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5 votes
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Salary of Maître de conférences (France)

I am inquiring about academic positions in France and their salaries. In particular, I have received an offer for a "Maître de conférences" position. According to my current information, I ...
computational_scientist's user avatar
0 votes
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Choice of Location for Math PhD Grad

I am currently a data scientist working in natural language processing, with an undergrad background in math and CS, and a masters in CL/NLP. Mathematics was always my preferred area, but I wasn't ...
Anonofyourbusiness's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Can I become a professor in a subject I did badly in?

I am a third year math undergraduate student. I am in Europe (Serbia) but would like to do a postgraduate degree in the USA. My freshman year went poorly, but after that I started to do a lot better. ...
Ranko's user avatar
  • 31
8 votes
1 answer

Junior professorships (W1) in Germany - does the 6 year limit before start apply to all states?

I am currently a PostDoc in Germany, recently finished my PhD. I come originally from Italy where I pursued my undergraduate degree, and have completed my master's and PhD in Germany (in different ...
Christine's user avatar
6 votes
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How do professors advance from 2nd to 1st class in France?

There are three classes of professors in French universities: second, first, and exceptional. I understand that within each class there are several ranks which seem to be based mostly on time since ...
Herman Toothrot's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Canadian Med School Professor looking to work in USA [closed]

Background info I’m a medical school professor at a Canadian medical school and was interested in potentially seeking a job in the US. Currently I make around $160k CAD pre tax ($124k USD) although ...
CanadianMedSchoolProftoUSA's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

On average what is the likelihood that a research fellow will eventually become a lecturer or an assistant professor? [duplicate]

I was trying to determine the probability that someone who is currently a research fellow will become a lecturer or assistant professor within the next five years and I was wondering if someone could ...
Katherine's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How much do you agree with Elon Musk statement that non one is going to read your publications? [closed]

I have seen a public video on youtube where Elon Musk gave his opinion about academic publications: He stated that most academic publications are pretty ...
Felix's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Asking a faculty member at my university that I have not met(!) about his research, and about courses that deal with his specialty/my career goal?

I am an undergraduate student pursuing a double major in Computer Science B.S. and Mathematics B.S. My dream career is to work in quant. finance. However, my school does not have a dedicated ...
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0 votes
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Associate Professor vs Assistant Professor vs Lecturer [duplicate]

I want to know the difference between associate and assistant professor in terms of contract length, status and salary. And also how both positions are published and what's the recruitment process of ...
Sam's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

What are some questions that you can ask your prospective Ph.D. supervisor during interview? [duplicate]

I have an interview with a professor for a Ph.D. position in the US next week. As I was going through the possible questions that a professor can ask, so I was wondering what if they ask me if I have ...
Black Sheep's user avatar
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6 votes
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What valid reason can I give for my low CGPA to a prospective PhD advisor? [closed]

I am applying for PhD in US universities and my CGPA is lower than they ask for. But I believe my research experience is good enough to get a position. When I contacted a professor with my CV, he ...
Black Sheep's user avatar
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My original plan was academia. I'm a grad student. I'm uncertain if I want to keep this is my end goal [closed]

I'm posting this here because I frankly am not sure where else to ask a question like this. If anyone has a better idea where this should go let me know. I'm a third year American graduate student in ...
confusedacademic123's user avatar
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How can a present software-engineer (with experience of 5 years at least) turn into a physics professor? [closed]

There are often many people who switch careers midway. Some from software engineering to a product management role which is quite popular given relevance of previous career to current career. Another ...
Hari's user avatar
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Can I write I worked as a referee in a journal in my CV? [duplicate]

I have recently reviewed an article. I am applying for a Ph.D. position nowadays so I am upgrading my CV and writing the professors. Is it ok if I write that I worked as a referee and mention the ...
Black Sheep's user avatar
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What are some criteria to get an Australian PhD scholarship? [closed]

I want to apply for a PhD in Australia and I wrote a professor (who has an open position) with my CV. He was very positive in his mail and encouraged me to apply for that position. Now I want to know ...
Black Sheep's user avatar
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What is the benefit of review a scientific paper as a referee? [duplicate]

I got an invitation to review a scientific paper from a journal. I accepted the offer to review but was wondering what benefits I might get if I review a paper? Can I write it in my CV as I will be ...
Black Sheep's user avatar
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Dual Job by a Professor in Europe

I have seen many professor are working in a research institute and also a full-time professor at a University. How is it feasible? Are they involve in the dual job and getting a salary from a research ...
Gautam Shahi's user avatar
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Is it ok if I write to all professors that are offering Ph.D. positions the same email?

