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Auto Stoplight Colored Chart

The default "3 Traffic Lights" Icon Set conditional formatting works on a Low-Mid-High numeric scale for R-Y-G coloring. If you just fill that cell with one of three values rather than "...
RnDMonkey's user avatar
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Can the Lookup_range and result_range of an X-Lookup refer to a column name (column_name) instead of the column range(A:A)?

Formatting your range as a structured table is far and away the easiest way to do this, as @Reddy Lutonadio indicated. If you're a masochist, you can also use the INDEX function with two MATCH ...
RnDMonkey's user avatar
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How to maintain auxillary calculations on separate sheet in Excel?

Do you just want your side sheet to be a read-only copy of the main sheet? If so, you can just reference a range as an array. Even better, if you format your original data as a table, you can just ...
RnDMonkey's user avatar
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How to maintain auxillary calculations on separate sheet in Excel?

In B1 you can enter: =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(),COLUMN(),,,"Main"))*2 This formula can be copied and does not change when you insert or delete rows/columns in the Main sheet. But it may be ...
MGonet's user avatar
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MS Excel graphs do not follow decimal separator setting

After changing the separators, the chart must be refreshed, i.e. the sheet must be scrolled so that the chart is drawn again or another sheet must be activated for a moment.
MGonet's user avatar
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How do I change the vertical axis on an Excel graph to display significant time periods? The gridlines are set at odd times

To change the vertical axis on an Excel graph to display significant time periods within a 24-hour period, you can follow these steps: Right-click on the vertical axis and select "Format Axis&...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes

Can the Lookup_range and result_range of an X-Lookup refer to a column name (column_name) instead of the column range(A:A)?

If you format your range as table, then you can use the table's header as shown on the example below. =XLOOKUP(C11,Table1[City],Table1[Country],,0) The headers are used for the lookup and return ...
Reddy Lutonadio's user avatar
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calculating the average of column that is not a number

If names are given in column A of Sheet3 you can use a traditional formula: =AVERAGE(IF(Sheet1!$A$1:$A$6=A1,LOOKUP(Sheet1!$C$1:$C$6,Sheet2!$A$1:$B$4)))
MGonet's user avatar
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Split cell into three columns without losing leading zero

To add hyphens can use one of the following methods: Using TEXT() functions: Option One: =TEXT(B1,"000-000-0000") Option Two: =TEXT(B1,"000\-000\-0000") And to split the data ...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Split cell into three columns without losing leading zero

I suggest you use the formula =REPLACE(REPLACE(A1, 4, 0, "-"),8,0,"-")
Emily's user avatar
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How do you create an Excel table with row headers instead of column headers?

It's now 2024 and I've also found myself wanting to use structured references in Excel but with the table transposed. In my case an electronics application with a mix of 11 user inputs and 15 ...
RnDMonkey's user avatar
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calculating the average of column that is not a number

You may also use Power Query. Click Data > From File > From Excel Workbook > Browser your workbook > Tick "Select multiple items", select 2 tables > Click "Transform ...
Emily's user avatar
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calculating the average of column that is not a number

You could try using the following formula: =LET( a, XLOOKUP(C2:C7,E2:E5,F2:F5), b, A2:A7, c, UNIQUE(b), HSTACK(c, MAP(c, LAMBDA(d, AVERAGE(FILTER(a,d=b)))))) Explanations: Using ...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
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How to count cells that are within specified tolerance with Excel?

The general way to work with tolerances, is by saying that: abs(Value_exact - Value_estimated) <= tolerance This can easily be integrated in Excel's CountIf() function.
Dominique's user avatar
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Calculate duration between 2 milestones based on criteria

Try using the following formula: • Formula used in cell B4 =LET( _Seq, SEQUENCE(B2-B1+1,,B1), ROWS(FILTER(_Seq, (1-ISNA(XMATCH(MONTH(_Seq),SEQUENCE(F2-F1+1,,F1))))))) Or, Using TOCOL(): =...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
1 vote

How do I find common text values from multiple (>2) rows in Excel?

