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Questions tagged [hydrogen]

Questions regarding the chemical properties of hydrogen and its behavior in reactions and compounds.

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2 answers

Naming and structure of PtCl4.2HCl (complex/coordination compound)

Given that $\ce{PtCl4.2HCl}$ when reacted with excess of $\ce{AgNO3}$ produced zero moles of $\ce{AgCl}$, I understand that all the chlorine atoms are inside the coordination sphere. But what will the ...
sam's user avatar
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Average bond energy of H−F and H−O hydrogen bonds

Which of the following hydrogen bonds (shown by the dotted line) has the highest average bond energy? A) $\ce{F-H\bond{...}F}$ B) $\ce{F-H\bond{...}O}$ I am thinking the answer is $A$ since the ...
Aryan Verma's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is there more efficient reaction for generating hydrogen rather than HCl+Al [closed]

I want to generate hydrogen to acquire known pressure inside of an object. I have calculated required mole number for hydrogen using the ideal gas equation by giving wanted pressure, volume and ...
Barış Doğa Yavaş's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

At what pressure will hydrogen start to liquefy at room temperature?

I want to increase a fixed-size object's internal gas pressure by generating hydrogen in it, but I could not find the proper phase diagram for it. So I am wondering how high pressures I can get.
Baris's user avatar
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How does the position of hydroxyl group in a nucleotide monomer affect the dehydration synthesis of nucleotides?

In dehydration synthesis of nucleotides, the hydrogen atom from the 3' carbon on the deoxyribose sugar of one nucleotide reacts with the hydroxyl group on the phosphate group of another nucleotide to ...
seamos's user avatar
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Does changing the electrolyte concentration in the electrolysis of water affect the speed that hydrogen gas is produced at the cathode?

I am currently completing a Year 12 Extended Practical Investigation. Due to the lock-down restrictions we are unable to complete our own practical experiment and have been given sample answers with ...
Lucas's user avatar
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How do I get the smell of Febreeze (uncomplexed cyclodextrin composition) out of my carpet?

Help! I sprayed my old carpet, which had gotten a little mildewy from some wet towels left on it, with Febreeze original scent. Now I can't get that horrible scent out! It might also be mixed with ...
Annette R.'s user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Turning sun into water [closed]

I don't know if this question belongs here or on physics stackexchange, but I believe it leans more towards this site. A friend of mine had a strange but funny shower thought. He said: "What ...
Arriel's user avatar
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Which of the following has a stronger hydrogen bonding: F-H- -O or F-H- -F?

I thought of two approaches to solve this question . Since the electronegativity of Oxygen is lower than Fluorine it would be a better donor than Fluorine to the electron deficient Hydrogen . Another ...
Jash's user avatar
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How to get the right formulas for combustion (rocket chamber) or where to find them? [closed]

I am a space enthusiast and am intrigued mostly by rockets. I recently found a book HOW to DESIGN, BUILD and TEST SMALL LIQUID-FUEL ROCKET ENGINES and have been fiddling around with rocket engine ...
StarshipGood's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Where do the electrons in lead–acid battery come from? [closed]

$$ \begin{align} \ce{PbO2 + H2SO4 &-> PbSO4 + H2O + O} &\quad &\text{(anode)}\\ \ce{Pb + H2SO4 &-> PbSO4 + H2} &\quad &\text{(cathode)} \end{align} $$ The cathode’s $\ce{...
Geena Hanke's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Distance requirement for hydrogen bonding to occur

I am trying to understand the distance requirement for hydrogen bonding to occur (more specifically in the context of protein folding). There needs to be a donor and acceptor atom for bonding to occur....
Chris's user avatar
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catalytic activity of Pd and Pt

what phenomenon takes place during catalytic activity of Pd and Pt during hydrogenation ? in some books it is given as absorption,in others adsorption .some say that it is occlusion . please help me
DVS's user avatar
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Why isn't protium nucleus considered most stable nucleus?

My chemistry teacher told me that $\ce{^{56}Fe}$ is the most stable nucleus because of the highest binding energy per nucleon. But if we consider a protium nucleus, it has only 1 proton so there is no ...
smeone's user avatar
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3 answers

Does anyone know a database that shows the effect of electrolyte concentration on the production of hydrogen gas during electrolysis of water?

I'm currently studying in the International Baccalaureate model. This high school model asks their students to do an individual work called the Internal Assessment. One of the subjects I study is ...
Alejandro Rodriguez Rebollo's user avatar
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1 answer

Could metal hydride storage tanks for hydrogen store helium as well, given their repective atomic radii? [closed]

With atomic radii very similar, could helium dissolve into metallic foam about as well as hydrogen, thus making metal hydrite hydrogen tanks suitable for helium as well?
HannesH's user avatar
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Efficiency of H production from FeOOH catalyst?