I saw some Ph.D. positions from a particular university. Most of the projects align well with my interest. So before applying, I want to write the professors some queries (e.g. just to know what he is ...
Black Sheep's user avatar
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When a professor takes an affiliate appointment in another department, do they get an increase in salary? [closed]

Let's say an associate professor of Math makes 120k per year USD in a United States university and takes an affiliate professor position in the Quantitative Biology department. Would they get ...
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5 votes
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Is promotion from staff scientist to professor possible? (Considering job offer in US)

I am a researcher making its way (very slowly) to professor in Europe. After several years of effort and relocations, I have now my own research program and have earned a promotion to supervise PhD ...
mongomongo's user avatar
4 votes
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The choice between changing advisor or just ignoring her and do the PhD research alone?

I'am 2nd year PhD student and I'm in the phase of problem definition and exploration for my research. Other than research, I also do both RA (working on paper review, grants, etc) and TA jobs as well. ...
Sodre Ledog's user avatar
42 votes
9 answers

What happens to unproductive professors?

I notice that past a certain age (sometimes as early as 50), some professors tend to be significantly less productive, to the point that they essentially do not publish or have graduate students and ...
user2562609's user avatar
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Percentage of tenure track positions promoted to full professors [duplicate]

I wonder if there are statistics on the overall percentage of people promoted from tenure track positions (assistant professor) to full professor in fields like mathematics and science (first-rate ...
E Zhang's user avatar
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31 votes
5 answers

Why is a professorship sometimes called a chair?

Why is a professorship sometimes called a chair? Are chairs only the correct term when the professorship has been endowed? (I don't think so, because endowed professorships are rare in the UK, but ...
flashton's user avatar
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What is the maximum age to get into academia, as a recent PhD / recent post-doc, in the US? [closed]

At what age does breaking into academia as a professor, e.g. recent PhD / recent post-doc, in the United States become effectively impossible? Is it at the age of 30 or 40? I keep hearing about ...
user avatar
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Can I pursue a PhD while working as an Accounting Instructor/Lecturer?

I plan on becoming an Accounting Professor in the near future. What I was hoping to do was pursue my PhD while working for the university as a lecturer/instructor. I read that many people work as a ...
Devin Casey's user avatar
4 votes
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Are my chances of getting into a PhD higher if I choose a "not-so-accomplished" supervisor?

Some professors are very accomplished, others are younger and maybe not yet so accomplished (although admittedly this does not need to correlate with age of course). I presume everyone wants to work ...
userjmillohara's user avatar
90 votes
12 answers

Why do researchers need universities?

This is a follow-up question to How are junior professors evaluated for promotion? and probably an even more naive question. If I'm understanding the answer correct, professors need funding to do ...
Allure's user avatar
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6 votes
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In what parts of the world, besides the US, do endowed chairs exist?

Browsing academia.SE, I discovered the existence of "endowed chairs" or "named chairs", i.e. professorships named in the honor of someone else and paid for by a donor with a gift to the university. I'...
user avatar
9 votes
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W2 positions at the universities of applied sciences in Germany

The W2 professorship ads of all universities of applied sciences in Germany have a passage requring (e.g., for Bavaria) darüber hinaus besondere Leistungen bei der Anwendung oder Entwicklung ...
Leon Meier's user avatar
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How to establish ties with the industry as a young engineering professor?

Next January, I will start as an assistant professor in a respected university. My field of work is civil engineering, and I have diplomas (Masters, PhD) in the engineering studies (Hydraulics, ...
you-slamm's user avatar
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Are interdisciplinary STEM PhDs qualified to become professors?

