
I'm trying to get glass to look realistic in eevee. I'm getting this weird error when I move the angle of the camera. Any help would be great thanks!

Gif of glass error https://i.sstatic.net/xVYVt.jpg

Link to blender file https://drive.google.com/file/d/18KG3m_MMqHvbV7azvqyHwy5V8gl_JxNz/view?usp=sharing


2 Answers 2


There is an option called 'Edge Fading' under 'Screen Space Reflections' settings in Render Settings. Try making it 0. That should most likely do the trick.


I moved the glass down half way to see what it looks like without glass there and realized the problem. If I just reduce the IOR to 1 then it fixes the problem. Guess this is a good example of the limitations of eevee


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