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Questions tagged [wordpress]

Popular blogging engine – mostly considered off-topic. Questions about belong on WebApps.SE. Questions about installing and maintaining WordPress belong on WordPress.SE

2 votes
3 answers

Force WordPress/PHP to respect setgid bit when creating new files and directories

I'm hosting several WordPress sites on a LEMP VPS. Each site has its own Wordpress install (located under /srv/http/domain/wordpress), its own user account (site-user) and its own php-fpm pool ...
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MP4 video working on desktop, not on mobile

I embedded a video in the following URL: I made it with Premiere Pro CC, exported it as H.264. The code I use in WordPress: [video src="
user3024879's user avatar
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this domain is already in use error? [closed]

I purchased a domain from and hosted it using free of cost. Now i have forgotten the credentials of my and i want to host it on again on same site. Now I ...
Mogli's user avatar
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Making log output more readable in terminal

I'm currently developing with Wordpress and monitoring its debug.log file which updates on every page re-load. If there's an error, it will add those lines to the debug.log on refresh. The three basic ...
baelx's user avatar
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-4 votes
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How do I convert the entire Intranet- Mediawiki site to Wordpress? [closed]

I have installed Mediawiki on NAS and Wordpress on Ubuntu-sever. I need to convert the entire mediawiki site to wordpress format and run on Ubuntu. Thanks.
Shruthi's user avatar
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Wordpress Multisite Localhost with SSL (for testing purposes only)

I have followed through the instructions as referenced in Wordpress Multisite on Local vhost won't load domain-based sites. Background Info I have installed WAMP stack manually (not using XAMPP ...
megsani's user avatar
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Changing site URL in wordpress doesn't work

I'm trying to change the address of my website from .ca/wp to just .ca, so in general settings of my dashboard I changed it, but it still shows as my "under construction" page. Changing it also doesn'...
Connor's user avatar
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2 answers

Forcing HTTPS with .htaccess on site with Wordpress in subfolder

I can't get my .htaccess file to work to force HTTPS traffic Site structure that I see if I ftp to my hosting provider: / domains public_html blog The files for ...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
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Cookies Blocked on Bitnami Wordpress Multisite

I've installed the AMI from Bitnami with the Multisite as an EC2 instance. Configured everything, but when I try to access /wp-admin using chrome or Edge, it gives an error: Error: Cookies are ...
Tzn's user avatar
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Setting up DNS assistance

I want to make and point to I cannot test this because DNS updates on live websites are so slow and I am not sure what record is not applying as it should....
maleta's user avatar
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Accessing a wordpress website container from a different machine does not display images?

So I setup a wordpress website inside a docker container as on this website. When I run docker compose the containers spin up just fine and I am able to access my wordpress website from the host ...
sum1's user avatar
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Export from calibre to wordpress

I am using calibre for my e-book management software. Is there any way to export whole database (Tags, tiles, authors list), so that I can import to wordpress blog?
vOOda B's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

WAMP Wordpress how to work together on different LAN

My group and I are students working on Wordpress with WAMP installed on each group member's individual computer- I mention that we are students because I ask that any solutions be considerate of costs....
Thomas Contreras's user avatar
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Apache2 + fcgid + virtualmin - Slow website

I have 2 webservers running with Virtualmin, webmin. My problem is I have moved a website from one server to another with Virtualmin's backup restore feature. After 1-2 days the moved website as I ...
csib's user avatar
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Apache:Redirecting from subdomain to Wordpess page URL Path [closed]

I have a wordpress blog site that runs a sort of farm style instance. Each user has a url that is appended after the master subdomain(Example I have to create a DNS record ...
HodgePodge's user avatar
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Access wordpress from outside - Resolve local ip why?

