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Questions tagged [outreach]

Questions on activities targeted at parties (the general public, industry, the government) outside of academia.

3 votes
4 answers

Creating a website while a PhD student? [closed]

I am about to start a PhD this fall. As such, I am contemplating about creating a personal website to host various academic activities and projects. In addition to sharing my academic interests, I ...
Prelude's user avatar
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Resources for academics who want to write an op-ed? [closed]

Sometimes professors write op-eds. This is appropriate, for example, if the professor's research expertise and published work(s) are relevant to some timely topic in the news, and can reasonably be ...
David White's user avatar
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What opportunities are there to write casual articles in math?

I am wondering how to find good opportunities in editorials that publish work to educate younger readers and invite them to be curious about mathematics. For context, I have recently produced many ...
DG_researcher's user avatar
5 votes
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Invitation for science outreach - any downsides?

A few days ago, I got an invitation to write an article in layman's terms about my recently published research. The "small outreach journal" is called The Science Breaker. They are a "...
clearseplex's user avatar
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Mathematicians for hire

This is more a question for mathematics academia, but may apply more broadly. I have left academia long ago, but there are a few problems and conjectures, not especially famous but that I find really ...
Archie's user avatar
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How often do popular academic books use unacknowledged ghost writers and is this a form of fraud or plagiarism?

My impression is that the use of ghostwriters is common and sort of accepted / an open secret in some contexts (e.g. books by celebrities or politicians). I'm curious if others have that impression, ...
capybaralet's user avatar
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How important is outreach for applying to tenure track professor position?

I often see outreach listed in the CVs of professors, which makes me believe that doing outreach is beneficial to advancing a professors career. What I'm wondering though is if this is only import for ...
Cavenfish's user avatar
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Outreach activities in the COVID era

All the outreach activities planned this year for my project have been cancelled due to COVID-19 disruptions. These include Summer math camp for high school students and seminar in local high schools. ...
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Should I publish or present in academic conferences before doing science outreach?

I have just finished fieldwork and the media and the community I’ve been working with want me to give a talk on preliminary results. Should I first present data to colleagues?
Yliana Rodriguez's user avatar
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Conducting a Podcast with A Star Researcher In Our Field

I am doing a podcast on a voluntary basis with researchers in our field! I have been asked to try to reach the X star researcher in our field who is highly respected in the field. I feel excited, ...
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4 answers

Potential consequences of providing voluntary work for a team I've been forced to leave

I have been forced to leave my previous institute by my former principal investigator. At the institute I have solved problems regarding the software, and I enjoyed giving help as much as I can to ...
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Field-dependency of politics and public shaming in academia

I have recently been quite shocked to learn of the blog of an accomplished string theorist, which includes a lot of personal invective against physicists he disagrees with, as well as a lot of non-...
mbsq's user avatar
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Does social media and mainstream presence, through interviews and publishing in the "trade press", help one's chances at tenure?

One of our lab directors, on tenure track, has been active in the mainstream, e.g. doing science interviews on radio, tv, newpapers, and another researcher (post-doc, I think) has published in the "...
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Public engagement – why, when and how?

I believe in public engagement and personally, I think all PhD students should engage in some form of public engagement. During my PhD, I’ve done activities at primary schools and participate in a few ...
psoares's user avatar
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Explicit request for collaboration/support in publications

If I am publishing a conference paper and/or journal article which is about an ongoing, larger project, is it acceptable or even heard of to not only announce expected future work but also to ...
errantlinguist's user avatar

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