Some conference is asking me to:

Please enter the Semantic Scholar IDs of everyone who may be biased in reviewing your submission. These should include people like supervisors, family members, intimate friends, and students.

That's a pain to do it manually. How can I quickly retrieve the Semantic Scholar IDs of all my co-authors? (e.g., programmatically or some other tricks)

(I know that the set {"people like supervisors, family members, intimate friends, and students"} is slightly different from {"my co-authors"} but that's good enough for me.)


1 Answer 1


If you have a list of DOIs of your papers, you could do this using the Semantic Scholar API, or this unofficial Python interface for it.

For a query using the DOI, you get a JSON object (or a dictionary with the Python API) that contains the list of author names and IDs.

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