I'm trying to set up wordpress on debian jessie. I can access the site within my LAN but not from outside... Port forwarding is set on my router from TCP 80 -> (local ip wordpress ...
jaydee99's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14 and LAMP can't access WordPress website

I've installed LAMP under Ubuntu 14, placed a copy of my WordPress folder files under the /lampstack-5.6.30-0/apache2/htdocs/wordpress/ folder, started LAMP Apache, MySQL...yet each time I try to ...
MChan's user avatar
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Can't create Wordpress docker on Windows

From this page, I have created c:\users\steve\Documents\Docker\Wordpress\docker-compose.yml, containing: version: '2' services: db: image: mysql:5.7 volumes: - db_data:/var/lib/...
Steve's user avatar
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Change default collation in WampServer

I have just installed WampServer (x64) in order to install a WordPress site. In localhost/phpmyadmin/ the Server connection collation is utf8mb4_general_ci. When I created a new DB, I defined the ...
yaylitzis's user avatar
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Wordpress and Linux server performance

I have a multisite wordpress instance running with 3.8 GB of RAM and 2.6 GHZ of Intel processor. I am facing issue of site performance when more than 50 users get connected to the site. Site becomes ...
uday8486's user avatar
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IP-based virtual host on Nginx

I'm trying to set up and serve WordPress on a DigitalOcean droplet that I purchased. As of now I don't have a domain name and would like to run it as Here's what my Nginx sites-...
ankush981's user avatar
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Configuring default inheritance of permissions for new directories and files

I have some WordPress websites which have a good set of permissions on it. The problem I'm having is that WordPress is creating new folders (for example for plugins) which have a different set of user/...
willemdh's user avatar
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Wordpress multisite - access from intranet and extranet

I'm not sure this can be done nicely, but maybe someone has an idea. Following is a mockup of my setup I have 2 sites (as in "datacenters") located miles apart. the "local" one, named "destination" ...
ciuly's user avatar
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macOS Sierra breaks WP Admin on XAMPP

Anyone else experiencing this problem after upgrading to MacOS Sierra and using Xampp 5.6.X? Have been using Xampp to test WordPress for years now, never had an issue, however now it seems that ...
Moe's user avatar
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Unable to create directory error on xammp ubuntu 16.04

I have installed WordPress with Xampp. Now when i am trying to upload image in wordpress it shows the following errors. Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2016/08. Is its parent directory ...
smehsan's user avatar
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Configure Gmail SMTP with Wordpress

I've been trying to configure the GMAIL SMTP plugin on Wordpress for a client and I'm stumped as to why it's not working. The configuration and OAuth works fine, but when I send a test email I get ...
Tony Tambe's user avatar
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Is there a way to transfer multiple 10s of GB?

I'm trying to find a way to transfer multiple 10s of GB, I don't know yet the right value but let's say between 20 and 40 GB. This is a wordpress instance, and yes I have no idea how can someone ...
Ricardo Gomes's user avatar
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Unable to register WordPress blog account in MS Word 2010

When I try to register for a blog account in MS Word 2010 I get the failure message pop up "Word cannot register your account. The provider where you are trying to publish is unavailable. Contact your ...
Bishnu Das's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to automate a database search on a website from a third party website?

My users will be uploading products on my website which are registered by a government organisation. This government organisation has created an online database of these products which is free to ...
Philayyy's user avatar
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How to connect LAMP server with Wordpress to the internet?

I have attempted to set up a LAMP server running Wordpress on a Raspberry Pi 3 (using Ubuntu Mate 16.04). Wordpress runs fine on the intranet (internally on the network) but I cannot seem to ...
user3026582's user avatar
-3 votes
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Site can't be Reached

I was just working hard on my Wordpress website. Its URL is I logged off for days to do some work at home, and I leave to work on my website. After 2 or 3 days when I come to ...
Syed Irfan's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Embedding an excel file on a website for further editing?

