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Questions tagged [collision]

In collision detection problems, the challenge is to determine when shapes intersect each other.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Spacial hashing Library

Old code ...
Tobi's user avatar
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2D Game - Ray-cast collision handling

This code is an excerpt from an infinite platformer I'm working on for fun. It belongs to the class GameObject from which every object i.e platforms, player, ...
kainev's user avatar
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Hash Based Data Structure in Java for Collision Calculation

I have started a project on my free time were I'm writing a 2D game engine in Java. One of the more challenging and interesting aspects of such a project is collision detection between sprites on the ...
mantono's user avatar
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Collision system in Pong-like game

I am writing a game like Pong. Therefore I am using an entity system approach, so I use a Component-based design. The hardest part until now was to write the collision system. As I just began with ...
M0rgenstern's user avatar
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Typescript QuadTree

everybody. It took a tree of squares for my web game. I wrote a preview using Typescript. I would like to hear from you tips on how to improve the code (I just started writing in Typescript). First ...
12345654321's user avatar
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Optimizing snap SVG animation with collision detection

I have a snap SVG animation which animates a bunch of circles, and draws a line between them if they are within a certain proximity of each other. However, I realize that there is a lot of optimizing ...
mheavers's user avatar
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