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batFINGER's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
11 votes

Import 3D XML in Blender or convert it with another tool

11 votes

How to rotate an object in Blender 2.74 using python script

11 votes

Converting global object location to local location in Python

11 votes

How to duplicate a certain collection using Python?

11 votes

How do I get a mesh data-block with modifiers and shape keys applied in Blender 2.8?

11 votes

Origins to the down of the object by default

10 votes

How to display the "animate property" diamond keyframe insert button (2.8x)

10 votes

How to list all collections and their objects?

10 votes

Create Circle with Inner Radius

10 votes

How to extract side-view outline (e.g. top view) of a 3D object to 2D surface?

10 votes

Convex Hull as Mesh

10 votes

Python: vertex normal according to World

10 votes

How to get random color variation on a single mesh?

10 votes

Establish a variable inside a driver expression

10 votes

Force a Blender operator to always start with default values

10 votes

Flattening the intersection of overlapping spheres

10 votes

projecting onto a mirror and back?

10 votes

How do I move an object in my scene using python?

10 votes

Is there a low level alternative for bpy.ops.object.convert()?

10 votes

Alternative to redraw_timer()

10 votes

When should custom-properties be used instead of 'bpy.props'?

10 votes

How do I get the Info window's log text with Python?

10 votes

Efficient way to get selected vertices via python (without iterating over the entire mesh)

10 votes

How to set up a driver to change value from zero to one every frame

10 votes

How do I Extrude A Ring of Cones?

10 votes

Transform cylinder to flat plane - cylinder maze map

10 votes

Driver with random output between a range of values ( -1 to 1)

10 votes

How to model a teardrop shape

10 votes

How to remove all unused material slots from all objects?

10 votes

Get all custom properties of an object

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