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Questions tagged [hagiography]

Hagiography concerns the records and study of past saints

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Why did St. Monica defer St. Augustine's baptism?

St. Augustine's mother, St. Monica, was very devout, praying for St. Augustine's conversion, even following him to Milan and successfully getting Bishop St. Ambrose to baptize him, Easter 387. But why ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Who was St. Jane of Chantal's first spiritual director?

Before St. Jane de Chantal met St. Francis de Sales, she had a very strict spiritual director, a priest at the nearby shrine of the Black Virgin at Notre-Dame-d’Etang. He undertook her direction by ...
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Looking for orthodox movies about St. Francis and St. Clare

There are tons of movies about St. Francis and St. Clare, is there a complete list of movies that, I don't know, rank by historicity and orthodoxy? I've seen a few movies about them but can't ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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St. Francis de Sales overcame a temper problem?

I heard that St. Francis de Sales struggled with a temper problem for many years, but he overcome it. What is the source of this biographical information? Loiuse M. Stachoople-Kenny's biography, for ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Who ordered Saint Stephen to death?

I have learnt that some of the Jews linked to the early Jewish council stoned St. Stephen to death and Paul as a witness. But I have a bit of confusion that who ordered the decree of Stephan's death.
Prashanth Sams's user avatar
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Is there a script of St. Francis' "famous" speach in Bologna, the 15th of August of 1222?

I was reading a book about St. Francis and there is a mention about a "famous" speech he gave in the piazza of Bologna, the 15th of August of 1222. There are several descriptions around of this speech....
luchonacho's user avatar
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Was Jeanne d'Arc crazy: Did Catherine of Alexandria exist according to the Catholic church?

I've found on atheistic site that Jeanne d'Arc was crazy, because she heard voices from Catherine of Alexandria, and that this saint never existed and was recognized as such by the Catholic church. ...
Quidam's user avatar
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Who was Saint Raynerius of Beaulieu?

I came accross a website about Saint Raynerius of Beaulieu. Every source I can find tells me that his feast day is on Feb 22, and that he died in 967 AD. I want to find more information, but have no ...
Astor Florida's user avatar
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Aside from St. Vincent Ferrer, are there any other saints said to have had the "gift of tongues"?

What I am not asking about: Glossolalia, as practiced by Charismatics in the modern day. What I am asking about: St. Vincent Ferrer was born in Spain and travelled as far north as Germany and ...
JAF's user avatar
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Were there any saints who criticized the church? [closed]

Pope Francis has said that those who constantly criticize the Catholic church are “friends of the devil”. My question is: were there any saints in history who repeatedly criticized the church or ...
Grasper's user avatar
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Are there legitimate saints not documented in western hagiology?

In Croatia the patron saint of Vukovar is Saint Bonus/Sveti Bono. There's nothing in any English Catholic encyclopedia but Croatian wikipedia lists the following facts: Martyred under Decian (or was ...
Fomalhaut's user avatar
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Were there other people with camel hoof knees from praying?

A reformer whose life was based on prayer and his body bore the marks to prove it. His knees were like those of a camel's hoof as a result of continuous kneeling to pray. Anyone else besides St. James?...
user40745's user avatar
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Is it true that some of the Catholic saints did not existat all? [closed]

Is it true that some of the Catholic saints did not exist at all? I am told that St:George with the dragon did not exist at all! Thanks
Siju George's user avatar
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Why did St. Martin give half of his cloak, and didn't give the whole?

There was a saint called St. Martin, from the city of Tours (France) He gave half of his cloak to a poor he saw, because he felt pity for him, it was cold, and the beggar was more or less in rags. I ...
Quidam's user avatar
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Fr. Pedro de Corpa and Companions

Franciscan Media: Saint Pedro de Corpa and Companions’ Story Another Saint of the Day for September 10 These five friars were martyred in Georgia for their insistence on monogamy in Christian ...
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