
I am trying to Render a VR Video to use with a VR-Headset, but I always have a kind of Border in my video (picture at the very Buttom).

For Rendering, I render each Frame as a PNG-File seperately and I am using following Settings for the Camera:

Camera Settings

For the Image Output Settings i use following Settings:

Output Settings for VR Render

For Rendering Settings i use Cycles and GPU computation.

I Render all Frames as PNG Images side-by-side and after this I use the image sequencer to create the video as an MPEG-4 with H.264 codec.

I tried everything but I still have this annoying border in my Video...

Can you please help me?

Render Settings for Video Output:

Render Settings for Video Output

Video Screenshot, after creating the video with the sequencer in Blender

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