocations access the ...
Startec's user avatar
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How can I chase down VRAM & GTT memory leaks?

Problem. I have inherited a large C++ 3D graphics codebase (with some shader code). The program runs for about 1-5 minutes before crashing. Problem Data. Using system tools, one can see a sharp rise ...
George's user avatar
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Register pressure in Compute Shader

I'm in the process of writing a Ray Tracer using DirectCompute / HLSL. First, eye rays are generated (one per pixel). Then, rays are traced, shaded and reflected in a loop. Also, shadow rays for each ...
David Kuri's user avatar
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memory consumption for a true color frame buffer

What is the memory consumption for a true color frame buffer (with double buffering) on an XGA display? ("XGA" = 1024 x 768 pixels) How can I calculate this?
user5345's user avatar
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Compute shaders: one-time-only versus persistent buffers

When using a Compute Shader, is it possible to keep a buffer in the GPU memory during the whole run-time duration of the application, so whenever the original Compute Shader or other Compute Shaders ...
Brianna Szvenska's user avatar
6 votes
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Where is the shown display image actually stored and accessed?

In a modern day desktop or mobile computer, you got the CPU, the RAM, the GPU and it's own video RAM. When a modern OS renderes an image to the screen, where is the actual image data for that screen ...
salbeira's user avatar
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GDDR5 vs. DDR3 for learning GPU programming on a limited budget?

[Please (kindly) let me know if this is not the place for this question] I'm hoping to learn about GPU programming, but as a college student, I've a quite limited budget. I'm wondering whether I ...
Ben Sandeen's user avatar
14 votes
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Why smoothed meshes in 3D studio end up with the same number of vertices/triangles? How then can they be smoothed with the same geometry?

I am trying to understand why meshes that are smoothed in 3D studio (Modifiers/Smoother) end up having the same amount of vertices/faces before or after that process, as well as the exact same ...
Louis15's user avatar
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Does this type of memory-mapping for a display exist?

Most information about memory mapped displays on the net are about those in which there is essentially a location in main memory for each pixel on the display. A hypothetical 1024 x 512 display would ...
Cyber99's user avatar
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