Research has recently found that FeOOH is 25 times better at hydrogen production than titanium dioxide. Today, a new electrolysis plant delivers energy efficiency of around 80%. Is 25x the Honda-...
bandybabboon's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Is a compound that reacts with another to form hydrogen for fueling aircraft possible [closed]

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and has great properties when reacting with oxygen for use as a fuel. Yet here on Earth, its production is prohibitively expensive, its storage ...
securitydude5's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Are there other carbon free gasses that can be used for energy transport, apart from hydrogen? [closed]

Various gasses are currently used to transport and store energy for heating and electricity generation. Most of them contain carbon: Methane, propane, butane, carbon monoxide and natural gas. It ...
Volker Siegel's user avatar
-2 votes
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Figure out how many deuterium atoms in a 3 microgram ice core sample

I'm in an introductory Chemistry class and ran into a Pearson problem, that no-one in our class including our professor has been able to truly figure out. I know the solution is $4.69 \times 10^{13}$...
rassa45's user avatar
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1 answer

beer alcohol measurement

I bought an alcohol hydrometer (scale $0-40\%$) to measure the alcohol in my home made beer, at the end of fermentation and prior to bottling. While it is accurate on pure water (@ $0\%$), home made ...
Roy Eversham's user avatar
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How to check whether intramolecular hydrogen bonding takes place in cyclic compounds?

How can we confirm or have a clear idea whether hydrogen bonding is taking place in substituents of cyclic compounds? For example, it takes place in ortho-nitrophenol, but it doesn't take place in ...
imposter's user avatar
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Radius of hydride (H⁻) ion

What is the radius of the hydride $(\ce{H-})$ ion? There are several sources with conflicting reports on the same. Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of structure and Reactivity cites Pauling’s 1960 ...
Aniruddha Deb's user avatar
-2 votes
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Hydrogen bonding in B(OH)4 - [closed]

How does hydrogen bonding affect hybridisation of species? I mean in $\ce{B(OH)3}$ the hybridization of boron is $\mathrm{sp^2}$ but in aqueous phase, is the hybridization same or it changes?
imposter's user avatar
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What is the order of acidity for hydrogens in primary, secondary and tertiary alkanes, alkenes, and cycloalkanes [duplicate]

The bond dissociation energies of C-H bonds in alkanes, alkenes and aromatic compounds decrease in the following order: primary > secondary > tertiary > allylic > benzylic. The weaker the bond, the ...
Patrick Tchakounte's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Which gas is a oxidizing agent as well as a reducing agent?

I think it's Hydrogen, because, $\ce{PbO + H2 -> Pb + H2O}$ Here $\ce{PbO}$ is reduced to $\ce{Pb}$ and $\ce{H2}$ acts as a reducing agent. But, in $\ce{2K + H2 -> 2KH}$, hydrogen gains a ...
Padmanava's user avatar
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10 votes
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Have IH₃ and IH₅ already been synthesized?

I've seen a paper by Sikalov [1] that says that $\ce{IH3}$ and $\ce{IH5}$ should be observable. Has anyone actually tried to synthesize such molecules? References Sikalov, A. A. Hypervalent Halogen ...
Mr.X's user avatar
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Why should we be interested in catalyst for electrolysis?

I've been reading papers on Phosphided metals (CoP, NiP, FeP) as a catalyst for electrolysis. They increase the current density of the cell for a voltage. If it still requires 39.4 kilowatt-hours ...
Nick's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Does magnesium carbonate exist? what makes magnesium bicarbonate different from calcium bicarbonate [closed]

In my book, I found the following reactions: $\ce{Ca(HCO3)2 ->[\Delta] CaCO3 + … }$ $\ce{Mg(HCO3)2 ->[\Delta] Mg(OH)2 +...}$ What makes these two reactants different? Why is one forming ...
0 votes
1 answer

Typical reaction yield for combustion of hydrogen [closed]

I am writing an essay on the chemistry of rocket fuel, and I was wondering what, if any, would be a commonly accepted value for the actual yield of the reaction between hydrogen, $\ce{H2},$ and oxygen,...
AndyCandy02's user avatar
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Ionization of hydrogens in hypophosphorous acid

Does anyone know why the hydrogen atoms bonded with phosphorus in $\ce{H3PO2}$ are not ionizable? I tried looking in high school level books, but they only describe the process, not the real reason. ...
Publius Staticus's user avatar
-1 votes
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Hydrogen reactor, with electrolysis [closed]

I was thinking about hydrogen reactors. How they turn hydrogen and oxygen into water. I just learned about electrolysis, so I was curious how efficient it would be, to fill a cars tank up with ...
Alex Cunningham's user avatar
3 votes
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Why do bubbles form when a reactive metal is placed in a less reactive metal's salt solution?

