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Questions tagged [computational-geometry]

Computer geometry is a branch of computer science devoted to the study of algorithms which can be stated in terms of geometry.

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2 answers

2D Point subclass of complex builtin

I'm writing a pure-python geometry tool for technical drawings / computational geometry (not a solver, as a solver has to work with constraints). I've already mentioned a previous version on code ...
ToAskOrNotToAsk's user avatar
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Performant 2D Grid Cluster Finder Algorithm

I would like to vastly improve the speed of the second part of this algorithm to find clusters of points on a 2D grid. Each point is represented by a Region on the ...
ProgrammingTenants's user avatar
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Algorithm to draw a patterned line by traversing the path through points

So I was in need of a way to draw a patterned line that passes through several points on a 2D space, something that no Python library seems able to do out of the box (at least, the ones I've been ...
pepoluan's user avatar
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1 answer

Find largest number of collinear points

The following is my submission for LeetCode's Max Points on a Line: Given an array of points where points[i] = [xi, yi] represents a point on the X-Y plane, return the maximum number of points that ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 answer

Function to find the closest points between two line segements

The following function is supposed to return the points p1 on line segment a, and p2 line segment b, such that |p1 - p2| is minimized. ...
user877329's user avatar
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Create normals from triangulated surface

Objective I have a 3D face mesh triangulated. I have computed the midpoint of each triangle in the mesh, and I have the normal vector (n1, n2,n3) for each triangle. The objective is to create a 2D ...
Joker's user avatar
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Union Polygon Algorithm

This is my attempt at creating a Union Algorithm for an arbitrary set of any number of arbitrary simple polygons. It works for both convex and concave polygons. ...
FaffyWaffles's user avatar
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VBA functions to calculate sun and moon positions

I have the following VBA code (across three modules) to make UDFs to calculate sun & moon position data. The issue I'm facing is that they are very slow to run as I have over 6000 rows (over 10 ...
hidp123's user avatar
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Sampling from k circles with different radii

Description: I would like to sample n_points points from k circles whose radii and centers are given as lists. Note: This is my ...
ThePortakal's user avatar
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Generate vertices and normals for a flat shaded cylinder

I would like to generate list of vertices and normals (with the correct indices) for rendering a cylinder barrel (I ommited the end caps for brevity). The normals should not be interpolated (flat ...
frankenapps's user avatar
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Closest Pair of Points - Optimizing Code for big sets of points

I'm trying to create an algorithm that finds the closest pair of points (2D) within a set of points. I'm using a divide and conquer method which is explained here Closest Pair of Points Algorithm. ...
Lamett's user avatar
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Python: Algorithm for fast boundings box collision between two large sets of m and n rectangles

AABB: Axis Aligned Bounding Box ALGORITHM: Compare m number of AABB to n number of AABB to find if there is a collision between m and n sets. PROBLEM: Slow implementation for large number of ...
Briofit's user avatar
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3 answers

Find smaller angle between minute and hour hands of clock

In this code the angle between the minute and hour hands of an analog clock are found and calculated and the smaller angle between them returned. This code works perfectly and I am getting back the ...
Conor's user avatar
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Detect loop in rectilinear path

Given a rectilinear path, find if it has a loop. A rectilinear path is made up of made up of alternating horizontal and vertical segments. Input => Ordered set of points representing ra ectilinear ...
nkvns's user avatar
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Check if two triangles intersect

Problem statement: Write a function which checks if two triangles intersect or not. Complete containment or tangential contact is not considered intersection. Approach: I have considered each triangle ...
nkvns's user avatar
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