I have been provided with an excel sheet that has a tonne of calculations on it (an economics model) and have been asked to place it online. It would take days to debunk and code into a webpage, so ...
Philayyy's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Wordpress - Will changes in permalink automatically changes my existing post

I'm using Wordress platform. For a future post I want to change the permalink setting from: to Will it automatically change my existing posts (old) ...
joe1110's user avatar
-1 votes
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where should I put my html file so I can read it via Wordpress and/or Apache

where should I put my html file so I can read it via Wordpress and/or Apache that I've installed ? where is the root diractory of my site ( ? thanks
litljohnny's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Find a Backdoor in a Hacked WordPress Site with Debian [closed]

I think there was a backdoor created by the hacker which allowed them to bypass normal authentication. Wordpress 4.4.2 in apache2 with MySQL I install chkrootkit, rkhunter but finding nothing! I find ...
zetanova's user avatar
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compressing a tar.gz into something smaller

I backed up a wordpress install that I'm working on. It's around 65Gig. Is there a way to compress a tar.gz file to something even smaller? The reason it's so big is that it has ton of videos in the ...
unixmiah's user avatar
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How do I change file permissions on Wordpress on Mac

I have reviewed the following link Chmod to allow read and write permissions for directory However when I run chmod 755 I get chmod: -R: No such file or directory This is what I tried to do chmod ...
James Gacuca's user avatar
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Apache2 serves all files in the wordpress directories tree. Did I misconfigure it?

First I noticed that if I go to, it gives me an empty page instead of 404 error. I tested it with another file - wp-config-example.php, and it gave me a page with the ...
CrabMan's user avatar
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How I can configure Wordpress CMS in Visual Studio Code?

I have installed Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 15.10 and I need this to recognize all features of Wordpress-Plugins to develop and / or themes of Wordpress. I want to be alone in the project wordpress ...
Jose Carlos Ramos Carmenates's user avatar
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Is it possible to use columns in a Wordpress page without resorting to HTML <table>?

I have almost completed a relatively simple site on which the site sponsor has now requested the ability to set text/data on a particular page in columns: firstly to display rows of data ...
robgoch's user avatar
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Site unreacable after mapping domain DNS to AWS Elastic IP

I am following different tutorials to have my blog setup and working. I installed the WP on AWS which was working fine. Then I created Elastic IP and used that IP in my domain dns ( I used ...
Em Ae's user avatar
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Godaddy WordPress 408error on linux

I have a small website I'm starting on godaddy through their wordpress hosting platform. I can access my sites admin pages (/wp-admin) on all my devices but only seem to be able to do edits on ones ...
Gavin Barnett's user avatar
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How to emulate a private IP address for local Apache webserver?

I am working on two seperate computers (office PC and home laptop) on the same project. It's a WordPress website. I use Git and Bitbucket for version control and remote branching. On both machines, I'...
Bunjip's user avatar
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How to determine if website has more than one platform?

Someone built my website using I think html5 and wordpress. How can I get into the codes to find out?? Another website designer is trying to charge me a lot of money to diagnose this??
paully999's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to try a Wordpress or Joomla extension/component for free? [closed]

I'm new to CMS, and couldn't install a plugin/component using free Wordpress/Joomla accounts. What's the best and easiest way to try such plugins/components? Thanks!
Sapiens's user avatar
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Wordpress can't upload images due to permissions [closed]

I'm having problems trying to get Media uploads working on my VPS w/ Wordpress. My Apache service is running as user:group apache:apache. My user folder is owned by my user eugene and grouped apache. ...
eugene.parker's user avatar
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Wordpress / NGINX configuration issue

Can't get wordpress working with my NGINX configuration. PhpMyAdmin (Fast Cgi gateway) is oK , but I get a HTTP 404 error code when trying to access http://junon/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php but ...
Emmanuel BRUNET's user avatar
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Port forward localhost using Xampp

I have built a wordpress site on my localhost:8081 . Now i would like to access it from the internet(please dont suggest ngrok etc etc). I have a netgear wgr614 router. Now this is what i have done: ...
Srajan Soni's user avatar
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Make apache index.html default instead of wordpress

I'm trying to set up a server on a CentOS machine that already has apache and wordpress installed on it. I want to view the default apache web page index.html when accessing from the browser but it ...
abcdef's user avatar
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Can't dump to file despite mysqld running as root

TL;DR I don't understand how mysql running as root@localhost would not be allowed to write to /usr/lib/? Writing a file there is a common step in going from SQL injection to root shell. Details below....
user2018084's user avatar
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