Came across this old question and figured if I found it, others might come looking for a similar solution. Anyway, for what it's worth, I think a good way to do this is either using BYROW to check ...
RnDMonkey's user avatar
4 votes

Excel: Sum all quantities of unique items across all sheets

With Office 365 we can use TOCOL with a 3D reference. Then use either GROUPBY(Currently only available for Insiders(beta)) or UNIQUE,FILTER,and SUM. =LET( x,WRAPROWS(TOCOL(Sheet1:Sheet3!A2:B100,1),...
Scott Craner's user avatar
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Excel: Sum all quantities of unique items across all sheets

This should be a comment but I'm not allowed to do that yet. There are a multitude of ways to solve this one. A simple method is to use a grouping of SUMIFS to tally the total count of parts from ...
Nate Z's user avatar
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is there a way to force minutes vs. months format

Wrap your formula with MINUTE() and then use a custom format of 00
gns100's user avatar
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is there a way to force minutes vs. months format

Use the following format: [mm] (the brackets allow you to format time as a duration and not a time of day)
cybernetic.nomad's user avatar
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Excel: How to select a chart's data range using a corresponding value in another cell?

I am not clear on this. Posting a file may help more. I am guessing that the names in the SummarySheet are the column header's names, right? So then these would be used to select the second row ...
boobounder's user avatar
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How do I indicate nested data groups side-by-side in an Excel stacked column chart?

To achieve your desired result you need to slightly restructure your data as below. The empty line is not necessary but leads to a better visualisation. Using this data structure, you will be able to ...
karl's user avatar
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Nested If's with Vlookups not working in Excel

My original hope to populate information into 2 cells with a formula in a single cell was not able to be done in Excel without using VBA (not how I wanted to solve the problem as it would be overly ...
cgru's user avatar
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Excel VBA to list Sheets in selected Workbook and copy listed Sheets to end of Main Workbook

I have updated the user's code and wrote the comments - Sub SelectWorkbookAndListWorksheets() Dim dialogBox As FileDialog Set dialogBox = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) Dim sheet_name ...
Vijay Dodamani's user avatar
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Excel Formula According to the attached table, the rank has been found according to Achieved %, in which some salesman does not have target

You could try using the following formula: =LET( _Data, VSTACK(A1:E1,SORTBY(A2:E15,E2:E15)), IF(_Data=0,"",_Data)) And if you want to exclude the one which don't have a rank then ...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
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How to make this macro work with a date?

To apply a filter to a date field using Date Filters > Equals..., do one of the following: Option 1: Apply the default Short Date format to the entire date field. Then filter by the Value of the ...
DjC's user avatar
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Creating a new column containing time in months based on specific conditions

Depending on your definition of a "month", perhaps: =IFERROR(MIN(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"m"),60),60)
Ron Rosenfeld's user avatar
2 votes

How do I add new row in Excel *below* the current one?

I was looking for an answer and did not find a fast solution. So my recommendation is to use LibreCalc instead of Excel since there you always can insert rows above or below the current row and you ...
Christian Bolliger's user avatar
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IF cell is BLANK then VLOOKUP multiple criteria

Try wrapping with an IF() function before performing all the Nested IFs() with VLOOKUP() functions: =IF(C12="","", IFERROR(IF(C12="Route Stage",VLOOKUP(D12,'Route Stages'...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
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How to add a cell reference to Date Filter in Excel Pivot Tables

Pivot tables are either filtered by selecting a value in the column headings or using slicers. If you have a date field in the pivot table, I suggest you add a timeline slicer to the pivot table, set ...
teylyn's user avatar
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Excel Parent-Child Array to identify and move children not working?

First off, there are some discrepancies between your description and the code used. You said parent rows are identified where the value in column B starts with "xDay_", but the code seems to ...
DjC's user avatar
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Creating a new column containing time in months based on specific conditions

If you do not need an absolutely exact "month", then use e.g. =ROUND( (C2-B2) / (365.25/12) ,0) There is an average of 365.25 days in a year, and 12 months in the same year.
Hannu's user avatar
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I need to create a percentage from yes or no dropdown answers

That is a very unfortunate data layout. Issues: You seem to have several "forms" on one sheet. merged cells - these hinder more than they help Your biggest problem is that you are ...
teylyn's user avatar
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Excel HSTACK multiple arrays where an array may be empty

My proposal is to use a formula like this: =CHOOSEROWS(CHOOSECOLS($A$1:$C$1, --TEXTSPLIT(CONCAT(REPT(SEQUENCE(,COLUMNS($A$2:$C$2))&",", $A$2:$C$2)),",",,TRUE)), SEQUENCE($E$2,,...
MGonet's user avatar
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2 votes

