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Why is 'ping' unable to resolve a name when 'nslookup' works fine?

In my case, I cannot access some internal websites with VPN connected. I found that 3 solutions work. The first 2 are already mentioned by others: Disable IPv6 of the Ethernet adaptor (not the VPN ...
chaosink's user avatar
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Windows 10 can't connect with any browser except Tor

I had the same issue since i started using tor i couldnt connect to my other browsers i tried it all wether it s changing the Windows default settings for the IPv4/IPv6 DNS to Google's DNS it appeared ...
Syrine Hentati's user avatar
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Fix hostname resolution in Fritz!Box local network

Like most consumer-grade routers with integrate DNS, a Fritzbox doesn't support split-brain DNS. So, if you cannot provide another DNS server for PCs in your private LAN, then you need to solve the ...
Zac67's user avatar
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Some websites don't work WITH the www. prefix

So I believe you are living in a place where people still put www before they enter the domain in url bar. So you require both and pointing at the same website. Following ...
zedkazi's user avatar
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How to setup a reverse proxy across multiple devices on a local network

I have found a lot of resources on setting up a reverse proxy in order to direct traffic to specific services via subdomains, but from what I could gather, this is all running on the same physical ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
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How to setup a reverse proxy across multiple devices on a local network

You can use traefik with docker: docker-compose.yml version: '3.7' services: traefik: image: traefik:v2.9 container_name: traefik restart: always command: - "--api....
J-Diablo's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot reach web server in vm from bare metal using DNS after iptables rules forward packets to virtual bridge

Traffics originated from the host itself is governed by the OUTPUT chain, so you need the following rule additionally: iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 9080 -j DNAT --to-destination 192.168....
Tom Yan's user avatar
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5355 UDP svchost.exe Dnscache

I know this was posted 5 year's ago, but I was looking for an answer to this as well, because ESET blocks this automatically. For years I paid no attention to it kept it blocked, and it seems ...
Alex MillerDarkEx's user avatar
6 votes

How to know when the last dns flush took place?

is there no event that shows when the system last did a flush? There is no such thing as "doing the DNS flush at the prescribed interval". The only time the DNS cache is flushed completely ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
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Mac OS Sonoma can't access Windows DNS server

I did a bit more digging and saw some Active Directory errors related to sync and DNS wouldn't serve because of it. Once I corrected those, all DNS operations were good. I suspect the Windows machine ...
Jguy's user avatar
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WSL No Internet Connection (Ubuntu, Windows 11)

It might be because your Ubuntu WSL is using a different network configuration and the resolv.conf changes are not having any effect. You can verify if it is using systemd-resolved configuration via ...
iamek's user avatar
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