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Excel Formula According to the attached table, the rank has been found according to Achieved %, in which some salesman does not have target

You could try using the following formula: =LET( _Data, VSTACK(A1:E1,SORTBY(A2:E15,E2:E15)), IF(_Data=0,"",_Data)) And if you want to exclude the one which don't have a rank then ...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
1 vote

Creating a new column containing time in months based on specific conditions

Depending on your definition of a "month", perhaps: =IFERROR(MIN(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"m"),60),60)
Ron Rosenfeld's user avatar
1 vote

IF cell is BLANK then VLOOKUP multiple criteria

Try wrapping with an IF() function before performing all the Nested IFs() with VLOOKUP() functions: =IF(C12="","", IFERROR(IF(C12="Route Stage",VLOOKUP(D12,'Route Stages'...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
0 votes

Creating a new column containing time in months based on specific conditions

If you do not need an absolutely exact "month", then use e.g. =ROUND( (C2-B2) / (365.25/12) ,0) There is an average of 365.25 days in a year, and 12 months in the same year.
Hannu's user avatar
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How can I make a volatile Excel formula static, specifically a formula containing the TODAY function?

Here is a non-macro answer: Allow circular references by going to File>Options>Formulas check "Enable iterative calculation" (for Mac it is Excel menu>Preferences>Calculation ...
iamseb's user avatar
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How can I combine two Excel formulas into one?

To combine two Excel formulas into one, you need to ensure that each condition is evaluated correctly and integrated logically. For example, if you have two COUNTIFS formulas that you want to combine ...
BBAADD GAMERS's user avatar
1 vote

Dynamic Array - How to Conditionally Generate Sums?

If efficiency is a concern, it's best to avoid iterative methods like REDUCE with INDEX and VSTACK, as they tend to perform very poorly when the number of iterations exceeds 1,000. As an alternative, ...
DjC's user avatar
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Dynamic Array - How to Conditionally Generate Sums?

=LET(range,A2:F3, REDUCE({"recieved_qty","po_number","po_item","stock_code","container_id","rec_process"}, SEQUENCE(ROWS(range)), ...
P.b's user avatar
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sum cells based on corresponding values in a data set in excel

Try using SUM() or SUMPRODUCT() • Formula used in cell F2 =SUM((B2:E2="Yes")*(B$1:E$1=Itemtbl[Item])*Itemtbl[Assigned Number]) The above formula needs to copy down! Also consider using ...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
1 vote

How to sum values based on unique values in other column when filter is applied

Try using the following formula: =SUM(DROP(UNIQUE(FILTER(HSTACK(A2:A14,C2:C14),MAP(D2:D14,LAMBDA(α,SUBTOTAL(103,α))))),,1)) When Manager Peter is selected: When Country France is selected:
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
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How do I lookup sheet names and create hyperlinks to sheets in a workbook?

So, here is way using Excel Macro 4.0 and with the help of dynamic functions, note that HYPERLINK() will not work with SPILL. First, need to create a defined names to automatically grab the ...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Count working days between dates

You need to handle the cases separately. Try this (where C2 is the start date if present and D2 is the end date if present): =IF(ISBLANK(C2), "", IF(ISBLANK(D2), NETWORKDAYS(C2, TODAY()), ...
Neil T's user avatar
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Excel keyboard shortcut to edit formula in formula bar

You can use CTRL+F2 to do this!
Wanderlei Hüttel's user avatar
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regex to find non-price consecutive digits not immediately after certain word for Apple Numbers

XYZ.*?(\d+) Dot . Matches any character except line breaks. * Quantifier. Match 0 or more of the preceding token. ? Lazy. Makes the preceding quantifier lazy, causing it to match as few characters as ...
sit123's user avatar
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What is the Excel formula to filter these three lists?

A bit simpler solution for one list at a time (a formula for B9): =LET(letters,$B$3:$N$3, data,INDEX($B$4:$N$6,MATCH(A9,$A$4:$A$6,0),), FILTER(VSTACK(letters,data),(data>0)*(data<15)))
MGonet's user avatar
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How do I pull data into a new list separated by commas

You can use either: =TEXTJOIN(", ",,FILTER(A6:D6,COUNTIF(A3:H3,A6:D6))) or for entire rows: =TEXTJOIN(", ",,FILTER(6:6,COUNTIF(3:3,6:6)))
MGonet's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the Excel formula to filter these three lists?

Using Recursive REDUCE() function: =LET( _Data, A2:N4, IFNA(DROP(REDUCE("",SEQUENCE(ROWS(_Data)),LAMBDA(a,b, LET(c,CHOOSEROWS(_Data,b),d,DROP(c,,1), VSTACK(a,IFNA(HSTACK(@c,...
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
2 votes

Formula to return row pairs of data based on number in second row

If you want the range to include future values you can use the entire row: =FILTER(1:2,(2:2>0)*(2:2<15)) If you want to skip a row you could use a few approaches such as CHOOSEROWS: =FILTER(...
Blindspots's user avatar
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Formula to return row pairs of data based on number in second row

Should be easy using the FILTER() function: =FILTER(A1:M2,(A2:M2>0)*(A2:M2<=15)) Here is the update: =CHOOSEROWS(FILTER(A1:M3,(A3:M3>0)*(A3:M3<=15),""),1,3)
Mayukh Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Formula to return employee codes from a lookup table of names and codes

Formula in B2 =VLOOKUP(DROP(TOCOL(A:A,1),1),D:E,2,0) Explanation VLOOKUP provides the basic functionality: VLOOKUP (lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]) The lookup_value is ...
Blindspots's user avatar
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Median calculation of IFS function returns #VALUE! error

If the value in [@Market] is a text string, that is why you are getting the #VALUE! error. The examples below hold true for both IF and IFS: =IF(44, true, false) // non-zero numbers =TRUE ...
Blindspots's user avatar
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Is there simpler than OFFSET in Excel to get a cell range?

To answer your question if there's a shorter way of getting same result as =OFFSET(D3, 0, 0, A1, 2) Other than removing the 0s I'd say no: =OFFSET(D3,,,A1,2) But I'd advise to use INDEX instead, since ...
P.b's user avatar
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Is there function that compares two ranges and returns the number of cells that changed values

=sumproduct(--(Range1 <> Range 2)) works Range1 <> Range2 returns a bunch true/false values and the -- turns it into 0,1 values
JoeJam's user avatar
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Is there simpler than OFFSET in Excel to get a cell range?

Select the range, type a name into the name box to the left of the formula bar, for e.g. myrangename. Now you can use =myrangename Range names can also be constructed with relative references, so they ...
teylyn's user avatar
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How to easily take a column of data in excel and turn it into a list in which each value repeats several times before continuing to the next value

Using Office 365 you could approach it with TOCOL: =TOCOL(IF({1,2,3,4},A1:A4)) Or =TOCOL(IF(SEQUENCE(,4),A1:A4)) The horizontal array of integers ({1,1,1,1} would work just as well) converts to TRUE ...
P.b's user avatar
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How to easily take a column of data in excel and turn it into a list in which each value repeats several times before continuing to the next value

If it's a one time thing: make a helper column, numbering each item 1,2,3... and so on Copy both columns Paste them four times, one below the other Sort on the numbers Delete the helper columns ...
cybernetic.nomad's user avatar
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Excel formula gives different result than manual calculation

All machines have a finite number of places for calculation and for display. This causes rounding errors. A simple example: (1 / 3) x 3 logically equals exactly 1, but as a decimal calculation, 1 / 3 =...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar

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