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Questions tagged [sin]

Sin is an act or state of disobedience towards God.

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2 answers

In Catholic Theology, was Mary "Unable" to Sin?

Jesuit theologian Fr. Kenneth Baker states that Mary was not only free from sin but was "unable" to sin: Two special factors rendered Mary impeccable or unable to sin. The first was her ...
Dan Fefferman's user avatar
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Is a Catholic marriage valid if one or both spouses are in a state of mortal sin at the wedding?

Suppose Alice and Bob are both Catholics, and they are getting married. If one of them has committed a mortal sin and has not been to Confession at the time of the wedding, is their marriage valid?
Someone's user avatar
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Methodists: How to be forgiven of habitual sin?

According to Methodist Protestant Christians, if I acknowledge my sin, ask in private prayer for Christ's forgiveness. Am I forgiven? And what do I do if I'm dealing with a habitual sin that keeps on ...
Dan's user avatar
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Is becoming sinless impossible?

I understand that there are verses that say becoming sinless is impossible: For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not. (Ecclesiastes 7:20) As it is written, There is ...
Audra M.'s user avatar
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Is making a small joke about a bishop mocking?

My friend was mentioning a bishop, so I bluntly made a joke "What? Like the chess piece?" I got a few laughs from my other Christian friends before that friend who mentioned a bishop said it ...
chanel Y.'s user avatar
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According to Catholicism, is ”damn” a blasphemous expression?

A lot of things in today's culture have names with the word "damn" in them, e.g., the restaurant Hattie B's Hot Chicken has a menu option named "Damn Hot". I'm sure it was a sin ...
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Why would non-Christians go to hell?

If being a non-Christian is a sin, and if Jesus died for all of our sins, why should non-Christians go to hell?
Mahmudul Hasan Jabir   's user avatar
-2 votes
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According to the Bible, is envy a blameworthy emotion?

Note that I'm not asking whether envy is bad. It's common sense that envy is bad and that it's also bad to make others feel envy. What I'm asking is whether experiencing envy is blameworthy. That Envy ...
Fomalhaut's user avatar
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For Evangelical/Fundamentalist Protestants, what is the motivation for supporting morality-based legislation?

Just to be clear, I'm only referring to activities that are victimless, or at least harm nobody except for those who willingly participate. If I understand Calvinist (TULIP) theology correctly, ...
K Man's user avatar
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Is it a sin to make jokes about being a priest?

Sometimes my friends call me Father as a joke. It is funny because I am a woman and not a priest. We are wondering if this is a sin of irreverence.
Downes's user avatar
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How did Jesus manage to remain sinless? [closed]

In his 33 years of life, He never sinned. I know I didn’t make it that far before sinning; nobody but Him could or can. So how did He do it? he was probably tempted to sin, but He didn’t.
moonman239's user avatar
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Does the battle between the flesh and the spirit ever get easier?

I am 24 years old. I have been a Christian for 5 years, but was raised in church. For the last two years I have been trying my best to walk out this faith to the best of my ability. I am not trying to ...
Johnny Bishop's user avatar
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How does God tolerating evil not make Him evil?

To clarify, I'm not asking why God allows evil. I believe there are sufficient arguments for that. What I would like to know is: how can a righteous God tolerate evil without it affecting His nature ...
Jason_'s user avatar
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According to Catholicism, is divine chastisement due especially to the sins of priests? [closed]

According to Catholicism, is divine chastisement due especially to the sins of priests?
Geremia's user avatar
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According to Luther, does guilt consciousness or guilt feeling comes from Satan?

Martin Luther's letter to Jerome Weller on his guilt consciousness Whenever the devil worries you with these thoughts, seek the company of men at once, or drink somewhat more liberally, jest and play ...
Michael16's user avatar
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Has the Catholic Church always believed that sex before marriage is fornication?

We know from the Bible that fornication is a sin: Acts 15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood. ...
Anon's user avatar
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What is Catholic Church position regarding alcohol?

I consider myself an Orthodox, and I'm from Eastern Europe (Not Russian, nor Ukrainian) and I discovered that we, Orthodox Christians, are very permissive regarding consuming alcohol. Of course, we ...
MikeyJY's user avatar
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Saints Who Disobeyed Parents or Superiors in Order to Avoid Committing Sin

Regarding Catholic Saints who were members of the laity---I would like to know if there are any who disobeyed their parents in order not to commit sin. (I exclude superiors here, for one could name ...
DDS's user avatar
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How do forgotten sins affect one's salvation according to the Catholic Church?

Consider the following scenario: Yesterday I confessed my sins in a Catholic Church. Today I commit a grave sin Tomorrow I get in a car accident and as a result suffer from memory loss In two days ...
Anon's user avatar
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What is the basis for the belief "It is possible to have free-will and be incapable of sinning, but it is not possible to be created in that state"?

Some Christians believe that "It is possible to have free-will and at the same time be incapable of sinning, but it is not possible to be created in that state". For example, in my recently ...
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What is the official Catholic position on heterosexual civil partnerships?

I am a man, and my partner a woman. Me and my partner are in a civil partnership here in the U.K. According to the Catholic church, is sex a sin for us?
Anon's user avatar
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Are countries with other religions doomed for hell?

I am someone who has only recently converted to Christianity, and I came upon a troubling point. If it is a sin to have other gods above God, then how does He feel about countries where everyone has a ...
CaptainYulef's user avatar
-3 votes
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According to Christian ethical views other than Divine Command Theory, what exactly made Adam and Eve's eating the forbidden fruit evil?

For scoping purposes, let's assume that Divine Command Theory is false. This means that explanations of the form "X is evil because God said so" would be out of scope. Having clarified that, ...
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How is the claim "lust is evil" shown to be true in Christianity without appealing to Divine Command Theory?

In Matthew 5:27-30 Jesus affirms very unambiguously the sinfulness of lust: 27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a ...
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Question about mortal sin and the state of grace?

From what I have read, Catholics either are or are not in a state of grace. There's no grey area in between. Anyone living in an abject state of mortal sin according to the Church incurs a "...
K Man's user avatar
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A Quote of Ven. Leo Dupont on Never Making Peace with One's Sins

I am trying to find a reference which contains an actual quote from Ven. Leo Dupont, which, as I recollect, can be paraphrased as "... but I have never made peace with my sins." Is anyone ...
DDS's user avatar
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Are good and evil in Christianity ultimately based on maximizing wellbeing and minimizing suffering? [closed]

Let me illustrate with a few examples. Examples of good in Christianity: Love: it's evident that love feels good and promotes behaviors that make others feel good. Therefore, love ranks very high on ...
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4 answers

What explanations are there for God's lack of culpability for the sin that was a part of the plan of salvation? [closed]

Acts 2:22-24 NET says: 22 “Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man clearly attested to you by God with powerful deeds, wonders, and miraculous signs that God performed among ...
cma0014's user avatar
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Which is closer to traditional Christian doctrine: Judaism or Mary Baker Eddy?

Regarding the existence of the evil side in every individual, Judaism and Christian Science teach two conflicting doctrines. Judaism teaches that the evil side (Heb. yetzer hara) is an essential and ...
Fomalhaut's user avatar
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Is dissent on minor questions answered in the Catholic Catechism considered sinful?

I understand that the catechism of the Catholic church is the authoritative teaching of the ordinaries of the church, and ultimately that of the Pope. However, it is a complex and voluminous body of ...
Iuvenis Dives's user avatar

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