Are interdisciplinary STEM PhDs qualified to become professors? Or are they viewed more as “in-betweeners” and better suited for industry work. For example, someone who has a broad (but not deep) math ...
Lisa M.'s user avatar
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15 votes
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Becoming a Professor in a Developing Country after a PhD in the US: Feasibility and Challenges

I'm applying for PhD programs and I'm thinking about what I'll do afterward. Specifically, I did my undergraduate in a well-respected US university and am applying to similar tier universities for a ...
user78823's user avatar
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What is the average salary of Assistant Professor in South Korea?

What is the average salary of Assistant Professor in South Korea? How tough it is for a foreign faculty member to get public and private sector funded projects for his/her lab?
Mohaqiq's user avatar
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Intellectual Property Rights When Moving University

I am considering moving institutions (from a one UK University to another), but I am concerned about what Intellectual Property (IP) rights my current institution may retain. Some of my PhD students, ...
dothyphendot's user avatar
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Does the NSA hire mathematics professors often for projects / contractual work / full-time work?

How often do math professors / math PhDs / postdocs, whose research directions are in abstract algebra and number theory, get hired by the NSA to do some work - either on a short-term contract or ...
User001's user avatar
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Combining Visiting Professor with TT

I currently work as a TT Assistant Professor in a very comfortable and welcoming top-100 university in my field. My wife lives in another country for the time being and I would like to spend more time ...
iric's user avatar
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Which countries in Europe have teaching positions that do not require doing research?

The question is regarding Computer Science field. I wish to know which countries have such teaching positions that do not require doing active research. Also, what are these positions called? And, ...
user5155835's user avatar
10 votes
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Are pure mathematicians at U.S. universities expected to win research grants?

Are pure mathematicians, e.g., Algebraists, Number Theorists, Geometers, and Topologists, at good U.S. research universities expected to win research grants to fund their work, in order to gain tenure ...
user avatar
8 votes
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Why don't mathematics professors use social media to promote their work?

I notice that many computer science professors do a great job of self-promoting; they are very active on Facebook, Twitter, Quora, and many of them have tens of thousands of followers. They post ...
user avatar
6 votes
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At which level (D or E) should I apply for an advertised faculty position in Australia?

I am putting together an application for an academic position that has been advertised as either level D or E at an Australian university (equivalent to full professor or chair professor in the US). ...
Significance's user avatar
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How should I ask for letters of recommendation whose strength is dependent on intended program?

TL;DR I finished bachelor's and master's in mathematical finance but want to pursue pure mathematics, particularly in probability theory. I'm not sure if I should apply directly for a PhD. I might ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Career path to professor with an engineering background in Germany [closed]

I am in the final year of my master in mechatronics engineering in Germany, and I want to work as a researcher or a professor in a university since i believe a professor/researcher has more freedom ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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36 votes
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Should I email old supervisor about my progress?

I might collaborate with an old supervisor in the future and would like to keep in touch. Is it a good idea to send an email to him about the progress I've made in my career? Also, what's the best ...
user56948's user avatar
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How much influence do individual professor have on grad admissions? [duplicate]

Say I have emailed a professor a few times, and told him I would like to work with him for my PhD etc. and that professor is interested: How much of a factor could this possibly be in my application? ...
K. Schaffer's user avatar
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Can a student with a weak or average undergraduate math GPA realistically become a professor?

I just finished my second year of undergraduate studies as a double major in computer engineering and mathematics at the University of Iowa. Although I came in believing that I wanted to become a ...
kanderson8's user avatar
49 votes
7 answers

What's the point of maintaining a CV after tenure?

Once you have tenure, presumably you're never going to have to search for a job again. However almost all professors have a CV on their website, and fairly recent ones. Why? They already made it.
user avatar
2 votes
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Math Adjunct Professor positions and salary in a big city

From searching online, I see that the salaries for math adjunct professors are about 36k. That's insanely low for New York City standards. An undergraduate business school student that graduates from ...
User001's user avatar
10 votes
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What does it mean when a department has 'retired professors' as part of their faculty? Can I still work with them?

What exactly does this mean? Could I do work with them? If not, why are they listed there? I am confused!
Chris Doyle's user avatar

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