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Questions tagged [collision]

In collision detection problems, the challenge is to determine when shapes intersect each other.

32 votes
3 answers

Overlapping rectangles

I received the following question in a technical interview today (for a devops/SRE position): Write a function which returns true if the two rectangles passed to it as arguments would overlap if ...
Jim Dennis's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Circle - Line segment collision

I wrote an implementation of circle - line segment collision detection algorithm. Here is quick demonstration how it works: And here is my implementation in Javascript using HTML canvas: index.html ...
Tomek's user avatar
  • 315
3 votes
1 answer

Canvas spatial grid collision

You can see a working example here. Be sure to click on the canvas or the key inputs will not be detected! Are there any ways I could improve upon this? Anything that should have been done ...
ShaShads's user avatar
  • 147