Loop over excel cells using for loop when cells are selected using CTRL

Cells or ranges that were selected via Ctrl+Click consist of multiple Areas. To use the For Next approach, loop through each Cell within each Area: Option Explicit Sub ForNextLoop() Dim oRange As ...
DjC's user avatar
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Excel HSTACK multiple arrays where an array may be empty

This is the quick fix to your existing formula: • Formula used in cell A3 =LET( a, MAKEARRAY(5, A1, LAMBDA(x,y, "hello")), b, MAKEARRAY(5, B1, LAMBDA(x,y, "world")), ...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
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How to match a number in a column to make sure its in another column

You can use wildcards in a COUNTIF() function. This will count all the cells in column A that contain the value of B1 anywhere within it and ignoring letter case: =COUNTIF(A:A,"*"&B1&...
Engineer Toast's user avatar
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How to match a number in a column to make sure its in another column

First you can check whether column B number found in column A or not and where a(SEARCH(B1, A:A), if found it will return some number. And then logically you can ask it is number and their sum product ...
dtc348's user avatar
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Excel: making a chart with non-evenly spaced years on the x-axis

Another options is to use scatter graph with line. Organize Your Data: Ensure your data is organized in two columns, one for Year and one for Quantity. Insert a Scatter Plot: Highlight the data ...
Lightning_young's user avatar
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How can I make a volatile Excel formula static, specifically a formula containing the TODAY function?

Here is a non-macro answer: Allow circular references by going to File>Options>Formulas check "Enable iterative calculation" (for Mac it is Excel menu>Preferences>Calculation ...
iamseb's user avatar
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In a pivot table - how to summarize by specific value

When you create your pivot table, set the values to show as % of Row Total
Ron Rosenfeld's user avatar
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Dynamic Array - How to Conditionally Generate Sums?

If efficiency is a concern, it's best to avoid iterative methods like REDUCE with INDEX and VSTACK, as they tend to perform very poorly when the number of iterations exceeds 1,000. As an alternative, ...
DjC's user avatar
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Dynamic Array - How to Conditionally Generate Sums?

=LET(range,A2:F3, REDUCE({"recieved_qty","po_number","po_item","stock_code","container_id","rec_process"}, SEQUENCE(ROWS(range)), ...
P.b's user avatar
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Filter function for column with values only

You could try using the following formula: =TOROW(IF(($H3=$A3)*($I3=$B$3:$B$6)*($C$3:$E$6<>""),$C$2:$E$2&" "&$C$3:$E$6,NA()),2)
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
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How to create a single stacked bar chart with dual y axes in excel?

I assume this is what you want: As you can see you need to restructure your input data range. Also look at : Where series1 Looks like : And as you already figered out:
W_O_L_F's user avatar
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sum cells based on corresponding values in a data set in excel

Try using SUM() or SUMPRODUCT() • Formula used in cell F2 =SUM((B2:E2="Yes")*(B$1:E$1=Itemtbl[Item])*Itemtbl[Assigned Number]) The above formula needs to copy down! Also consider using ...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
1 vote

How to prevent Excel from converting numbers to scientific representation?

It appears this has finally been added as an option that can be disabled. Under “File > Options > Data”, there's a section for “Automatic Data Conversion” and one of the check boxes is “Keep ...
Adam Geary's user avatar
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How to sum values based on unique values in other column when filter is applied

Try using the following formula: =SUM(DROP(UNIQUE(FILTER(HSTACK(A2:A14,C2:C14),MAP(D2:D14,LAMBDA(α,SUBTOTAL(103,α))))),,1)) When Manager Peter is selected: When Country France is selected:
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
1 vote

how can a cell be mirrored or flipped in excel

Here is one way you could try: =TEXTJOIN(":",,SORTBY(TEXTSPLIT(TEXT(A1,"[h]:mm:ss"),":"),-SEQUENCE(,3))) Updated solution based on OP's edit after the initial answer ...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
1 vote

Can you combine stacked and clustered columns in an excel chart?

AFAIK it is impossible to achieve such an effect in a simple way. It can only be achieved by indirectly combining and overlaying data. The main and the secondary axes should be used. From the data ...
MGonet's user avatar
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