
Basically, I have a procedural texture assigned to an object that I have that when one of the bones moves, the texture appears to slide across the mesh.

I have seen how to fix this, being to assign the nodes to the generated or UV texture coordinate, but this causes my mesh to turn into an amalgamated mesh of sorts. So, I was wondering how to make my texture move with my mesh without turning my mesh into something that it was not originally.

For reference: Original enter image description here

Now using Generated enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Both Object and Generated outputs will give a semi-persistent texture in 3D space, meaning if your mesh polygons move in 3D space, the texture at location A will not follow along to location B, you'll sample the 3D texture at another location, giving you a different result. You need to use UV coordinates, but for that you need to correctly UV-unwrap your mesh $\endgroup$
    – Gorgious
    Commented Apr 15, 2023 at 17:16

1 Answer 1


The Object output won't work, the texture will move as soon as you'll animate your object, Generated should work though but first make sure that you've applied the scale of your object, and also you need to correct the stretching with the Scale values of a Mapping node, because Generated will take the proportions of your object into account and if it's tall for example the texture will stretch on Z:

enter image description here


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