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Questions tagged [buffers]

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Is it possible to read arbitrary data at arbitrary array offset in glsl?

TL;DR In a Vulkan / GLSL ray tracing program, I have several shader files, all accessing the same material buffer of arbitrary data. All materials have an arbitrary layout, e.g. one might be a float, ...
Tare's user avatar
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How does the Communication between Monitor and GPU work?

I know that this Topic is highly Hardware dependent, so i am asking for the case that a monitor is connected to a GPU or motherboard via. Displayport/HDMI I would like to know is how the monitor is ...
Schrottiy's user avatar
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Starting from a basic glTF (such as a static sphere or plane) exported from Blender how can I add an animation manipulating its JSON?

I'm working on a glTF, precisely I'm trying to animate a "static" mesh exported from Blender directly acting on its JSON. In doing so, I'm following the logic used in this tutorial , where a ...
Ludovico's user avatar
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Does RWStructuredBuffer have built-in overflow protection in hlsl?

It appears that reads to indices outside the range of a ComputeBuffer always return 0, and writes to out-of-range indices do not cause any exceptions or runtime errors. Is there built-in range-...
infosizzle's user avatar
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What causes buffer access to be significantly slower in DXIL than SPIR-V?

I am currently experimenting with unbounded descriptor arrays and ultimately want to use bindless descriptors. I wrote a test application, that draws 100.000 simple object instances, where the ...
Carsten's user avatar
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What does it mean for a buffer to be "tightly packed"?

I keep running into this phrase when reading specs and tutorials, but I have no idea what "tightly packed" is supposed to mean. Is it simply the opposite of an interleaved buffer? I.e. all ...
Jespertheend's user avatar
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Is fragment shader run on fragments that are outside of rasterized geometry?

In deferred rendering, I first write world position to G-Buffer, and then in shading part, I want to use that information to reproject in the previous frame and then write the final color. However, ...
Toothery's user avatar
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Binding vs bindless

I was trying to understand what exactly is 'binding'. I found an answer on quora on this. From this, binding basically sounds like sending data from to GPU with help from CPU. I got to know more about ...
Abhineet Pandey's user avatar
2 votes
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What does the z-buffer look like in memory?

I am an amateur game developer, and I've been reading a lot on how computer graphics rendering works lately. I was reading on the Z-buffer recently and I can't quite seem to be able to wrap my head ...
Carmo's user avatar
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fastest way to "read only" from buffer

First of all I have a struct which looks like the following: ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Using buffers correctly in OpenGL compute shaders

I'm re-writing an algorithm that I first wrote using matrix/vector operation into OpenGL kernels in order to try to maximiz the performances. I have a basic knowledge of OpenGL, so I was able to get ...
04348's user avatar
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Can the framebuffer in OpenGL jargon or its color buffer end up being the one and the same memory location as the one scanned by a display controller?

My understanding is: the 'framebuffer' in OpenGL is a collection of buffers: many (due to swapping or stereo rendering) color buffers, (only one?) z-buffer and (only one?) stencil buffer; each OpenGL ...
user1624691's user avatar
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How do you loop through the contents of a buffer in DX11?

Okay, so I'm currently using the IAGetVertexBuffers() method and I'd like to loop through some of the returned buffers to verify the contents. However, I'm kind of new to DirectX and C++ in general. I ...
junfanbl's user avatar
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Sharing memory between compute shader and pixel shader

I am relatively new to compute shaders and gpgpu in general so bear with me if i am missing the point somewhere. The main thing i do not yet understand / see is how to get memory from a compute ...
AverageGatsby's user avatar
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In what scenarios and how does GL_ARB_buffer_storage help performance?

The Dolphin emulator for GameCube/Wii has the ability to use the ARB_buffer_storage (or EXT_buffer_storage for GLES) to improve rendering performance. From the extension's description, a GPU driver ...
jdonald's user avatar
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Multiple VAO share a EBO (OpenGL 3.3)

As mentioned here, multiple VAOs can share a single VBO. However, can multiple VAOs share a single EBO? For example, I want to create 2 rectangles. So, I do the following: ...
trexxet's user avatar
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How to solve Z buffer artifacts

I am currently rendering a scene in the most standard fashion possible (triangle projection and Blinn-Phong for shading) However I am getting some artifacts: As you can see the lion head is not ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Feeding vertex data to a compute shader

I'm writing a CAD program in vulkan. In my current design, I have line paths represented as large vertex buffers for rendering. I would like to implement an algorithm for extruding the path outwards, ...
Holden Green's user avatar
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Replacing Vertex Attributes (glBufferData vs glBufferSubData)

I'm sending a large number of data to the vertex shader. I use glBufferData to generate my ...
Archmede's user avatar
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What is an OpenGL VAO in a nutshell?

Before I get downvoted. I am not asking how to use them, I know how to use them. I am trying to understand what they are. For example, an array is actually a contiguous section of memory, a linked ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Range of integers returned by glGenBuffers?

I'm developing a general Mesh class with the help of LearnOpenGL. In the example he creates a class which assumes that you want to generate a VAO, VBO, and an EBO but I don't usually use EBOs so I ...
Archmede's user avatar
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OpenGL back and front buffer - counting and adjusting the number of red pixels before displaying to screen

I'm writing a function that reads the number of red pixels on the left and right halves of the screen, it makes adjustments while the difference between the number of red pixels falls outside of a ...
Stackmm's user avatar
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4 votes
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Z buffer working in OpenGL

After Z-Buffer Testing does the fragment shader run on the discarded fragments? Does the Z-Test happen after the fragment shader runs? Please, tell me the step by step events that occur in the Z-Test....
VersesDev's user avatar
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Multiple buffers and calling glBufferSubData

In my project, for convenience I would like to use many buffers. Many buffers in my case means 50-100 terrain patches represented by buffers with vertex coordinates, normals, indices and maybe color. ...
remi000's user avatar
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5 votes
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How do double-buffers work in opengl?

As I understand, the back-buffer is used for rendering the image while the front-buffer is drawn on the screen. So if you have only one image to be drawn on the screen, then you only need to swap the ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Use big frame buffer to control a small display

I am really new in computer graphic area. Suppose I have 1024*1024 frame buffer, and I want to use it to control a 512*512 display. What shall I do? In my opinion, I will only read the information in ...
zfb's user avatar
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How do you sample an analogue image and store it in a true-colour frame buffer? [closed]

I really cannot get my head around on this issue - how does an analogue image is sampled and then stored in a ture-colour frame buffer (e.g. in a camera) and how do you prevent noise when you do so? ...
Nelly's user avatar
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2 answers

How to encode/decode buffer data in glTF?

I'm playing around with base64 embedded data URI's and tried to analyze the buffer data of the gltf box sample model, as defined in this example here (line 76). ...
q9f's user avatar
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Compute shaders: one-time-only versus persistent buffers

When using a Compute Shader, is it possible to keep a buffer in the GPU memory during the whole run-time duration of the application, so whenever the original Compute Shader or other Compute Shaders ...
Brianna Szvenska's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to generate binary gltf array buffers?

I'm looking for any way which enables me to quickly generate gltf files including the conversion of plain array buffers (vertex, index, color, etc.) into binary (bgltf, glb, bin) files. I'm asking ...
q9f's user avatar
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