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Questions tagged [terminology]

questions regarding the meaning or usage of Christian terminology

-1 votes
3 answers

How does Christianity view compassion?

How does Christianity view compassion? According to Christianity, does compassion mean to "suffer together", as in this Google search result? What is the true meaning of compassion? ...
Banana Tech's user avatar
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What does "the scripture cannot be broken" mean?

I was listening to a discussion in which someone mentioned that the phrase "the scripture cannot be broken" was a technical phrase used in rabbinic discussions in first-century Judaism, but ...
Traildude's user avatar
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Correlations between "Names of God", "God's attributes", and the 3 common ways of knowing God ("univocal, analogical, equivocal")

When reading philosophical theology literature, I often come across 3 sets of terminologies to how a human being comes to (metaphysically) know God or to understand (conceptually) who God is: ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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How do we reconcile God giving His glory to no other (Isa 42:8) with Jesus giving His/the Father's glory to believers (John 17:22)?

For reference, here are the verses in question: Isaiah 42:8 I am the LORD; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols. John 17:22 The glory that you have given me I ...
another-prodigal's user avatar
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What is the biblical concept/idea/meaning of Gods omniscience?

I have rewritten my question a few times because I had difficulties dealing with the definition of omniscience. Originally I wanted to know the difference between the concept of omniscience from a ...
telion's user avatar
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Was it rude for Jesus to call his own mother 'woman'? [closed]

A friend who is studying theology asked me if it was rude of Jesus to call his own mother 'woman' when he was about to perform his first miracle at Cana of Galilee. John 2:4 “Woman, why do you ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
5 votes
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What do Christians mean by the expression "to be on fire for God/Jesus/Christ", and is there a Biblical basis for this concept?

I've heard the expression "to be on fire for God/Jesus/Christ" several times. A quick search can turn up many examples, for instance: "Please help. I'm so confused, Pastor Tim. I made ...
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What are the various definitions of "Repentance"?

I previously asked this question: Is the Holy Spirit a necessary presupposition for repentance? What became apparent from that question, however, is that there are many opinions or views on what "...
telion's user avatar
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What did George Fox mean by "inner light" and how does it differ from the mainstream "illumination of the scripture" by the Holy Spirit?

I went down a rabbit fox hole reading the original sermons of the founder of the Quakers (pun intended). I was not that familiar with George Fox and I found it very illuminating to read his works ...
Mike's user avatar
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Similarities and differences between Christian Mysticism and the Charismatic movement?

Steven J. Lawson speaking at the 2013 Strange Fire conference in a lecture titled The Puritan Commitment to Sola Scriptura (video here, transcribed by Mike Riccardi writing at the Cripplegate blog) ...
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Has the LDS Church established a list of essential attributes defining a "personal relationship" between a human and God?

Scope: I'm seeking answers from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The concept of a "personal relationship" is fairly natural and intuitive when we think of the interactions ...
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Has Catholicism established a list of essential attributes defining a "personal relationship" between a human and God?

Scope: I'm seeking answers from Catholicism. The concept of a "personal relationship" is fairly natural and intuitive when we think of the interactions between two human beings, like ...
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Has Protestant Christianity established a list of essential attributes defining a "personal relationship" between a human and God?

Scope: I'm seeking answers from Protestant denominations. The concept of a "personal relationship" is fairly natural and intuitive when we think of the interactions between two human beings,...
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4 answers

What is the Biblical basis for Christians having a "personal relationship" with Jesus/God?

Previous questions have already explored various facets of the notion of having a "personal relationship" with Jesus/God, such as: What do Christians mean by a "personal relationship&...
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What is affective spirituality?

In St Augustine's Confessions (Book X, Chapter 27) we read: Late have I loved you, beauty so old and so new: late have I loved You. And see, You were within and I was in the external world and sought ...
harry jansson's user avatar

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