What is the gas that if formed when a reactive metal is placed in a salt solution of a less reactive metal? Theoretically, it should just be a simple displacement. I know that this question has been ...
tt123's user avatar
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Amperage for the electrolysis of water?

I am electrolysing water using several different potential catalysts for my eight grade science fair project. The electrolysis will be running at 2 to 2.5 volts over nickel electrodes, as I do not ...
firebanner64's user avatar
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Using a the particle in a box - one dimension, to calculate the zero point energy of an hydrogen atom

I have been tasked with using the one dimensional particle in a box model to calculate the zero point energy of an hydrogen atom with different sizes. Using the formula $E_1=h^2/(8mL^2)$ for a box ...
Per Arne's user avatar
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Why carbon monoxide reacts with hydrogen to give different products in the presence of different catalysts

My books says how carbon monoxide will react with hydrogen to give different products with different catalysts, but how exactly do different catalysts yield different products. Do they provide ...
SOSXX's user avatar
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H and H- atomic and ionic radius [closed]

A hydrogen anion has a bigger radius than neutral H . Why is this happening ? I mean both electrons exist at the same shell so this is not it. Both H- and H have 1 proton so this is not it as well . ...
Engineer's user avatar
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Why is triatomic hydrogen relatively short-lasting?

The first chapter of Fleming's "Molecular Orbitals and Organic Interactions," describes the formation of triatomic hydrogen. In summary, the sigma MO of diatomic hydrogen interacts in phase with the ...
MacroGuy's user avatar
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Most dense hydrogen containing composition [closed]

I am searching for a composition which could host the most hydrogen atoms in a specific volume. Note that this density is sought for justifiable conditions in terms of pressure, temperature, ... and ...
Seyed Mohsen Ayyoubzadeh's user avatar
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How can I neutralise H2 gas without burning it? [closed]

I was thinking of maybe making it bubble into a solution containing something that would react with H2 yielding either a dissolved substance or a precipitate from the reaction. Maybe a solution with ...
Veritas's user avatar
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Why does hydrogen burn spontaneously in fuel cell at room temperature?

It's well known that if you mix $\ce{H2}$ and $\ce{O2}$ in ambient conditions, the $\ce{H2}$ will be stable indefinitely, and will only react with $\ce{O2}$ to form water when ignited by a flame. The ...
rampatowl's user avatar
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Gas chromatography flame ionization detector (FID) - why hydrogen gas?

Why is $\ce{H2}$ used in an FID, apart from the fact its combustion does not contaminate the flame? In other words, is the temperature of the flame important or critical? Is the stability of the ...
Dirk Bruere's user avatar
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Is a hydrogen molecule smaller than hydrogen atom?

Recently I came across a textbook of physical chemistry which stated the following: In the formation of a stable hydrogen molecule, two hydrogen atoms share a pair of electrons between them and two ...
Awe Kumar Jha's user avatar
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Ordering the lines obtained in the H line spectrum based on energy they possess

I am trying to do the following question which asks me to calculate the wavelength of the green line in the visible spectrum of H. The authors claim that the green line is the second most energetic ...
Paras Khosla's user avatar
3 votes
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Home-grown diamond using CVD

I want to make a diamond at home using chemical vapor deposition (CVD). If I use a metal chamber filled with methane and hydrogen gas and heated with a microwave oven oscillator element, will the ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Standard litres to kg conversion for Hydrogen [closed]

When looking at hydrogen fuel tanks, they often give the capacity in terms of "standard litres". However, I can't find a definition of what this is. I assumed this may mean a litre of hydrogen gas ...
PhysicsGuy123's user avatar
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Can a Hydrogen Radical form in a chemical reaction?

Original question: During kolbe electrolysis of Formic acid, H2 is released at which electrode? What I thought: H2 will form at cathode due to reduction of water. But will the Formic acid decompose ...
Groverkss's user avatar
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Comparing acidity in 3,4-dihydroxyfuran-2(5H)-one and 2,3-dihydroxycyclopent-2-en-1-one

I have two compounds with two hydrogens namely (a),(b),(c) and (d). I have to compare the acidity of the following hydrogens. My approach: I removed the hydrogen atoms one by one and compared the ...
Sahil Silare's user avatar
-4 votes
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Pre-Hydrogen Feature On the Output Of a Gas Chromatography Thermal Conductivity Detector

A candidate for "dark matter", predicted and now apparently detected to have both a higher thermal conductivity and higher diffusion rate than H2 is purported in this PowerPoint Presentation file. ...
James Bowery's user avatar
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Pure Hydrogen and Dry Hydrogen Difference [closed]

Do pure and dry hydrogen are the same? What does dry hydrogen actually means. And what does pure hydrogen means.
Mark Angelo Digno's user avatar

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