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Questions tagged [jansenism]

The quarrel around the grace efficacious in itself and its consequences since the 17th century.

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Why did the Jansenists practice such harsh penances?

If the Jansenists did not deny the gratuity of grace, thinking grace cannot be earned or merited, why did they practice penances sometimes considered harsh?
3 votes
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Who was St. Jane of Chantal's first spiritual director?

Before St. Jane de Chantal met St. Francis de Sales, she had a very strict spiritual director, a priest at the nearby shrine of the Black Virgin at Notre-Dame-d’Etang. He undertook her direction by ...
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2 answers

Did the Jansenists deny the gratuity of grace?

Did the Jansenists deny the gratuity of grace? That is, did they think praying more or doing more works of supererogation could always coerce God into granting them more grace, not that God grants or ...
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Jansenism's views of marriage?

What are Jansenism's views of marriage? Were they akin to Manicheans' and Albigensians'? Who was a prominent Jansenist who wrote about marriage?
13 votes
0 answers

Are the five propositions condemned by Cum occasione in the Augustinus?

This simple question was the center of the quarrel around Port-Royal and the efficacious grace in the 17th century in France. In fact, the defenders of Cornelius Jansen’s Augustinus argued that they ...
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1 answer

Did any Jesuit opponents of early Jansenism argue that Augustine was wrong on any points?

Cornelius Jansen is known as the intellectual father of Jansenism, a movement not unlike Calvinism in a few respects, like its emphasis on original sin and predestination. Jansen's book, Augustinus (...
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In what ways did early Jansenists believe that their doctrine of salvation differed from that of Calvinism?

The soteriology of Jansenism appears to bear some resemblance to that of Calvinism, as both emphasize doctrines like original sin, predestination, and irresistible grace. The two movements also share ...
9 votes
1 answer

How do various traditions define the term "sufficient grace"?

I have read various polemics on the topics of Augustinianism, Calvinism, Jansenism, Pelagianism, Arminianism, and Catholicism which seem to use the term "sufficient grace" in different ways. For ...