I want to abut multiple dynamically sized tables to each other where any one of the tables may be empty.

For example, say I have the following:

enter image description here

where A3 has the following formula:

  a, MAKEARRAY(5, A1, LAMBDA(x,y, "hello")),
  b, MAKEARRAY(5, B1, LAMBDA(x,y, "world")),
  c, MAKEARRAY(5, C1, LAMBDA(x,y, "!")),
  final, HSTACK(a,b,c),

What I want is to produce the following, if say, B1 is set to 0:

enter image description here

My attempt starts here

If any of A1, B1, or C1 are set to 0, the MAKEARRAY function results in an #VALUE! error instead of elegantly producing a 0x0 array that HSTACK could ignore...

I tried to make up for this by using IFERROR and creating an empty column when a zero was used. Like so:

  a, MAKEARRAY(5, A1, LAMBDA(x,y, "hello")),
  b, MAKEARRAY(5, B1, LAMBDA(x,y, "world")),
  c, MAKEARRAY(5, C1, LAMBDA(x,y, "!")),
  err, MAKEARRAY(5, 1, LAMBDA(x,y, "")),
  final, HSTACK(IFERROR(a, err), IFERROR(b, err), IFERROR(c, err)),

which produces produces this:

enter image description here

To get rid of the empty column, I tried this using a BYCOL to create a mask and then FILTER:

  a, MAKEARRAY(5, A1, LAMBDA(x,y, "hello")),
  b, MAKEARRAY(5, B1, LAMBDA(x,y, "world")),
  c, MAKEARRAY(5, C1, LAMBDA(x,y, "!")),
  err, MAKEARRAY(5, 1, LAMBDA(x,y, "")),
  stack, HSTACK(IFERROR(a, err), IFERROR(b, err), IFERROR(c, err)),
  col_mask, BYCOL(stack, LAMBDA(col, COUNTBLANK(col)<>5)),
  final, FILTER(stack, col_mask)

which produces #CALC!. I think this is due to the BYCOL(stack,...) function call.

I think Excel can't handle array of arrays because if I split the BYCOL and FILTER into separate cells, this actually works. For example,

enter image description here

where A10 looks like:

  col_mask, BYCOL(A3#, LAMBDA(col, COUNTBLANK(col)<>5)),
  final, FILTER(A3#, col_mask),

Is it possible to do this in a single cell without VBA?

  • Instead of BYCOL(stack, LAMBDA(col, COUNTBLANK(col)<>5)) this use this BYCOL(stack,LAMBDA(α, AND(N(α<>"")))) you need to use AND() and this is similar to use MMULT() as well!! Commented Jul 2 at 19:50

2 Answers 2


This is the quick fix to your existing formula:

enter image description here

• Formula used in cell A3

     a, MAKEARRAY(5, A1, LAMBDA(x,y, "hello")),
     b, MAKEARRAY(5, B1, LAMBDA(x,y, "world")),
     c, MAKEARRAY(5, C1, LAMBDA(x,y, "!")),
     err, MAKEARRAY(5, 1, LAMBDA(x,y, "")),
     stack, HSTACK(IFERROR(a, err), IFERROR(b, err), IFERROR(c, err)),
     col_mask, BYCOL(stack,LAMBDA(α, AND(N(α<>"")))),
     final, FILTER(stack,col_mask),

Alternatively, could use the following as well:

     ƒx, LAMBDA(α,δ,φ, IFERROR(MAKEARRAY(α, δ, LAMBDA(x,y, φ)),EXPAND("",α,,""))),
     stack, HSTACK(ƒx(5, A1, "Hello"),ƒx(5, B1, "World"),ƒx(5, C1, "!")),
     col_mask, BYCOL(stack, LAMBDA(ε, AND(N(ε<>"")))),
     final, FILTER(stack,col_mask),

The alternative usage of BYCOL() with MMULT()


MAKEARRAY() can be excluded as well:

     ƒx, LAMBDA(α,δ,φ, IFERROR(IF(SEQUENCE(α,δ)^0,φ),EXPAND("",α,,""))),
     stack, HSTACK(ƒx(5,A1,"Hellow"),ƒx(5,B1,"World"),ƒx(5,C1,"!")),
     col_max, BYCOL(N(stack<>""),AND),
     final, FILTER(stack,col_max),
  • Can you elaborate on why I needed to use the AND() to collapse the col_mask LAMBDA when used in A3 but not when it was in a different cell (A10)?
    – supernun
    Commented Jul 2 at 20:15
  • 1
    AND() function means here all the columns needs to have a value greater than 1, since we are checking if any of the columns is not equal to blank. using N(stack<>"") Commented Jul 2 at 20:17
  • 1
    @supernun for A10 its different, the BYCOL() finds A10 as a reference range, while when directly used with an BYCOL(stack,LAMBDA( it is pure array. ! This you will understand once you understand the usage of MMULT() ! Commented Jul 2 at 20:19
  • 1
    @supernun i would suggest you to understand the usage of MMULT() function from this post answer Commented Jul 2 at 20:21
  • I simplified my needs down to a single value per table but in a real use-case the LAMBDAs in my original example would be doing something more complicated with the row/column variables passed in. Also each table would be doing different things so your fx definition, while very useful, wouldn't apply to my case.
    – supernun
    Commented Jul 2 at 23:30

My proposal is to use a formula like this:

$A$2:$C$2)),",",,TRUE)), SEQUENCE($E$2,,1,0))

Repeat sequence

  • I'll take the blame for this for not being clearer in my post. The "hello", "world" and "!" were just stand-ins to make the problem easier to parse. In reality those fields are dynamically generated depending on the row and column of the array (which is why I was using MAKEARRAY). Also, creating three tables (a, b, and c) independently and then HSTACKing them is much easier to parse as a reader. It reads a bit more like a database join operation
    – supernun
    Commented Jul 5 at 20:10

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